COVID-19: 572 cases, 80 in hospital, 69-year-old woman passes away
COVID-19 update 26 December | 572 new cases • 94 recoveries • 5,766 active cases • 80 patients in hospital, 5 in ITU • Vaccine booster doses 188,041

(File Photo)
Malta registered 572 new coronavirus cases on Sunday, a drop from the over 900 cases of the past two days.
The death of a 69-year-old woman was also revelead by the Health Ministry, bringing the total tally to 475.
Active cases now amouny to 5,766 after just 94 new recoveries were registered.
Hospitalisations have also increased to 80, with five patients in ITU.
Till yesterday, 1,031,293 vaccine doses were administered, of which 188,041 are a booster dose.