'I won't budge from Sliema council', Cyrus Engerer tells PBO

UPDATED | Sliema deputy mayor Cyrus Engerer has slammed PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier for having called him yesterday insisting that he resigns from the Sliema council.

Engerer - who yesterday shocked the PN with his resignation and move to Labour in protest at Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi's no-vote on the divorce bill - expressed 'disgust' at the way the PN was now trying to pressure him into resigning from the Sliema Council.

Speaking on One Radio this morning, Cyrus Engerer said that he has already declared that he will remain loyal towards Sliema  residents that elected him to the council, and although he was elected on the PN ticket, he will stay on as an independent and see to the well-being of all Sliema residents.

"The PN must stop these manoevres where it tries to bully its way into local councils business, and although I knew about it, it only hit me now that I am going through it myself," Engerer told his interviewer.

The outspoken gay-rights activist officially resigned from the PN in the wake of Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi’s vote against the divorce bill last Wednesday, and has publicly called for Gonzi’s resignation.

Engerer’s resignation awards Labour an unprecedented majority on the Sliema nationalist stronghold and comes a shock for the PN that even attempted to dampen the impact by spinning a story in The Times that reported “Cyrus Engerer has no intention of resigning from the Nationalist Party in spite of ruffling feathers with comments he wrote on Facebook following the Prime Minister's "no" vote in the second reading of the divorce debate in Parliament.”

In a statement, the Nationalist Party said it disagreed with Engerer's motivations to resign, adding that the PN always embraced "diverse opinions." However, the PN "accepted" Cyrus Engerer's resignation.

Reacting to the news, Labour leader Joseph Muscat said that "Labour is the new natural home for moderates and progressives who feel part of a movement that goes beyond petty politics."

Muscat said that Gonzi has "lost his moral leadership" and added that his [Gonzi's] obstinate “no” vote was a vote of no-confidence in the better judgement and will of the Maltese people.

"Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi no longer represents the Maltese people” and “has committed political suicide” wrote Engerer on social networking site on Facebook on Wednesday.

Following the outcome of Wednesdays vote during the divorce bill’s second reading in parliament, Engerer took to commenting on Facebook to vent his frustration at how Gonzi defied what many felt a direct expression of the people’s will and vote against the divorce bill.

Engerer referred to statements made by Nationalist MP and Gonzi’s brother Michael Gonzi, who said that he would not be a dictator by voting against the divorce bill when the people had expressly voted in favour of it.

“Even the PM's own brother, MP Michael Gonzi, has stated in parliament that the PM is a dictator when he said that anyone who votes ‘no’, after having consulted the people in a referendum, is a dictator,” Engerer wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.

In his comment, Engerer maintained that despite how he never criticized Gonzi for his anti-divorce stance, “a PM cannot go against the will of the majority following a vote.”

He also pointed out that in Wednesday’ vote during the divorce bill’s second reading in parliament, “the country's executive, cabinet, [went] against the will of the majority too.”

“Has our government lost its democratic credentials?” Engerer questioned.

A member of the PN’s liberal ranks and a pro-divorce lobbyist in the run up to the referendum, Engerer went on to lament how the Nationalist Party had “always boasted of its democratic credentials, after what happened in 1981 and the needed changes it brought to our country after 1987.”

He also said that the PN was the party that, following the 2003 accession EU referendum, attacked the Labour Party and its leader (Alfred Sant) “for going against and voting against in parliament what was decided by the people.”

“Today, I now expect Lawrence Gonzi to tell us that he was mistaken in 2003, and that Alfred Sant was right because he did the exact same thing,” Engerer maintained. “They both [made] undemocratic decisions.”

Engerer argued that under these circumstances, he, like many other PN supporters from various walks of life, “cannot remain silent”.

“Lawrence Gonzi no longer represents the Maltese population, he has committed political suicide and, if he has the country's and the party's interests at heart, he should resign immediately,” Engerer said in no uncertain terms.

Pointing to North African and other Mediterranean countries afflicted by social unrest due to “heads of state or government [who] went against the will of the majority,” Engerer said that while “a different scenario, since we have the likes of a dictatorship only on civil rights…. it is still unacceptable.”

“Unless there are immediate changes, many people's options will only remain to disassociate themselves from government and from the party,” Engerer warned.

@OLGA ghaliex ghax il MT mhux l-artikli ta' kontra l-gvern biss igib. li niskanta li tghid li fuq it-times ma jgibux il-kummenti tal-pl, mela vera ma tafx ghax hawn min jghamel cut u paste min fuq dan il-blogg u jwadbu fuq i-times. Li forsi ma thallix it-times hu l-abuzz li jsir fuq dan il-blogg li bl-istess email address tibdel in-nickname tieghek kull darba. Jekk trid nghidlek ftit ezempji
Profs giddieb Guidaforte ghadni ma nistax naghmilha t-Tiswija! Urini l-izbalji
@Zurrieq Blue Jekk int fic-civil ma tistax tikteb ittri fil-gazzetti u fuq website minhajr il-permess tal-kap tieghek; l-anqas biex tfahhar l-amministrazzjoni ahseb hu ara biex tajjar u tinsulta l-PM. Kif tista' taqdi dmierek jekk int haqshekk kontra l-PN meta l-PN huwa fil-gvern?. Irtira u itlak
Professur Balalu Guidoforte sibthomli l-ghaxar zbalji?
@ Anonimu Guidocforte: Urihomli, jekk joghgbok, halli nitghallem dejjem.
Giovann.DeMartino Il-Pl jirringrazzjak tal-pariri li qed taghtih u tas-simpatija li ghandek ghal PL. Pero parir bla mitlub kollu mitluf. Ara ma tmurx kontra qalbek u tivvota Labour ghax mhux sewwa taf, taghmel dnub. Il-kuxjenza illum importanti hafna. Il-PN se jghaddi minghajr Engerer, JPO, Mugliett, it-tabib Farrugia, Debono u hafna ohrajn li fethu daqsxejn halqhom inkluz dawk li jappogjawhom, tghid il-PL ma jghaddix minghajr il-vot tieghek! Veru hawn min kollox mas-saqajn.
Jeffrey Camilleri
Cyrus you should leave Sliema Local Council caues you have hurted those who voted you and have cheated on them now that you said you will be active with PL!!!! Shame on you!! where are your responsabilities?????
Sur DeMartino, din il-gazzetta hija ta` kulhadd, ma dhaltx fl-ghalqa ta` hadd inti. Ir-raguni li hawn jidhlu hafna b`sentimenti Laburisti hija li gazzetti ohrajn, li huma taht l-Umbrella ta`GonziPN, insemmi wahda minnhom, TimeofMalta.com, iggib biss il-kummenti li jaqbel lilha. Hawnhekk taf kif tahdem is-sistema, il-mument li tghafas SAVE tidher mill-ewwel. Meta jghamlu hekk tat-Times, nibdew infaqqawlek hemm.
@ Zurrieq Blues....Isa, gib ismek, jekk tahdem mac civil.......Ghada issib promotion tistennik. Ma tafx li DeGiovanni ghadu bil vizzju li kellhom il Kappillani. Dik li ihazzu min huwa BLU ,u min huwa AHMAR. @ Giovann, ghandek mill l-anqas 10 kelmiet hziena...mur tghallem il Malti qabel tikteb.
Joseph Sant
Demartino - qed nithassrek. Li int giddieb matrikolat kont naf imma issa waqajt fl-iskizzofrenija. Ghax ma tasalx wasla s'ghand Dr Joseph Cassar forsi jghinek.
Patricia Marsh
@Giovann.DeMartino. Dan minn meta kont laburist? Lanqas tippronunzja tajjeb ma taf tant kemm lanqas biss tiflah ghal dak kollu li hu laburist. B'din l-ahhar kitba tieghek ikkonfermajt kemm int Nazzjonalist Giovann.DePinocchio, ahjar tibda tiffirma hekk jew GovannDeGonzi, ftit hemm differenza bejn l-ghaziz tieghek il-PM u Pinocchio............ghax hlief gideb ma johrog. U toqghodx tghid li ma nurix ismi....le ismi ma nurihx ghax bhala impjegat tac-civil nibza minn xi tpattija mill-gvern li jaghmel kollox skont il-kuxjenza.
Patricia Marsh
@Giovann.DeMartino. Dan minn meta kont laburist? Lanqas tippronunzja tajjeb ma taf tant kemm lanqas biss tiflah ghal dak kollu li hu laburist. B'din l-ahhar kitba tieghek ikkonfermajt kemm int Nazzjonalist Giovann.DePinocchio, ahjar tibda tiffirma hekk jew GovannDeGonzi, ftit hemm differenza bejn l-ghaziz tieghek il-PM u Pinocchio............ghax hlief gideb ma johrog. U toqghodx tghid li ma nurix ismi....le ismi ma nurihx ghax bhala impjegat tac-civil nibza minn xi tpattija mill-gvern li jaghmel kollox skont il-kuxjenza.
duncan abela
I fully agree that the PM as head of government should have voted in harmony with the wishes of the Maltese people as expressed in the referendum. However by the same token Cyrus betrayed the will of the PN supporters who elected himi on the Sliema Council. He should if the he truly believes in democracy have resigned and then seek reelection in the next council elections as a PL candidate. Unfortunately in this country principles apply only tothe other side and not when they equally apply to us.
X'se tghid Daphne? Nahseb qabditha puplesija!
The fact that an individual (Cyrus) joined the LP is of little significance. What is significant is that Cyrus was part of the youthful and not-so-youthful reforming movement within the PN. That is why his defection matters. The PN is being shown for what it is - nice words not backed up by action especially when it comes to gay and lesbian rights. No sane gay man or lesbian should contemplate voting PN.
Well done cyrus!
Sur Demartino, Bir-rispett kollu lejk u l-opinjoni tieghek, imma vera li diga hawn eluf ta' persuni li fl-2008 ivvotaw PN u fl-elezzjoni li gejja ser jivvutaw Labour ghall-ewwel darba.
Nissimpatizza hafna ma' Kummentatur. Nistqarr li jien gej minn familja lejburista u dejjem haddant it-twemmin laburista. U ma nohlomx li nghid li fl-elezzjoni li gejja jien fi hsiebni nivvota PN. Dejjem jekk il-Bambin jislifni l-ghomor. Ghaliex? Ghall-gid tal-PL li jien tant habbejt u ghadni nhobb. Forsi gvern laburista futur ikun l-aqwa gvern li qastt kellna, imma billi issa nsejna meta l;-ahhar kellna gvern laburista u ninsabu verament iddisprati, il-mexxej prezenti li tant kelli fiducja fih, jiddispjacini rega' dawwar lilu n-nifsu b'min ghajjar traditur lill-KBIR u zamm ukoll mieghu mlil min ipprova jhebb ghalih. Mhux biss. Huwa mdawwar b'partita sangisugi tal-passat u hu qatt ma kien ragel bizzejjed jaghmel apologija ghan-niket kbir li r-regimi laburista tal-passat gabu fuqna lkoll. Ghalhekk kontra qalbni, u verament kontra qalbi jkolli nivvota PN forsi wara 5 snin ohra l-PL jitghallem igib ruhu ta' nies halli l-Maltin ma jibqghux jassocjawna ma' vjkolenza' arroganza, korruzzjoni u s-seba' rjus tad-dnubiet il-mejta kollha. Kontra qalbi jkolli nivvota PN.!
Ma nistax nifhem ghalfejn din il-frattarija kollha ghax Cyrus Engerer telaq minn mal-PN u nghaqad mal-Labour!! Hemm mijiet kbar ta' persuni li fl-2008 fl-elezzjoni ivvutaw lill-PN u s'issa diga iddecidew li fl-elezzjoni li gejja, tigi meta tigi, din id-darba se jivvutaw lill-PL taht Joseph Muscat, inkluz jien. Sa ftit xhur jew snin ilu ma kontx nimmaginani li xi darba nivvota Labour, imma c-cirkostanzi tal-pajjiz hekk qed jesigu, li jkollna bidla fil-Gvern ta' Malta ma'l-ewwel opportunita' li jkun hemm. Iva hi verita' sagrosanta li fl-elezzjoni li jmiss se jkun hemm eluf kbar ta' nies li bhali dejjem ivvutaw lill-PN elezzjoni wara l-ohra, u issa qed jidhrilhom li l-pajjiz ghandu bzonn bidla radikali fit-tmexxija, ghalhekk ser jivvutaw lill-PL ghall-ewwel darba.
@Martin Borg...I hasten to assure you that Demartino and I never met. I for one don't write obo anybody. I have my own mind and I use it. I never had a herd mentality and I am not exactly young. I am a pensioner and have been so for the past 13 years. I have worked for all the PMs in Malta from GBO Mintoff EFA KMB and AS; but I was never formed part of a private secretariat. I was attached to the UN for 6 months. If you say that my comments remind you of RCC and DCG I am not surprised, as we all talk alot of sense and we all call a spade a spade. So by definition we can never be part of the Labour camp.
Bobinu, get a real name and I really don't understand your point at all. The PN and the Prime Miniister were elected for a 5 year terma dn they can serve that in full if the government does not fall. The divorce referendum was not an election, just a referendum to vote on something. That all that is. If you closely at the details, that is what you will conclude. It has nothing to do with the completion of the 5 year term. If you don't understnand that, then you need to go back to school and I mean take a 101 class on common sense.
Ma nsibux wiehed imma wiehed li taqbizlu mill back bencher tal-PN. Basta jmorru l-knisja dawn. Tarahhom kull fil-ghodu. Kissruna u farrkuna.
PN first lose Deborah Schembri to Labour, now Cyrus Engerer. Remember Marisa Micallef (Leyson)? John Bundy? And the list goes on. It's truly a wind of change! http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/05/deborah-zzid-mar-rih-tal-bidla/
Mi l-kummenti tieghi jinkwetawhom hafna ili naf. Imma qatt ma kont nemmen li jinkwetawhom daqstant. Forsi ghax dil-gazzetta huma jghodduha b'taghhom. U jien dhaltilhom xi naqra fl-ghalqa.
Dejjem ivvutajt pn. Nistqarr li jien nazzjonalist, izda nazzjonalist deluz! Qatt mhu se nsejjah lili laburista ghaliex jien ghandi principji li jwahhluni mal-pn. Nemmen li l-pn ghandhom imorru fl-oppozizzjoni llum qabel ghada. Dan nemmnu verament. It-tmexxija hija dik li hi. Tmexxija bla ideat, li perswaz li tixtieq taghmel il-gid izda mhux qed jirnexxilha. Anzi, qeghda tfarrak dak li bena l-pn snin ilu. Dak li llum qed jiftahar bih il-pn, u sewwa jaghmel, ma ghamluhx l-istess nies li hemm llum. Ma naqbel f'xejn ma Cyrus Engerer, izda nhobbu u nirrispettah bhala bniedem u bhala malti bhali. Nifhmu li ma ghadux ihossu komdu u ghalhekk ghax jemmen li ghandu x'joffri lil politika inghaqad mal-pl. Sew ghamilt la temmen hekk habib. Ma nixtieqx nikteb biex inkun popolari, izda qed nikteb dak li qed ihossu l-maggoranza tal-pn. Qed insibha iebsa nikteb dan il-kliem fuq il-partit tieghi, izda nhoss li l-gid johrog minn sitwazzjonijiet bhal dawn. Nixtieq il-gid lil pn ghalhekk se nivvota ghal PL sabiex il-partit tieghi jirrelega ruhu. Hemm biss jista jsib l-gheruq tieghu, fejn qieghed llum danni lil malta u lilu qed jaghmel. Ahna maltin imbaghad nazzjonalisti/laburisti. Ghaziz paul borg oliver, ghaziz lawrence gonzi, ghaziz austin gatt u l-kumpanija, hemm nazzjonalisti li minhabba fikom qed ibatu, u f'isimhom nghidilkom WARRBU! Malta jixirqilha Hafna Ahjar.... Ifhmuni imma din hija l-verita'! PN GrAZZI ta' kull ma ghamilt, u tajjeb ghamilt hafna, imma issa mur strieh u halli jmexxi lil min huwa aktar frisk fl-idejat!!
DeMartino anki lil-PN kien qazzezz bil-kitbiet tieghu ghax dejjem hierga l-hdura u t-tghajjir. Tant hu hekk ki hu stess ammetta li huwa persona non grata mal-Media tal-PN. Ghaldaqstant beda jdoqq it-trumbetta tal-PN hawnhekk, halli meta jkollu bzonn xi pjacir imur wiccu minn quddiem, ghax kunjomu mhux Ganni Borg.
Il-punt kardinali hu li jghidu x'jghidu l-apologisti tal PN il-bahrin qed jabbandunaw il vapur tal PN immexxi min Dr.Gonzi.
@briffy & demartino Who is co-ordinating your apologies RCC, DCG or Gordon? Your arguments are so obtuse it has to be one of them.
Cyrus stand up for your beliefs like you did , and treat those the same way like they treated you , Say by by to Borgoliver and a nice hand shake to Lydia Abela
Everybody is welcome at tal-Pieta'. . Some when they join. . Others when they leave. . haha
Stay put! Treat them the way they treat gay men and lesbians. Ignore them.
The majority of voters and politicians are supporting the party they "grew up" with, because their family was always blue or red..be it tradition, comfort zone, not questioning themselves if that particular party still suits their needs or expectations. . In the meantime, those who behave with integrity, take action and switch sides get all bashed up and bullied. Not that this happens for the first time though.
X'demokrazija din hux !! Ghax ma taqbilx ma gonzi jaqtawlek rasek barra. Fejn hi demokrazija, fejn hi il -liberta ta l-espresjoni . Nghallaq billi nuri solidarjeta ma cyrus u tibzax , daqt tixghel it-torca.
Sur Azzoppardi....din tghodd ukoll ghal min jipprentendi li hu jirraprezenta lil poplu u ma joqghodx ghar-rieda tal-poplu iktar u aktar meta jkollok PM lil jfarfar ir-risponsabilita u bhal pilatu jghaddiha lil poplu f'referendum u wara mhux biss ma joqghodx ghar rieda tal-poplu imma iktar minn hekk ta ditatur ( kliem huh) jipprova jghadina biz zmien billi jserrah fuq shabu li xi hadd zbgur gielhom biex jivvotaw kontra qalbhom.. kemm hasbu li ahna cwiec .
Malta is a democracy, so MR. Engerer can do what he please. My believe on all of this is that Mr. Engerer was elected as a PN, thus anyone who switch parties should vacate his seat and an election be held in a month's time to allow the people to vote again. When someone switch a party, it's ok to move to another party, but they no longer represent the people who elected him or her, thus they must vacate that seat immediately. That is the proper way to do things and the honest way to do it. Let the people decide. Period.
Let me remind you all gentlemen in case you have forgotten. Elections are not won by the blinded staunch supporters of a party be it Blue or Red but by the floaters who uses common sense and sharp perceptions to guide them how to vote. Blind faith does not come into it for the floater knows that many commentators here are in it for their own personal agenda or pocket. Finally those who are counting chickens before they are hatched should better thread carefully. The worst thing one can do is take something or someone forgranted.
Cyrus, ............Ara ma ccedilux ghax int suldat tal-azzar.......... lil Pawlu l-bojja...nghidlu "Int ghalhekk biss maghruf biex taqta ras min ma jaqbilx mieghek..... u trid tilghaba tad-demokratiku......tinsiex li hekk ghamiltlu lis-sindku ta' had-attard ......kellek bzonn hdimt daqsu u kont popolari daqsu f'pajjizek, sur segretarju .....int tagixxi biss ma min hu izghar minnek minghajr rispett ta' xejn........ dak is-sindku, li ra l-mewt, lanqas naqra hniena ma gietkom minnu, anzi iktar akkistuh x'hin dahhaltu f'raskom li riddtu tqacctuh agha xskons intom kien skada.... ahseb u ara kemm ser tasbhuha fuq dan iz-zghazugh li qed igibkom s'sensikom u bl-arroganza li ghankom ma tridux tafu..............tilef il-fiducja fikom bhalma qed jgahmel il-poplu kollu.... Ghalhekk sewwa jghid Joseph...dan hu moviment ghal kulhadd..... u kull ma jmur qed jigbor li dawk li ghandom ftit tal-melh u hafna kuragg ghax xebghu fir-korrizzjoni , fl-arroganza, fid-dittatura ( skond huh stess), u fil-qerda tas-socjeta specjalment il-medja. Qatt mhu tard wisq u iktar ma jghaddi z-zmien iktar qed jizvojta il-partit "tal-cicci kwiet u oqghod kif nghidlek jien"
l-ahwa..baxxu naqra it-ton ma Demartino, ma jmurx jiehu ghalih u ma jiktibx iktar. Issa Briffy stenbah ukoll..kull ma jonqos jirritorna Antoine Vella.. Jien li kont flok il-PL intiehom paga fil-gimgha biex ikomplu ghaddejin kif inhuma!
I dont' really care to which party Cyrus E. belongs. I admire him because he is not afraid of the high priests. We need people like him in this tongue wagging country!! But now please get back to real problems facing Sliema ... mainly the promised residents parking scheme.. and don't let the big businesses bully you out of it as it seems they already have!!!!
Micheal Bonanno
@Briffy. Then why was I transferred if not for retribution? As a promotion? Or for a change of scenery? Hallina Briffy trid!!!
DeMartino....dalwaqt tinqatalek iz zejza habib...min jaf kif int indannat gewwa fik!...By the way...Eddy Privaitera mhux wiehed hawn hbieb!...Hawn iehor...Nazzjonalist bil pedigree min guf ommu!!!
Gonzi has failed miserably because he is more concerned about his conscience and his party, that has become a party of the few for the very few then he is interested in the well being of Malta and it's people. He has no respect for us Maltese because if the referendum approved the introduction of divorce he as prime minister should follow suite and vote in favor of such an issue.
I will not waste any more time with such characters. They CANNOT and therefore DO NOT deny anything I said; instead like the losers they are they resort to name-calling and insults which shows their true colours and their pathetic efforts at debating. The ability to debate is something that is taught in all universities. So these people have not learnt anything from their Alma Mater. Indeed they lack even the most basic elements of civilities.
Lil Eddy Privitera: Rigward x'qal jew x'jkahseb hu l-PM ma jinteressani xejn ghax safejn naf jien hu l-PM bhali, bhalek u bhalu stess ilkoll kemm ahna zewg penzijiet ghandna u apparti fuq medicina, ghax hu tabib, il-kelma tieghu f'dik li hi opinjoni hija ezatt bhal taghna lkoll. Il-PM jifhimha mod u huh jifhimha mod iehor. PE Alfred Sant u hafna ohrajn fehmu li l-LE kien rebah u baqghu jeqirdu s'issa. U Joseph Muscat kien heggighom biex jivvotaw kontra kif fil-fatt ghamlu. Allura Sant, Muscat u l-PL dittaturi? U zgur LI LE! Mela ed toholmu jew. Rigward li JIEN sejjaht lilek nazzjonalist........nahseb mhux jien wahdi zmagat!
PBO opens his mouth to illustrate GonziPN's democratic credentials.
To all blogers
DeMartino u Briffy..........Jekk ghandkhom il guts idhlu f`dan is sit www.maltapolitics.com/vjolenzanazzjonalista.htm.........u Ibqa zgur li tmorru f`rokna u tibku xortikhom li gejtu nazzjonalisti. Mela ghamlu kuragg....
Briffy, you know of the good conscience our dear prime minister and his cronies have for labour sympathisers. Well, since 1987, the PN turned full circle, having surrounded himself with cwiec of his own allegiance. Have you read 1987 or The Animal farm? Ys standard of education has indded reached new levels ... of ridicule. The PN continues to believe his own lies. And now the PN has lost his majorit in the Slima council. Jahasra! hux You are definately one of the m
Giovann Demartino: ghadni qed nistenna r-risposta tieghek. Iddewwimnix hafna ghax qed jaqbadni l-guh u dalwaqt immur niekol jekk ma nkunx kilt lilek qabel ! Din cajta tafx ! Eddy Privitera
Giovann DeMartino : Ghadni kif dhalt fil-Malta Today u sibt il-kemment tieghek fejn ktibt, forsi bi zball, li jien " nazzjonalist ". Jekk b'dik il-kelma ridt tghid li jien ghalija MALTA TIGI L-EWWEL U QABEL KOLLOX, allura ghandek ragun. Innutajt li bqajt ma rrispondejtx dwar il-kemment ta' hu l-prim ministru, Michael Gonzi, li qal li min kien se jivvota kontra fil-parlament iqishom bhad-DITTATURI li qeghdin jehduha kontra r-rieda tal-popli taghhom, kif ghamel Lawrence Gonzi nhar l-Erbgha fil-parlament ! Isa Giovann, ghidilna x'tahseb dwar dak li qal hu l-prim ministru. Eddy privitera
Briffy and Demartino you make me laugh, you are so entertaining. For both of you the PN is like a wedge of gorgonzola cheese, rotten, mouldy and smells awful and you still say its good!!! Keep it up both of you. Were it not for you these blogs would be boring. Since as you said briffy, variety is the spice of life. You spice up our life by calling good something which is mouldy and smells like saqajn tal-bahrin. Have a good day both of you, and stay cool its goin to be hot today as well.
Briffy & De Martino, Jekk se noqghodu naraw x'gara 30 jew 40 sena nistghu mmorru aktar lura u tirringrazzja lil Labour li taw il-vot lin-nisa taghkom ghax kieku lil EFA ma kontux ittellugh fil-gvern, mhux hekk. Kieku uliedkom ma kienx ikkollhom Children's Allowance, mhux hekk. L-anzjana taghna minghajr pensjoni kienu jibghqu la kien ghalikom tal-PN, mhux hekk. Nahseb ahjar titkellmu fuq illum u ghada u ma tantx tghajru lil haddiehor ghax kitbietkom bhal boomerang, qed iwwaqqu lilkom stess ghac-cajt. Bilhaqq kif intom midfunin fil-passat ghidulna xi haga fuq l-inkwizizzjoni.
Those who are using a non-de-plume are not doing so because they fear retribution. They know perfectly well that democracy was restored in Malta in 1987 by Eddie fenech Adami. It was under Fenech Adami's government that private radio and TV stations, including, super one and One were set up. A far cry from the stance taken by Mintoff in the 1980s when he made fun of the PN's application to set up a radio station to be able to counteract the litany of lies and the goebbel's style propaganda of Xandir Malta which was paid for from Maltese taxes and used - and abused - solely to churn out socialist propaganda. A staunch labourite friend of mine once told me that Xandir Malta was worse than radio Tirana. Anyway, while some people who use a nom-de-plume do so to be able to get away with their insults and abysmal manners not to mention the inciting, libellous and seditious comments of some of them - blissfully unaware that they are traceable even tho' hiding under non-de-plumes, because every PC has its address - there are others who seem to be part of a team set up to denigrate the PN and score brownie points for Labour. The level of education of the commentators varies as well; some are capable of writing well in English and Maltese - never mind the substance - while others seem to have merely basic education. Variety is the spice of life they say.
Minn ghand Gonzi Pn akkwistajna d-demokrazija u prosperita u gid li jgibu l-ghira tal-barranin. Tista' tahseb x'gherf hiereg: Jien Nazzjonalist u Eddy Privitera wkoll nazzjonalist. Dawn li anqas jifhmu bil-Malti jifhmu fil-finanzi, fit-trasport, fl-edukazzjoni, fl-Air Malta...f'kollox jifhmu...barra jaqraw bil-Malti
DeMartino? Jidhirli li dan il-kunjon akkwista mhux hazin minghand il-Gonzipn (b.n.a. PINOCCHIO).
Micheal Bonanno
@Human Torch. Siehbi l-ikbar zball li ghamilt hu meta ghidt li Eddie Privitera hu Nazzjonalist. Dan Laburist minn guf ommu, u wiehed mill-fundaturi tac-CNI flimkien ma' KMB. Zball ohxon siehbi.
Cyrus, hopefully you will also campaign to get the old bus routes back again, especially for the Sliema residents who urgently need them, the Bugibba residents who need them in summer and Gozitans who are spending 3 hrs each way commuting. You should also campaign for equal gay rights and same sex marriages.
There are men and women of poor judgement in every party on this small island of ours. History has proved that no party has the monopoly of truth and more so now that the Nationalist party, who pretended to be the defender of democracy, has gone down the same road when Labour lost the referendum of Malta's entry in the EU. For me the issue of divorce was never that much important but its the principle that counts.
Patricia Marsh
@ Human Torch. Qabel ma jaqra l-messagg tieghek is-Sur DeMartino u jaghmel festa (hekk jew hekk issa ilu x-xhur ghaddej bil-funerali:)), Eddy Privitera mhux Nazzjonalist.
Professor De martino, your party has been shafting us Maltese with high utility bills, fuel etc and shoddy public service for years now. To find an excuse for all this mess and chaos that your PN has put this nation in you're spinning around aimlessly pointing fingers at anyone and everyone, rather than sit down and have a good look at your own party shortcomings. Have you ever heard this saying. Those who adapt and improve succeed. Those that don’t just create opportunities for others. I think there's a lesson for the church too, come to think of it... Come next election the Maltese electorate will wipe the floor with Gonzipn
@DeMartino...int ghamel li trid int u kompli iffirmi b'ismek bhal ma qed jaghmel Edy Privitera. Dak huwa dritt taghkom li taghmlu hekk bhala zewg Nazzjonalisti min raskom sa saqajkom. Iva hekk gibtuna ergajtu li niktbu taht non-de-plum bhal ma kontu tajru lil Gvern Socjalista ta Mintoff inthom fis sebajnijiet u t-Tmeninijiet taht non-de-plum! Tiftakar habib???....Issa kif tinqaleb il folja nghidlek min jien.
Giovann.DeMartino, L-affarijiet hudhom bil mod, toqodx titbaqbaq. Veru li issib min iqabbizilek, pero int minthiex mil helwin l`anqas (politikament ), ghax gieli ghedt hmerijiet, u dejjem tara il flixkun daqqa nofsu vojt u daqqa ohra tarah mimli. U bhal ma jghamel kullhadd, tuza in nuccali li tara bih int u mhux li jara bih haddiehor, bhal ma gieli ghamilt int. Qeghed tiehu ghalik ghax hafna ma igibux isimhom ? Mela ghandek xi pitazz, bhal ma kien ikollu il kappillan, u timmarka, bil BLU jew bl`AHMAR, Giovann. Int matur bizzejjed li meta targumenta ghandek tiehu il MESSAGG u mhux il MESSAGIER. Ghal fini ta l-izball, jien ukoll b`ismi qeghed, kemm tifridhom.......5...1....5.
Minn 165 kumment jidhirli li barra Eddy Privitera u jien hadd m'ghandu dan il-kuragg kbit li jiffirma ismu!...Hadd ma jrid ikun maghdud bhala xempju tal-istupitagni. U meta ssib min jghidlek li jien ghandi l;-power ghax ghandi qassis jigi minni u ghandi ex sindku jigi minni! X'ma thabbatx rasek mal-hajt!
At this stage one say a lot. Cryus has left the the PN because he kows for sure that now we are not living in a demcratic country any more. Our main problems are three things. A we do not know if our country is run by fascists so called priests. B by a PM and the majiorty of his cabinet who does not respect the wish of the people. B we have an opposition that under this cerumstances keep attending the parlament, of which I see the biggest problem. If the PL feels that now democracy in our country has been abolished he should do like other countries and let the dictatership florish. I am more than sure that then the majiorty of the maltese people will not permit all this and they fight again for their freedom!
First of all,I would like to welcome on board Cyrus.Well done my friend,not because I m a pl supporter,but because you re showing us that you are a very strong man and also because you left the pn aka the last extreme fascist party left in europe!Well done Cyrus,we need people like you in our party and in Malta. Yo demartino don t be so desperate and dull,Malta is our country,not yours,because we actually live in it!In the meantime keep writing and surfinf dude nobody cares anymore about the pn, ops sorry,gonzipn.You re going down
Luke Camilleri
Bil-fors trid tammirah il-Cyrus ghal kuragg li ghandhu jehodha kontra il-Partit Nazzjonalista li forsi ghadu zghir wisq biex veru jkun jaf x'uissarraf dan il-partit u sa fejn jaslu minn imexxih! Certament Cyrus ghamel pass kuraguz hafna u issa jkun preparat ghal baraxx mill-ex-partit tieghu kemm fil-wicc u kemm minn taht, l'aktar b'social boycotts, u nsulti lejn qraba u hbieb tieghu ! NMaghmlulu kuragg u sempliment nawguralu li jkun kuntent bl-ghazla tieghu u jhossu kuntent fi hdan partit li jhares dejjem il-quddiem!!
Back to 1994 when I and a handful of other gay men appeared on Pjazza Tlieta. Back to 1994 when I and Emmy Bezzina had long discussions on homosexuality and divorce on Il-Parlament tal-Poplu, starting around 9 PM and many times finishing at 3AM. So many gay men complained that nothing ever changes in Malta. Seventeen years later and gay and lesbian politics as well as divorce are finally mainstream politics in Malta. Congratulations to those gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and other supporters who had the courage to challenge mediocrity. As the 1972 Australian federal politics slogan for the ALP proclaimed: It's time! Let's hammer out justice. Let's hammer out freedom, not just all over the world but also in Malta. Each and every Maltese deserves this.
Il partit nazzjonalista wasal biex ijmut ahjar nahsbulu at tebut.
I stopped reading the times of malta comments cause of people like Giov de martino now I find him here speaking of bombs etc etc ,old fascists like him make me vomit.
Cyrus, you have my respect and you represent my dilemma. I find myself more and more detached from what I believed was the natural home of liberals (ie the PN). Given that the PM and most of the cabinet shamefully voted the way they did I find my party so alien to the common good of the country....so I share your frustration. Maybe a good dose of opposition will flush out the Opus Dei and SMOM from the party. Either way as things stand I shudder to imagine a further 5 years of tea party government.
Gonzi had to vote against because he was told TO DO SO by EFA
Yet again I will repeat myself, as a member of SMOM, ie Knights of Malta Knights of St John, whatever gonzi together with EFA have sworn a vow of total alliance to the Pope, the country comes after. Therefore gonzi could not vote otherwise which means he has no hold on Malta and should resign. Just consider the unending, until recently, the outburst of EFA when he is totally out of the political arena. Both gonzi and EFA have to heed their masters voice they cannot respect the say of the majority.
Joseph Sant
Lou Bondi mar jixtri l-ilma zaghar ghal Giovanni DeMartino ghax miskin it-thezziz tat-terremot qed iqanqallu l-istonku. Sadanittant Peppi tax-Xarabank qed jipprova jasal sa dhejhom bl-Arriva... diga ilu xi erba' sieghat fit-triq. U issa ma tarawx li Loo u Peppi mhux ser jaghmlu programmi fuq dawn l-affarijiet... l-ewwel nett ghandhom l-iskuza tal-vaganzi u t-tieni nett, when the going gets tough for PN, dawk xi programm fuq is-shahar jaghmlu jew fuq il-call girls russi!
Fl-ahhar qed jitghallmu il-minorities Maltin: their home is with the progressive open and modern left of centre movement. Prosit!
Patricia Marsh
In a recent article in The Times, media personality Lou Bondi said if Dr Gonzi voted against because of reasons of conscience, he would have to resign as the captain of the ship of state because it would be inconsistent with his promise to respect the will of the majority. WHERE IS MR. LOU BONDI NOW PLEASE!!!! CIVIL PROTECTION PLEASE HELP
Kompli nharaq Gwanninu ta' Martinu..........
de-martino jekk ghandek xi provi mur issa andt il kumisarju, mhux ic-cappas it-tajn ja bnidem imdejjaq, mur habat rasek ma hajt
Ejja hbieb halli Joseph narawh president tal-eu.
Mr.Engerer welcome aboard. Now you have to taste the PN propoganda machine whip lash cause that's the way they treat their own who dare stand up and air their opinion which differ from that of the handful of persons surrounding the Prim Minister. @De martino carry on entertaining us. Well done and thank you.
Dr Gonzi it is time to resign!
What a disgusting person are you De.Martino. It is people like you who are turning a lot of clear headed to Labour. But you are too narrow to realize it.
Well you can blow me down with a feather and use me as a duster....who would've believed it.. never in a million years did I think that would ever happen,let alone in a lifetime .the last dogged years of EFA and the present dysfunctional regime have all left their mark toward making....Tas-Sliema Socjalista.... many a window shutter will be closed in that locality this evening.
Se jibqghu joqomsu milli jidher! Min jaf min baghatha l-ittra bomba Sur Privitera. Forsi xi suldat milli ntbaghtu jghassu l-Casino? Min jaf?
So this wise guy Giovann Demartino decided to join this web site as well! . Giovann, your writing is only good for those who have a bad stomach and feels like vomiting and find it hard. It really help to throw up after reading your most hatred comments regarding the Labour Party. . YES, your Prime Minister deserves to resign not only from his position as Prime Minister but from parliament too. . If you got a doubt as to why he voted NO it is because he was order to do so by the Maltese church and the Vatican! . You have to understand that Malta is run by the people and not by the church. Gonzi betrayed us ALL.
It is indeed refreshing that at last people feel comfortable changing political allegiances. Well done Cyrus for having the ocurage to break ranks from a party you do not feel comfortable in any more.
@ta kafkaf , Meta wiehed jara x'gara dak in-nhar naqbel hafna mieghek ...kont bqajt imbellah bl-ippokrezija ta l-ewwel wiehed Eddie li dan ta lil-mintoff 3 sijat biex joqghod jaghajjar li Alfred Sant ! Nitlob lil qaddis prottetur l-iehor tad demokrazija Peppi Azzopardi ...biex xi darab jaghmel xi programme fuq ezatt x'gara dak in-nhar ! U min hawn insellem lil-Ugo Mifsud Bonnici li dak iz-zmien kien il-president talli ghamel xogholu sew....jew prova ...u kien hemm min hada kontrih... ghax predendew mod iehor.... ...peppi ghamlilna xi programme xi darba ! Storja ta intricci mill-isbah...l-aqwa li immorru il-quddis kulljum...u ma irridux id-divorzju jidhol...
Krista Sullivan
sur privittera dan giovann ghandu il power min habba li min jigi minnu kien sindku, u jigi min qassis, allura jigi kunsidrat bhala bnidem qaddis jimxi f'lart, imma mbad jaqa flivell baxx u hamallu billi jajar li nies stupidi, likbar stupidu hu dak li jghajar li haddihor stupidu, giovann int bnidem pastazz u aroganti, toqodx tisthi tghid li min jiggi minek kisser kaxxa tal-kunsil lokali u kien investigat mil puluzija
When I remember what the PN machine did to Alfred Sant when he had trouble with Dom Mintoff in 1998 I cannot help thinking to myself of that slogan "I wish unto you a hundred times what you wish unto me." The NATS are such a*** lickers that they even supported Mintoff at the time!! I'm sure that Sant, whilst writing his novels in the tranquil B'Kara alley where he resides, must really be sniggering to himself.
DeMartino hlief jghajjar lil Laburisti stupidi ma jafx. Meta jkun minn taht jghamel bhal ma jghamlu t-tfal u jinfexx jghajjar. Mhux ta bxejn 'Persona non Grata' mal-media tal-PN stess allavolja dejjem idoqqilhom it-tromba. Kompli sejjer hekk Giovann.
Pacam: Bniedem ta' principju, jekk jghid u jiftahar, li jemmen fid-demokrazija, kien jivvota skond kif trid il-maggoranza tal-poplu. U mhux igib li skuza tal-kuxjenza u jinjora r-rieda tal-poplu ! Dan xi principju hu ??
Bil -haqq Giovann Demartino, m'gidtilna xejn dwar x'qal hu l-prim ministru, Michael Gonzi, li min kien se jivvota kontra l-ligi tad-divorzju fil-parlament, wara li l-poplu ivvota IVA, qabbilhom ma DITTATURI. Jigifieri l-prim ministru stess, huh, qabblu mad-DITTATURI ! Xi tghid Giovann ??
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Engerer at the recent Gay Pride, when he kindly translated some of what the speakers were saying as I don't know Maltese. He explained a little about the politics in Malta, and although he admitted to being part of the Nationalist Party, it was obvious that he was unhappy with many of their positions, especially concerning gays. I was quite impressed by his sincerity, and also the fact that a politician would take the time to discuss things with someone who doesn't even have the right to vote here! It was immediately apparent to me that this young man is highly intelligent, honest and forthcoming. Good luck to you, Cyrus, the Labour Party is getting someone of obvious value.
Sur Demartino: ili " nferfer " sa mis-snin Sittin u se nibqa " nferfer " sa mas-Sinjur Alla jghatini l-ghomor. U nibqa nikxef l-intricci u l-qerq tal-PN li INT Giovann, taghmel l-almu tieghek kollu biex tnessih ! Lil Raymond Caruana qatlitu balla li dahlet mill- anteporta habtet mal-hajt, jekk niftakar tajjeb, u sfortunatament daret u laqtet lil povru Raymond u qatlitu. Izda l-pakkett bomba li qatlet lil Karen, intbaghtet biex jinqatel missierha, il-professur Edwin Grech. Kienet INTENZJONATA biex toqtol. Qed niehu pjacir li hawn nista nirrispondik ghax f'dawn l-ahhar snin kull meta ippruvajt nirrispondik fil-kolonni tal-ittri f'The Times, l-editur jiskarta l-ittri tieghi, izda tieghek jippublikahom. eddy privitera
Joseph Sant
I hope Cyrus Engerer considers contesting the 9th District. I would be more than glad to transfer my vote from Adrian Vassallo to him.
@ de martino Għax ma'ssaqsix lil sieħbek Fenech Adami min qatlu lil Raymond Caruana. Snin ilu kien qal li meta jkun fil-gvern kellu jgħid minb qatel lill Ray u anki lil Karen!!
Cyrus will be used by PL. They will pamper him for the next couple of years and raise him to high heavens. But history teaches us that no one who crosses the floor is actually accepted in the opposite camp. Come election time PL will secretly gang up against him and ditch him. He will go the same way as others of his ilk.
Smajt li tal-PN diga hasbu ghas-slogan tal-elezzjoni. Se jhallu l-istess slogan ta GONZIPN pero se jzidu xi haga zghira maghha. Minflok 'par idejn sodi' ser issir GONZIPN - Partit maqghud qaqocca.
@Nomis101 OK you've committed yourself with that steatement. Now PROVE IT. Actually, my creation was an aspect of human biology (which CAN be proved) NOT through some non-physical, supernatural entity which you believe invisibly floats around in the sky.
Isabelle Borg
Giovann, ghalaq halqek u taqta figura ahjar.Li qal sehibna Engerer qed jghiduh il-maggoranza tan- nazzjonalisti. Gonzi dahhal lil partit fis-sqaq, u jekk mhux ser jirrezenja m'ahniex ser nohorgu minnu, inkella ser johrogna il- poplu bit- tkaxkira nobis.
Possibbli l-partitarji tal-PL huma kollha daqsrant stupidi? Ghax kieku jaghmlu kumment bis-sens, naqblu jew ma naqblux, ghallinqas ikun jaghmel sens. Imma dal-balalu t'haw taht. p.e.
Krista Sullivan
Stefan Mifsud
Mr. Engerer, Welcome to your natural home of PL. I am sure you will be a valuable asset within PL. Everybody here will welcome you with open arms for a lot of reasons. Foremost of which would be your courage in this mess GonziPN has created for itself. May others who may not have the same ball size as you in the PN at least speak up and do something revolutionary rather then wait for 2013. By that time our Malta (and I say our for all citizens, Blue Red Green or whatever hue they like) is going to be in such dire straits that only God knows how we will manage to get ourselves out of the mess bequeathed to us all by the same GonziPN.
Min jaf Sur Privitera min baghtha l-bomba! Ma tarax lil Ray Caruana nazzjonalist iehor "qatlu". Qed terga tferfer Sur Privitera milli tidher. It-tama tmut l-ahhar. Imma int xih bizzejjed biex ma tissugrax tghodd il-flieles qabel ifaqqsu. Tifhimni int.
Krista Sullivan
@Giovann.DeMartin mela dbati bid-dimensja il-bomba ta'KAREN saqsi lill efa jghidlek ghax huwa kien qal li jaf u ha jghid min.....................imsomma bniedem li dehaq b'kullhadd x tistenna minnu
Joseph Sant
Halluh bi kwietu miskin lis-Sur Demartino, irrispettaw l-eta. Giovann ghidtlek il-bierah jien li ser tispicca titkellem wahdek... wiehed, wiehed kollha sejrin. . Qed thossu t-terremot Giovann?!
edyjoyce. Jien m'hiniex Nazzjonalist imma Gonzi hu bniedem ta' prinicpju, qal li ma jaqbilx mad-divorju, u hekk ivvota. Ma qatx idur mar-rih.
Giovann Demartino, jekk illum f'pajjizna hawn xi hadd li jmissu jisthi jidher quddiem in-nies, dan mhu hadd hlief Lawrence Gonzi, li huh stess, Dr. Michael Gonzi, bli qal fil-pèarlament, xebbhu MAD-DITTATURI li haduha kontra r-rieda tal-popli taghhom fil-pajjizi girien taghna ! U kif ma sthajtx INT UKOLL issemmi lil dik il-vittma innocenti, Karen Grech, li nqatlet b'ittra bomba ghax missierha kien gie jahdem fli-Sptar waqt li strike tat-tobba ! Eddy privitera
Jekk f'dan il-pajjiż tipprova tikxef xi haga tispicca IMSALLAB int u familtek. Hajtek isir INFERN. Lanqas taghmel xogholok kif suppost ma tista taht dal-Gvern. Qatt gejt mehded? Staqsi lil min huwa imgarrab.
Let us welcome such new ways in doing politics and admire what this young gentelman has done! Who dares wins! Let us hope it is the case for Mr.Engerer!
Pacam: Jekk ghalik Cyrus Engerer ittradixxa lil kostitwenti nazzjonalisti li tellghuh fil-Kunsill, mela kemm hu aghar Gonzi LI TTRADIXXA POPLU SHIH meta ivvota kontra r-rieda tal-poplu fil-parlament dwar il-ligi tad-divorzju ! Ma nafx li l-kuxjenzi jivvutaw !
Kif qammasthom! Bilfors ghax ma jistghux imieru kelma wahda biss milli nikteb jien. Jien ma nifhimx kif nies bhal Ciru ma jisthux jidhru quddiem il-poplu! Ghandu d-drittijiet kollha li taghtih id-demokrazija li gab il-PN, IMMA li torqod blu u tqum, ahmar......x'cuc hi l-gilda ta' iljunfant. Il-bomba li qatlet lill-povra Karen? Min jaf min baghtha!
Piccinino, hnkun afna snin ilu Dom Mintoff kien qal dan il-kliem : " Nippreferi nitlef elezzjoni ghax inkun ghidt il-verita milli nirbah bil-qerq "! Il-PN ise jkun ilu kwazi 25 sens jirbah l-elezzjonijiet BIL-QERQ !! Fl-ahhar " I-SEWWA JIRBAH ZGUR " ! U "IS-SEWWA" ma jdumx ma jirbah !! Prosit Cyrus, hemm hafna li jixtiequ jaghmlu bhalek imma m'ghandhomx bizzejjed kuragg. Pero xorta se jaghmlu bhalek fil-mument li jixhtu l-vot fl-elezzjoni generali.
Bravu hafna huma dawk li ghad m'ghandhomx il kuragg to Cyrus.Ma bezax jitlob lill PM biex jirrezenja. Eluf ohrajn huma siekta u jharsu li Cyrus bhala rol model ghal hsieb taghhom. Naf li se jghidulu min kollox, se jaqalawlu l-hama kollu , dan vera tipiku to GONZI PN. Jekk il Prim Ministru verament irrid il gid lill Malta ghandu jghajjat elezzjoni,hija cara li l-membri fil parlament ma jaqblux mieghu l-anqas huh.
Joseph Sant
Pacam - ghaggilt fil-kumment tieghek. Mid-dehra is-Sur Engerer ghandu hafna aktar integrita milli qed tahseb int... u mhux inkullat mas-siggu bhal-ex imghallem tieghu. Diga irrezenja mill-Kunsill Lokali - hekk jaghmlu l-irgiel ta' vera.
Cyrus ma tantx ghandu ghalfejn joqghod iparla ghax bniedem bla principju iehor. Bir-rizenja tieghu u jmur jinghaqad mal-PL ikun qieghed jittradixxi lil kostitwenti tieghu li vvutawlu biex tellghuh fil-kunsill. Bniedem ta' bla principji jista jorbot mazzra ma ghonqu u jmur jintrema.
Joseph Sant
Cyrus Engerer kellu l-opportunita li jahdem ma nies ta' fehmiet politici differenti waqt il-kampanja referendarja. Hadem anke ma nies ta' fehma laburista u nduna, bhal ma ndunaw hafna, li ghal kuntrarju ta' dak li dejjem deffsulu f'mohhu fil-PN, il-laburisti m'humiex xjaten - huma nies intelligenti, habbrieka u fuq kollox sinciera. . Ma niskantax illi malli hassu tant dizappuntat bil-vot tal-Prim Ministru mhux talli ghamel dak li m'ghandux kuragg jaghmel Gonzi u cjoe jirrezenja, imma hass li kien hemm dar ohra lestha ghalih. . Cyrus merhba fil-familja Laburista. . Bil-haqq, Cyrus habbar li rrezenja wkoll mill-kunsill lokali ta' Tas-Sliema
Il-vazun ta GonziPN dejjem jixxaqqaq. Din tad-divorzju kienet mossa politika tal-PN qal li ma jaqbilx mieghu u mhux l-kuxjenza. La Joseph Muscat kien qal li hu favur, allura Gonzi bilfors ried jghid li hu kontra u haseb li bl-imbuttatura tal-knisja kien se jgibha zewg. Kienet mossa politika li ma rrenxxietx ghal ta GonziPn. Allura hemm il-konsegwenzi x'jingarru. Hekk titlob il-politika. Bilhaqq Joseph Muscat x'kien qal bit-terrimot? Donnu tal-PN l-iktar li qed ihhossuh daqs kemm qed jixxenglu. Irrangakom Joseph
Good ridance. Glorja.
Rayman Jumbo
We need John Dalli back into Maltese Politics and to take the Helm of the PN as leader & PM. Only he can save the PN from a massive defeat at the next elections. Gonzi completely lost his par idejn sodi!!!!!
Ħafna mill-kummenti jixhdu 2sena ta' stennija... ħerqa biex naqsmu l-kamra għal fuq in-naħa tal-gvern... u tifhimhom... kerha wisq 25sena fl-oppożizzjoni ... ha ha ha... ittamaw forsi fl-elezzjoni li jmiss tkunu fil-gvern!
@ lemini Nahseb ahjar toqghod attent x'tikteb, ghax malajr ifittxuk ghal malafama, u mhux basta tixhet il-velenu! Insomma min ikun qed jghereq bhalkom, anke ma' haxixa jipprova jaqbad, idaqs kemm tinsabu mahruqin, imdejqin w iddisprati! Nahseb li GonziPN se jkollu sajf veru jahraq u mimli sorprizi.
dan il kumment min nahha ta jpo sar madwar siegha ilu, tberriq ikrah hemm fuq il pn
JPO ukoll halla kumment interesati fuq il facebook fejn ghamel quote li qall michael gonzi ‎'Jekk jien ma noqghodx ghal dir-rieda tal-poplu, jien x'differenza ghandi minn persuni ohra li qed jiggieldu kontra l-istess rieda tal-poplu f'pajjizi girien taghna? Dal kunflitt qed idejjaqni, inhossni li jekk jien nivvota kontra x'differenza jkun hemm li nkun dittautur' - Dr Michael Gonzi M.P. (P.N.)
@lemini Jekk taf xi haga dwar tixhim ghandek tikxiefa u mhux tkun kodart .
Zack Depasquale
Nahseb l-ewwel Gonzi li ser itir hi is-sindku ta' Tas-Sliema ghax ghadha kif tilfet il-maggoranza fil-kunsil.
@Lemini...komplu inharqu f'demmkom ja qatta nies vili w ipokriti!!! Il hara u il hsara li ghamiltu kemm ilkom fil Gvern kollha ser tigi ghal wicckom. GONZIPN is DEAD!
Never in the recent history of the PN have such resignations, stand-offs and sqaubbling been registered in the public. In the past everything used to be done in secret. Is there need if further proof that GonziPN is at its last breath, just like Sant in 1998? Here's a reminder of those MP's who went against the democratic decision of the people in the referendum. The Prime Ministers tops the list of those who went against that democratic decision. http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/07/13/konferma-tal-kuxjenza-ipokrita-ta-xi-ministri-u-deputati-li-mghadhomx-jirrapprezentawna/
X'muzajk ta' idejat hu ta papas zijthom. Mela fil-kunsill generali nghidu li ahna muzajk ta idejat halli ma nbezzghux nies u nidru nfuhu li ma mmorrux insibu lill xi hadd jaqlalna t-tamal bil-kritika, u meta wara xi hadd jghid tieghu, mbaghad addio muzajk u niddemonizzawh. Le, qeghdin sewwa kif alla jridna qeghdin - dritt ghal gol-hajt man
I give one piece of advice to Cyrus. Don't worry about your critics... and there will be many. Only those who do nothing are not criticised.
Over the years, Cyrus has shown a degree of consistency in his political views. While I am no PN supporter, I have admired Cyrus greatly for having the courage not only to stand for gay rights but also to be part of the Malta Gay Rights Movement. He was also at the launch of Queer Mediterranean Memories, helping me set up for the launch. If this report is true, then it is Labor's gain and PN's loss. The PN badly needs people like Cyrus who are not afraid to question the party's sacred cows. PL is now looking better than ever, the party of the mainstream while the PN is increasingly looking like yesterday's day.
hekk jaqbillu ghax minn dak id-distrett ma jitlax fuq it-ticket tal-PN....ma nahsibx li l-PN ghandu bzonnu....telaq wahdu minghajr problemi....m'intiex l-ewwel wiehed u jekk tiftakarhom lil min ghamel bhalek ma tantx imxew...
hekk jigrilu bniedem bla sinsla....ixahhmuh u jimxi....bhal hmar bil-karrotta quddiemu...imhatra li se johrog ghal-elezzjoni bhala xi super candidate....laqghi
Cyrus you did the right thing.No man with principles should accept that the Prime Minister of this Country can go against the wishes of his people . The PM took a gamble in going to the people,a gamble in which he lost heavily,so cock sure was he that it would be a no vote.To then devalue that vote by going against the wishes of the majority makes us no better than those Countries of the middle East whose people are fighting for democracy. It would be fair to say that Malta is no longer democratic, but run by an Auto/Theocratic junta. I have noted those MP's that voted against the people's wishes and I shall remember come voting time,if they will last that long that is
Pavel, allahares tkunu tafu minn jigi minnhu wkoll. Qatt qlajtu xi ticket tal-parking. Qatt ipparkjajtu l-mater day? Staqsuh minn hu lill Demartino dan in-negozjant. Forsi naraw kemm hu ragel. Jekk hu onest kif iridna nemmnu li hu, jghidilna, ghallanqas inkunu nafu ghaliex l-ideja li l-PN jitlef l-elezzjoni taharqu w twerwru.
Well done ingerger. l-ghazla hi tieghek u kieku jien nazzjonalist nghidlek 'good riddance'. dak li ghamilt lil siehbek is-sindku ta qablek li nehhejtu gie fuqek!!!!LOL
Well Done Mr Engerer In Sliema there was a majority in favour A Sliema guy who stood up for Real Democracy and the will of the people
@ Giov De Martino Ma tiflahx taqa' ghan-nejk aktar! Kulhadd jaqbel li kull individwu ghandu jkollu l-liberta li jivvota kif ihoss bhala cittadin, ghax il-vot huwa dritt u xi haga personali wkoll. Imma fil-Parlament storja totalment differenti. Hemmhekk id-deputati jissejhu RAPREZENTANTI TAL-POPLU, u jridu jesprimu l-volonta tal-poplu. Mela jigi l-Prim Ministru tieghek u jivvota KONTRA ligi li l-gvern tieghu stess se jillegizla!! Dawn buzzullotti tal-gurnata tal-lum, u aktar qed tkompli turi kemm thobb taqa' ghan-nejk meta dejjem tipprova tiggustifika l'izbalji tal-passat tal-labour mal-hnizrijiet li qed jghamel il-gvern tieghek fil-prezent! M'ghadkomx tahslu l-hwejjeg ta' taht gewwa, anzi qed tahsluhom u tonxruhom barra quddiem kulhadd! Hadd wara hadd, tasal ta' kulhadd, u l-glied u t-tgerfix li ghandkom fil-partit bhalissa huwa tal-biza. Bhalma diga ghidtlek, ahjar issibu KAPO gdid! Il-"wonder boy' ta' Brussels warrabtuh minn nofs ghal ragunijiet li nahseb tafhom daqsi. L'unika tama li hemm huwa l-Onorevoli Dr. Mario De Marco, persuna li kapaci jidjaloga, u jilhaqq kompromess u veru jemmen fid-demokrazija. Erga ara sew xi 'statement' ghamel dwar ir-referendum tad-divorzju! Nirrikomandalek li tmur vaganza fit-tul f'xi pajjiz nordiku halli issib it-temperatura baxxa u tiffriska ftit mill-hruq ta' Sant'Antnin li ghandek!!! U jekk iccempillek il -PM ghal xi parir, isma minni u ghidlu jirrezenja qabel jinqasam il- partit!!!
dan de-martino jigi hu qassiss, u persuna tigi minu kinet sindku nazzjonalista u li kisser kaxxa tal kunsill, u tnehha min sindku.. mhux ovja li johrog il mhibedda al pl
Krista Sullivan
@Demartino u JGalea Hbieb l ahjar mossa li ghamel il-PM ghaziz taghkom hija li rahhas il-medicina tad-depression..................................uzawa
@jgalea reading your last post I was wondering if your are on canabis or haxixa, but then the last EU reprt said that cocain and heroin are more readily available. Only someone buzzed beyond fantasy would say the things you implied. Tas-Sedqa can help people like you or there is always KARITAS.
@gs gonzipn's only hope is to lure PL into somethng that would turn violent, by staging protests PL would be putting itself in peril of have agent provocateurs who would start up trouble and then gonziPn will scream victim, labour does not change, marmalja still in PL, the 1980's all over again etc etc. The only way foward is to keep calm and let gonzi and his cohorts hang themselves and if need be, even provide them with rope.
A gay activist with balls who puts to shame the gonziPN gay MP gouder. . @jgalea Go wipe your brown nose.
Alfred dalli
Tomorrow's politics are those Cyrus believes in, and are nowhere close to Gonzi's old-fashioned style. Dr Gonzi made it clear by voting NO: He does not represent anymore: the majority of the nation; the majority of the parliament; and not even the majority of the PN MPs!!! The GONZJANIs are getting less and less.
Ara veru PN professuri. L-ewwel rebhu bl-unjoni ewropeja u din id-darba ser jergghu jirbhu bis-sahha tad-divorzju. biex rebhu voti ta suldati ta zmien is-sittinijiet jirbhu kollox. u mela jigi ingerger u jippretendi li gonzi jirrizenja. ara malta ghelbet kull ma inqala fid-dinja u bqajna ghaddejjin aqwa minn kulhadd. Issa jidhol fiha gonzi u jirranga id-disastru tal-arriva u x ma jakkwistax izjed voti. ser jerga jkollu maggoranza aqwa. JS miskin imdawwar b nies li jaqblilhom bil-PN fil-gvern u b hekk gahzlu lilu!!!
@Nomis101 Mela ha nibqaw sejrin b'din il mentalita? Hadt mhu qed jghidlek ghamel uzu mid divorzju. Imma awn nies li jixtiequ din l opportunita. Tista ghal mument tieqaf tahseb ftit u thalli lil haddiehor jiddeciedi ghalieh innifsu? Din il mentalita li tieghi biss tajjeb etc etc trid tispicca. U wara kollox, kulhadd jaf kemm ahna bhala poplu ahna Kristjani. Bizzejjed insemmu il kaz taz zieda li hadu il membri tal kabinet. Kristjani tal isem u xejn aktar.
@jgalea With all due respect Mr.Galea, let's be on the side of the truth in your assessments of the PN history in power for the last 25 years. In 1987, Malta had hardly any national debt and a treasury of one billion euros. Free education was introduced under the MLP administration of 1955. While it is true that Malta has made great progress during these last two decades, it has also burdened its citizens with 7 billion euros of debt and membership in a union that is on the verge of financial collapse. Please note this extract from the Independent written by by Robert Arrigo Article published on 15 July 2011. :When I became an MP, I took an oath to be faithful and loyal to the people. That oath encapsulates the meaning of a democracy and Christian values and I could not vote against. If I voted no, I would have made fools out of the electorate and I would have made a mockery out of the oath that I had taken.: A PN that has always rode on the tailcoats of a Catholic Church that keeps it in power and must betray its people irregardless of their legislative oath has now become irrelevant. In the 21st. century Maltese society is no longer enslaved with spiritual fearmongering coming from a religious order that has shattered its own christian faith with its immoral practices.
Micheal Bonanno
#J.Galea. Ara vera brainwashed. Min tak l-edukazzjoni b'xejn. Min holoq is-servizzi Socjali? It-teknologija? Dik l-ebda gvern ma tahilna. Dik giet bil-progress taz-zmienijiet! Tipprovax iddahhak. Welled id-demokrazija? Holoq ix-xoghol? U hallina trid. Mela vera hlief blu ma tarax. Taht liema gvern il-paga tal-haddiem, mhux irduppjat, jew ittripplat izda zdiedet bi 8 darbiet. Mhux qieghed inghid ghal membri parlamentari Nazzjonalista. Xoghol? Meta fis-60's kienu jibghatuna lejn l-Awstralja. Dak iz-zmien, u anki llum, hawn xoghol, imma ghal blue-eyed boys biss! Sptar State of the Art. Ghadu dejn, u l-kjuwijiet ma jispiccaw qatt. U l-ahhar wahda. Il-PN jaccettak. Iva, l-ewwel juzak bhal lumija, wara li jkun ghassrek jarmik! Hallina trid.
Thanks jgales for a good laugh. You have a short memory when it comes to the last 40 yrs of maltese recent political history, it's all wishfull thinking. I liked the way you twisted things around. Tell it to the marines !
@jgalea PN days in power are by now numbered! As regards depression - you are right I'm depressed (like many)because of the hardships brought on many households by the PN - especially when the receive their utility bills 'Is-sewwa jirbah zgur' - hekk suppost imma Gonzi ivvota kontra ir-rieda tal-poplu!
My friend The Alchemist, Why are you so sad and depressed? Is that because the PN was 25 years in power (and will do many many years to come)? Come on... Be realistic. If you want to be part of the winning party come in the PN. Il PN jaccettak. Il PN ghamel gid kbir lill pajjiz, tana edukazzjoni b xejn, teknologija, sptar state of the art, il fundatur tas servizzi socjali, welled id demokrazija, il liberta', u holoq ix xoghol, wara snin kbar ta ghaks, u dittatorjat mintoffjan. Keep in mind li "Is sewwa jirbah zgur", u is sewwa hija fuq in nahha tal PN.
Joseph MELI
NOMIS 101-THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD!Really! what planet are you living on ?As such a statement is so myopic and one dimentional and solely based on there being one religion alone.
@jgalea You only have to recall the recent mess (Arriva Mai) to realise the ability that this government has to rule! And this despite the promises of 'Par Idejn Sodi' During these last three years these must have mellowed down. There is another problem, come next election. Gonzi cannot make any more promises as no one would believe him! (Remember: income tax cuts, W & E would not be increased, TV tariff to be abolished, solemn promises made to Air Malta, Go & Malta Drydocks - the list is endless). At the end of the day if the people want to elect this same government again it's up to them as the will of the people is sovereign. Something that Gonzi failed to respect i.e. the people in their majority voted for divorce in the referendum and Gonzi voted against - this going against the democratic will of the majority.
Jeffrey Camilleri
Wenzu there is only One God, the One who created you as He wished. Gave you freedom to chose to follow Him or not, but still Loves you and cannot do anything if we remain hardheaded and do not reconilise with Him.
Today I'm reaffirming how sad and depressed lejbir's supporters are! If you want to be on the winning side of history, simple, vote for our PN. Hallikom mill hmerijiet. Dak il partit m'ghandux wisq futur wara l elezjoni tal 2013. Trust me.
@-Nomis101- To WHICH god are you referring to? My Gods see no problem with divorce.
Cyrus Engerer ghandi d-dritt kollu li jghid li jrid fil-miftuh ghax qed jghix f'post demokratiku fejn l-espressjoni tal-kelma hija garantita. B'dan kollu hemm ukoll affarijiet bhal tattika u lejalta'. Kulhadd jista' jghid li jrid imma kulhadd irid jirrinfaccja il-konsegwenzi ta' dak li jghid.
Jeffrey Camilleri
Man in the street are you aware of the problems of divorce around the world. See this link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14139238 Do you trust in GOD ? GOD has no U-Turns
Same old story of God, the church and all that rubbish which was uttered in the situation prevailing 3,000 years ago when men could have five wives at at time and when women were worth nothing but dirt who could be called upon to produce children at the whim of the husband, and when her turn comes. Do you call that situation an ideal family, when God is quoted to have said no to divorce? We are living in the 21st Century, if some have not yet noticed, and that, except for the Philippines, all the world - repeat: ALL THE WORLD - would be against God if everybody argues in the same funny way you do.
Jeffrey Camilleri
So thats cool we take it against people, deputies because we say they do not respect the people's will. DO YOU RESPECT GOD's will of NO DIVORCE????????????
Jeffrey Camilleri
Did LABOUR respect the referendum result of Europe. NO!!! we had to go for an general election!! Labour said till today that partnership won although today they say that now we are in it and have to respect( after a good nearly 8 years since that referendum). Now all this Fuss . Are the Labour respecting those Labours who voted against divorce.Laburisti familja wahda??????
Demartino & co you can see the writing on the wall - a sure PN defeat this time around - so you're playing your last card. There are skeletons in the closet on both sides of the political parties, what's new - move on this is 2011. Believe me I know your way of thinking because I was brainwashed myself as a child by the PN & church singing against the MLP & Mintoff. There are other nationalist supporters who share the same feelings like Cyrus but are not as brave as he is. The repercussion on their families could be devastating. Get real, you sure sound like one of those privilaged few in the inner circle of friends. Yes Gonzi must resign, he invented the referendum, he called the shots now he has to live with it. No PM can still hold office by voting against the will of his people.
Kemm hu ħelu jgalea- jirrispondi lilu nnifsu. U, naturalment, jagħti lili nnifsu ir-risposti li jixtieq li jisma'. Idea inġenjuża għall-aħħar. :)
Jeffrey Camilleri
Cyrus should leave PN. PN said always no to Divorce. I am with our Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi!!! Shame on you Cyrus!!!! Free vote you know what it means!! Cyrus sirt Laburist!!!!
Mur ara kieku ir-referendum ma ghaddiex kemm kien jigi insulentat il PL. Anki huk stess (demmek) qal x'int Hon Dr L Gonzi Qedin nighxu f'Dittatorjat Miskin il-Poplu kemm kien ahjar meta haseb li kien ghar. Nishet is-siegha u il-Mument ghal dak li ghamilt fin 1987
imma mhux bilfors...wara 22 SENA (mhux 22 xahar) fuq il-bankijiet tal-oppozizzjoni.....dawn in-nies ghanhom kilba enormi ghal poter....fuq kull suggett jahsbu li ser jaqa l-gvern..........ghal-22 sena shah.....
@Giovann.DeMartino: Ara ma jfettillekx tmur tibla xi ostja qabel ma tirrepara ruhek. Tinsiex li bhala Nirani Kattoluku Ruman l-ewwel trid tirranga ma ghajrek qabel titqarben. Mela jiena flimkien ma hafna ohrajn qed nistennew li tirrepara ruhek maghna (ghax bil-ktiba tieghek weggajtna). Pero' jekk ma tridx tirrepara ruhek ma jimpurtax kompli ghix hajtek hadd ma hu se jindahalleku kompli rremetti l-hdura li trabbiet go fik kontrina li ma naqblux ma l-opinjoni tieghek, ghax anke minn shabek stess hemm hafna u hafna ma jaqblux mal-hdura li tikteb u jistmerruk. Inti tikteb qishek xi wiehed ta' poter li jghidx fl-Afganistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Iran u artijiet bhal dawn ghax tant inti ghami fl-idejal tieghek li m'intix tara li qed terga toqrob il-gurnata li titla xemx gdid li ser id-dawwal u s-sebbah lil Malta kollha.
@The Alchemist I am more than sure about that. Jekk ma jigvernax il PN, ghidli min ser jigverna? Hemm xi partit ihor ta kapacita' u hila bhal PN? Semmili wihed!Uzgur li le! Ghalhekk il PN kien, ghadu, u ser jibqa jigverna.
@jgalea Quote':Dr. Laurence Gonzi ser jibqa, u jkompli jirbah kull elezjoni li gejja like it or not' Are so sure????????
ALL those who voted in favour of divorce are expecting Dr Gonzi to do the only honourable way out and resign!
Nesa dan Cyrus min libsu, min ghallmu, u min tah x jikol, cioe' ha jehodha kontra il partit taghna. Izda nixtiq infakkru jien, li jaghmel x jaghmel, jghid x jghid, il PN taht l ghaziz mexxej taghna Dr. Laurence Gonzi ser jibqa, u jkompli jirbah kull elezjoni li gejja like it or not! Jekk ma jogbux l istil ta tmexxija imur ma Joe M.
Arrivederci caro Lorenzo Gonzi. Grazzi tax-xoghol tajjeb u hazin ghal Malta imma issa erfa hwejgek u dabbar rasek u mur strih ghax inti ghajjien hafna. Irrezenja illum qabel ghada inti u l-Gvern tieghek u sejjah elezzjoni halli hafna mill-Parlamentri miz-zewg nahhat jkunu jistghu jiehdu vaganza tila hafna li ma tispicca qatt. U toqghodx tahsibha aqbad u mur ghandi il-President u nfurmah bir-rizenja tal-Gvern. Nerga nghidlek grazzi tat-tajjeb u l-hazin li ghamilt. ps issa l-mizien ara inti lejn fejn ixaqleb hux + jew -.
Mr. Gonzi your use by date expired please take a one way trip to the Vatican. send Tonio Fenech to Fatima and Austin Gatt to the zoo.
@DeMartino...Daqt tinqatalkom iz zejza habib...Bye Bye privileggi, bye bye contracts and bye bye access to tax payers money!!! Dik il vera raguni il ghala int qed tigi hawn tikteb b'dik il vilta u hdura kontra il PL!!! Int wiehed egoist li jimpurtak biss jekk x'ser tkompli tpappija sew int jew le! u x'jimpurtak jekk hawn il koas, dejn u faqar hawn Malta ja patenta nazzjonalista!!!
I believe that Dr Gonzi is doing the best he can in a crumbling (financial, ethical, structural) society. . Dr Sant did the same thing in a very civil & professional way. . Cyrus Engerer does not rank anywhere close to these people. Infact I can not understand why a whole article was written. . What a waste of resources!
A johnny come lately.Should learn the political ropes firsti
The majority,though they be silent,would agree. We can have no faith in an MP who goes against the will of the voting population. Time to go.
DeMartino.......Nerga nghejdlek.Tibqax tghejx 40 sena ilu . U tehodhomx daqshekk bi kbar, tinshiex li issa kbirna, u buffura rih u tehodna mahha. Li tibla 600 ewro zieda fil gimgha,u min wara dahrek, u min flusek, u lilek itik 1.16 ta ewro imnaqqsin ghax pensjonant bhali, nahseb aktar gravi mill semmejt int, ghax dak jigi ABBUZ TA POTER...u dawn l-affarijiet fil gungla isiru. Issa nigu ghal lum. Illum grat haga ta min jifimha sew. Kemm ilha tezisti il politika fid dinja, f`pajjizi demokratici u aktar fejn hemm id dittatura,QATT u nerga nghejdlek li QATT ma ghaddiet ligi minghajr il vot u l-approvazzjoni tal Prim Ministru TAL PAJJIZ. F`pajjiz demokratiku, normalment ikun hemm rizenja u is sur Engerer jaf x`inhu jghejd.
Well done, Mr Engerer. What happened is unbelievable in a true democracry. I am sure that there are many others who do not agree with what happened and they should stand up and speak. We salute all those who voted yes and they have gained a lot of points. Those who voted no or abstained should not even be there to represent THEIR PEOPLE. Unbelievable and unacceptable.
Sur Demartino, Illum tezisti medicina biex titratta l-imhuh maghluqa. Ahseb biex tiehu ftit minnha. Tiftakar meta kien hawn dawk iz-zmienijiet tat-terrur kemm saru bombi. U minn min tahseb? Ghidilna kemm kien il-fuel, il-kontijiet tad-dawl, il-gass. U fejn huma l-entitajiet bhal l-Air Malta u dak kollu li kien jahleb? Li baqa minnu sar piz illum siehbi. Mela nehhi l-ghanjqbut minn mohhok u ftakar li llum qed nghixu fl-2011. Dak li qed issemmi inti issa storja. Irridu nghixu illum u ghada ahna mhux xi 40 sena ilu! Alfred Sant kien qal qabel sar ir-referedum ta l-EU, li hu jaccetta li jdahhal lil Malta fl-Ewropa wara li l-poplu jiddeciedi f'elezzjoni u mhux b'referendum. U hekk ghamel. Ir-referendum ma accettahx imma wara l-elezzjoni baxxa rasu ghar-rieda tal-poplu. Tajjeb jew hazin ma nafx imma zamm kelmtu. Dr Gonzi mhux hekk ghamel. L-ewwel qal li jrid referendum sabiex jiddecidi l-poplu u wara li l-poplu qal iva hu qal Le. Dik id-differenza. U ghalhekk Engerer ghandu ragun jghid lil kap tieghu jwarrab.
Zack Depasquale
Kif inhu mahruq Demartino x'jarmi tal-hdura fuq il-Laburisti. Kompli sejjer hekk DeMartino, bl-attitudni tieghek qieghed turi x'imhabba ghandek ghal ghajrek. Kompli dahaqna
Micheal Bonanno
@Demartino. Rajtha l-link li bghattlek jew ma ghogbitekx ghax twaqqa' kull m'ghidt dwar il-Labour. Li l-PN hu partit ta' l-innocenti? http://www.maltapolitics.com/vjolenzanazzjonalista.htm Ergtajt bghatthielek biex tfakkrek daqsxejn. U dwar il-Unions min kissirhom? Staqsi lil siehbek Austin Gatt ara minn kissirihom il-Unions? It-Thatcher Malti rnexxielu jaghmel dak li m'ghamelx (u li skont kliemek ghamel) il-Labour. Issemmi l-maggoranza. Mela skont kliemek Gonzi lanqas suppost qieghed jiggverna, ghax ma kellux il-maggoranza warajh. Imnalla kienet il-kostituzzjoni kif ghamilha Mintoff, u kif accettawha l-PN fin-1984, kieku lanqas tiggvernaw ma kontu fit-2008.
Micheal Bonanno
Demartino tant m'ghandux x'jikkritika li wehel fl-ahhar sinin tal-MLP fil-gvern. Nesa dan li fin-1996 rega' kien hemm Gvern Laburista. Nesa li taht Dr Alfred Sant dawk l-affarijiet li jhobb isemmi hu kienu spiccaw. Alfred Sant wera kif ghandu jkun Prim Ministru responsabbli, u malli ra li ma setghax imexxi, ghajjat elezzjoni. Din l-irgulija ma jsemmihiex Demartino, ghax fil-Partit tieghu, hadd m'hemm ragel bizzejjed li jkun responsabbli t'ghemilu. Dik id-differenza bejn il-PL u l-PN. Il-lum il-PM hu biss figura mcajpra ta' PM. Il-GonziPN label kissritu. Kien zball kbir li s-sahha tal-PN ntefghet fuqu. Bhala PM hareg l-izjed wiehed dghajjef li qatt kellha Malta, fil-livell ta' KMB. Lil KMB kienu jsejjhulu z-Zero, GonziPN mhux xi haga ahjar minnu. Ghad ghandu l-ispettru ta' zijuh imexxi minn wara, bhalma KMB kellu lil Mintoff.
Minn kollox ghamlu fil-passat il-laburisti biex jaghlqu halq kull oppozizzjoni. Harqu t-Times, Farrku d-dar tal-Kap ta' l-Oppozizzjoni li kellu warajh il-maggoranza assoluta; ippruvaw ifarrku l-Unions tac-cekcik, tefghu ' l-barra lil kulmin ipprova jistrajkja; geghluna niffirmaw dikjarazzjoni li ma nobdux direttivi tal-Union taghna....jekk nghid li wicchom dan-nies kien imcappas bil-h....ikolli xi nghid mal-h.....ghax jiehu ghalih li xabbahtu ma' dan-nies.
Demartino, min irid jghalaqlek halqek ? ara ma jfettillekx !! Il-hasra li m'hawnx xi ghaxra ohra bhalek, li qed tghamlu xoghol il-PL ferm iktar facli biex in-nies jifhmu x'antikalja hemm fil-gvern. antoine Vella fejnu ? dan l-ahhar qata naqra lura..
@ demartino Nassigurak li hadd mil-PL ma jixieqek taghlaq halqek, anzi ghal kuntrarju kompli ikteb bil mod kif qed tikteb ghax qed tkun ta ghajnuna kbira lil PL. Ta dan nirringrazzjawk.
The viciousness of psychological or moral violence lasts for ever: the PN were the perpetuators of such violence in the 60s. I for one, can never forget it, cause I was a child victim of the obscurantist Church (led by psuedo' liberal' intellectuals), that try to interpret history to suit their partisan politics. I was used by the Church and the PN (at seven years of age) to spit hatred and venom at Fososs rallies and other 'spiritual'!!!! gatherings! Mr Demartino: victims can forgive, but pain last through eternity.
Ma ghalaqtulniex halqna fi zmien it-terrur se taghlquhulna issa ja qabda bezziegha li mank ghandkom kuragg turu isimkom! Il-PM qal li r-rieda tal-maggoranza trid titwettaq u r-rioeda tal maggoranza se titwettaq. Imma dak ifisser li xi hadd jista' jindahal lil xi hadd kif jivvota? Il-maggoranza riedet id-divorzju u d-divorzju se tiehdu, imma nindahal lill-individwu kif jivvota dak le. Imbaghad inkunu l-Afganistan, il-Pakistan, il-HIndustan u Laburistan. Araw kemm jien gharef: PUNTO E BASTA!
Adrian Busuttil
@Giovann.DeMartino Exactly the old, dinosaur mentality that we shall be eliminating from the party - it's high time that real Nationalists ran the PN again.
@ mercantile8 You are totally wrong in your reasoning! As a normal citizen Dr. Gonzi had every right to express his opinion about the divorce legislation in the referendum, but as Prime Minister and head of the Maltese Government, he was duty bound to vote in favour of the divorce bill in parliament, because there he's representing the Maltese Nation and not the Roman Catholic church! The best political move he could have done was that the PN does not take an official stand in the divorce issue, and then after doing this mistake, he should have resigned immediately after the outcome of the referendum, but instead in the first statement that he made after the referendum, he said that he was disappointed with the outcome of the referendum! This reminds me of the famous 'PHOTO FINISH' statement that Eddie used after the 1996 general elections! What a truly democratic prime minister we have! He should resign immediately, and calls it a day, if he really respects the PN party.
@Schlangina Nahseb li int veru persuna arroganti, meta qed tipprova tiggudika l'xi hadd fuq l'orjentazzjoni sesswali tieghu! Tal-anqas Cyrus Engerer stqarr bil-miftugh, kif ghandu kull dritt u rispett li jghamel, l'orjentazzjoni tieghu, u mhux mar jinheba go xi ordni religjuza, u min jaf x'kien seta jigri! L'ipokresija fl'aqwa taghha, u kull min ma jirrispettax l'opinjoni ta' hadd iehor huwa FAXXIST u RAZZIST! U ta' bilhaqq, bir-ragunament tieghek ir-referendum ghall-Ewropa ma kienx jghodd ukoll ghax kien konsultattiv u ma kienx hemm 50% +1 tal-elettoratt li vvota favur is-shubija ta' Malta fl'Unjoni Ewropeja! Mela kellu ragun Dr. Alfred Sant, pero rrezenja ghax huwa ragel fuq l'irgiel u jemmen f'dak li jghid u huwa veru demokratiku, ghax il-poplu tkellem u Dr. sant irrispetta l'opinjoni tal-Maltin. Ir-rieda tal-poplu hija sovrana, jaqbel jew ma jaqbilx il-Prim Ministru tieghek! Stenna l'Elezzjoni Generali li jmiss u tkun taf x'irrid nfissirlek!
Just forgot to add this last comment for today. It is about f****** time that people within the PN openly criticise the PM and those that voted against this law. The country needs a change, let's start with a change in prime-minister. After all, the PM is now just an appendix and a liability for the PN and for government, nothing more.
Micheal Bonanno
@Azzopardi & mercantile8. Gonzi kellu c-cans tieghu jivvota skont il-kuxjenza tieghu fir-referendum. Biex ma tniggzux il-kuxjenza ghadda r-responsabilita' tieghu fuq il-poplu u gieghlu jaghzel permezz tar-referendum. Il-poplu ghazel u wera lill-PM x'irid. Gonzi ma kienx fadallu ghazla hlief li jghaddi l-ligi skont ir-rieda tal-poplu minghajr ebda skuzi ta' kuxjenza. Bhala Prim Ministru kellu jivvota favur il-ligi. Xejn izjed u xejn inqas. @DeMartino. Aqra u xtarr dawn u tkun taf min kien vjolenti fl-80's. http://www.maltapolitics.com/vjolenzanazzjonalista.htm
Cyrus's statement is a logical fact. Since the PM was the one that suggested and agreed that the people be consulted with a referendum and since he voted in opposition of what the majority stated, then he is definitely not representing the majority of the people. It is absurd how a PM who is the head of a state, votes against that same state. Irrespective of what his conscience tells him, Dr. Gonzi should have seen the necessity behind this civil law, admitted defeat and changed his position. It would have been less absurd if he did that U-Turn, after all he is already quite famous for doing these U-Turns. Now he is blatantly telling the Maltese population, I gave you the chance to vote like I was ordering, you did not follow my orders, so I will not follow what you, as a majority, want, shove off. He' not only an ill representation of the Maltese majority but also acting as a child at that. In fact its not just the PM that wants to play god, but also all those that arrogantly voted against. Furthermore, some comments from ppl like Demartino, are going a long way to show us all how ridiculous and irresponsible the PN is when they say that each PN member is allowed to speak his mind because the PN is a democratic party. As Saviour Balzan said in his latest video blog, the PM and PN do not have the slightest idea of what the word democracy means.
Cyrus. First question. What is the meaning of a Consultative Referendum? Second question. Does's the Prime Minister have a right to vote as his conscience tells him? Who are you and others like you to demand resignation of the PM because he voted according to his beliefs. I had a better opinion of you!
I am usually not a Gonzi supporter, but he voted his conscience. What's the big deal. The divorce is going to pass with him or without him. Let's all grow up. And this has nothing to do with EFA. I am sure Gonzi can thnk on his own.
Schlangina vera bnidem injorant u pastazz, imma hekk niehdu pjacir naraw nies bhalekk li tattakaw lil min ma jaqbilx makom. ghax intom kif qall cyrus partit ta dittaturi. ilkom 25 sena fil-gvern, u adtkom tridu tibqaw granfati mal poter. nies bhalekk juru kemm il pn huwa partit li ma jittolerax lil min ma jaqbilx migheu, messek tisthi tajjar persuna fuq sesswalita tahha. imma tibzax il partit tighek qabel kien jitfahom il habs. u kien grazzi al pl li dan ma baqqax is-sehh, kompli bit-tajjir. ha turuna kemm intom nies ta livell baxx u pastazzi, mandekx il mara li qadet tkanta viva gonzi tana hux go hal qormi u tigri warajh gol hwinet? kemm kont thaqt dak inar. rigward de martino, alli jistajkun dak li faqqa il kaxxa tal kunsill tal mosta ma jigix minekk hux?
@ employee Insejt xi ftit ohra, lill eileen montesin, richard cachia caruana, berta sullivan u daphne, dawk izommuhom ukoll. @ Firillu LOL.........dik min fejn qlajtha? LOL!!
Good on you, Cyrus. If conservative parties are to be reformed, they can only be reformed from the inside. Someone with greater political sensitivity needs to take over the Party.
@Schlangina Missek tisthi jekk taf!
Le ghad divorzju w le ghal Gays . Skalangina l-puritan . Fikom jara ix-xitan . Zmienek ghadda mar u tar . Lehnek hanqa bhal ta' hmar.
Schlangina, Jekk kienet minoranza tal-votanti maltin li ivvotat favur l-introduzjoni tad-divorzju fir-referendum, hekk ukoll kienet minoranza li tellghet lil dan il-gvern fl-aħħar elezzjoni!
Donella Agius
Min qed jahseb li hu dan Cyrus Engerer! Kemm kibritlu rasu dan il-kunsillier omosessuali. Ma jridx jghidilna ukoll li issa l-maggoranza huma omosessuali bhalu, u li l-gvern irid jaghmel li jiddetta hu.? Hu ghandu jirrezinja minn Kunsillier ghax jekk jaf jghod, kienet minoranza tal-votanti maltin li ivvotat favur l-introduzjoni tad-divorzju fir-referendum li kien biss konsultattiv.
Demartino, qed tara, l-anqas shabek ma jimpurtahom minn dak li gara 30 sena ilu, dejjem skond int. B'din ir-rata l-unici Nazzjonalisti li se jibqghu huma int, dak li salva d-demokrazija, u dakli salva jew ipprova jsalva lil-knisja. Eh, u bil-haqq, Austin Gatt, tistghu izzommuh ukoll :-)
Inti ghandek id-dritt li taghzel li taghmel dak li thoss u li temmen li hu gust minghajr hadt ma ghandu jimponilek fuq id-decizzjoni li tiehu. Ir-rebha tad-demokrazija f'pajjizna m'ghandha qatt tigi imminata mill-ebda istituzzjoni la politika u lanqas religjuza inkella nirriskjaw nergu nispiccaw ghal zmien is-sittinijiet. Nghid Prosit lil Cyrus li ma bezax jimxi kontra l-kurrent ghax kien jaf li qieghed fis-sewwa.. Hafna nies fil PN ghax jghidu dak li jhossu qeghdin jigu mwarbin ghalhekk hafna nies qeghdin jabbandunaw lil Partit Nazzjonalista hlief dawk in nies tal qalba.
Joseph Sant
Is-Sur Demartino forsi jitkellem biss mal-erbgha minn nies li jkun hemm il-kazin, pero nista' naccertah illi hafna huma n-Nazzjonalisti li qed jirraguna ezatt bhal Cyrus Engerer. M'ghandekx ghalfejn tmur wisq 'l boghod - kull m'ghandek taghmel hu li taqra u tixtarr dak li qal Dr Michael Gonzi fil-Parlament - u dan jigi hu l-Prim Ministru stess. Sur Demartino jekk ser tibqa' sejjer hekk, li l-iswed tghidlu abjad u l-abjad tghidlu iswed ma ddumx wisq ma ssib ruhek titkellem wahdek.
@ Giovanni Demartino Meta bniedem jibda' jizamaga u hlief hmerijiet ma jghidx postu jew f'dar tax-xjuh jew f'xi post imwarrab fejn ma jarawhx nies. Ma tithajjarx tezilja ruhek Ghawdex Sur Demartino? Jew Kemmuna forsi?
@Giovann.DeMartino. Funny (or rather, sad) seeing you are more hurt with PN dissidents than the PL! Cyrus Engerer is making much more sense than Gonzi and only someone who has nothing meaningful to say attacks Cyrus by mentioning the PL's past. Maybe Gonzi for you is God on earth and no one can dare criticize him. Well, with all his 'sweet' talk, Gonzi has driven the PN into a brick wall and if he loves the PN as much as he gives the impression that he does, than the only way for him to show this is, as Cyrus said, to resign.
is sur demartino nessa li il PN kien jitfa persuni li jigildu ghal drittijiet ghal nies ta orjentazzjoni sesswali differenti il-habs, u cyrus engerer jigiled al drittijiet ta dawn il persuni, kien il partit laburista li nehha l-omosesswalita min reat ta habs. nessa li id-ditattur l-isqof gonzi kemm teffa laburisti gol mizbla? dan iz-ziju tal prim ma ninsewx. il partit nazzjonalista huwa partit faxist imkahal mal poter u ma jridx ic-ceddi is-siggu tal poter akkost ta kollox. pero iz-zaghzah nazzjonalisti huma mohhom miftuh mhux bhal l-4 tal klikka li biss hsibom biex jibqaw granfatti mal poter, il poplu malti ghandu johrog u jsemma lehnu fi toroq jekk irridu li xi darba jismawna, ghax fejn irridu tmissom il kuxjenza dawn is-sangisugi laqwa li serqu 500 euro fil gimgha mil kaxxa ta pajjizna, resign now corrupted goverment
Countries where their head of state goes against the will of the people cannot be called democratic. . Afghanistan . Kazakhstan . Kyrgyzstan . Pakistan . Tajikistan . Turkmenistan . Uzbekistan . and . Gonzistan . Haha
Jew jibgħatulek xi ittra bomba bħal Karin Grech - hux veru, Sur DeMartino?
Gonzi is going down the same path Alfred Sant went after the EU referendum in 2003. The difference is that Sant's demise in the election that came within a few weeks, and Gonzi is yet to face the electorate in the next 18-or-so months. Read this article for an analysis on this analogy. The article was written BEFORE Gonzi voting against divorce, and history is proving it right!: http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/06/04/il-ligi-severa-tar-referendum-dr-gonzi-se-jizloq-bhal-dr-sant/
Isabelle Borg
Jew nitfawh fil mizbla bhal ma ghamilna fis-sittinijiet, Sur Demartino. Jew il- passat li jaqbel lilek biss tiftakar.
Zack Depasquale
Sur Giovanni De Martino tista tghidilna liema persuna harqu il-labour, ghax titkellem hafna, dejjem isemmi il-passat u illum ghamilt statement li jekk ma tissostanzjahx nemmen li l-Partit Laburista ghandu jaghmillek libel. Nies li dejjem jitkellmu fuq il-passat iridu jifhmu li ahna illum qieghdin nghixu il-Partit Laburista ghamel zbalji ghax maghmul mill-umani, imma iridu nammetu ukoll li anke il-Partit Nazzjonalista ghamel zbalji fil-passat F'Malta imma hawn nies fi hdan kemm il-Partit Nazzjonalista u l Partit Laburista li ghax huma maltin l-ewwel u nazzjonalisti u Laburisti it-tieni qieghdin jghidu dak li qieghed jghid il-poplu u fejn iwegghu jghidu ajma. Jekk Giovanni De Martino ried jaghti risposta lill-Cyrus Engerer missu irispondieh b'argumenti u mhux jipprova jwassal il-messag ta'passat ikrah skond De Martino li kien aghar minn Sodom u Gamorrah u li illum m ghadu jimpressjona lill-hadd. Ghax il-passat fl-ahhar mill-ahhar spicca u miet u ahna illum qieghdin nghixu
Is Sur Demartino ma jafx li is-shahar u l-avangwardisti ta kull hsieb progressive dejjem gew mahruqin mill-regim tal- konservatizmu Lemin??? Jaqaw l-uniku ktieb ta l-istorja li qatt qara hu dak tal-hrejjef ta Mons Laspina?
Fl'ahhar stenbaht Sur Bravu u Tifhem f'kollox DeMartino? Dak li tizra', tahsad, jghid il-Malti! X'kien m'ghamilt l'ebda kumment dwar kif ivvota il-Kapo tieghek?? Nahseb bhalissa int il-mahruq, ghax ghankom inkwiet kbir go darkom stess!U tabilhaqq biex infakkrek li, li kieku kont f'pajjiz Ewropew bhalma tant tohlom int u hafna bhalek, il-Prim Ministru kien jirrezenja malli hareg ir-rizultat tar-referendum! U mela il-gvern tieghu se jghaddi ligi li l-Prim Ministru vvota kontriha u ma jaqbilx maghha!!!!Dawn x'buzullotti huma!!L'anqas ghandkom kilba ghall-poter ukoll!! Min jaf x'impressjoni qed jiehdu l-mexxejja Ewropej tad-Demokrazija li int tant tiftahar li dahhal dan il-gvern. Taht Eddie iva, imma ahjar issibu xi KAPO iehoe ghax ghal gol-hajt sejrin, w inutli li tipprova tiggustifika dawk il-hnizrijiet li saru fis-snin 80, ghax ahna bhalissa qed nghixu u mhux fil-passat, li ghalik jibda mas-snin 80. Mela insejthom is-snin 60, sur gharef ta' ghajni, flok ta' xi haga ohra!!!!
Jon Sciberras
Bye Bye Engerer, soon the SS from the PN gang will rip you away from your privileges and have you in a prison cell, strip you naked and have them ask you if you stole any biros from the Council. Then make up a lot of stories about your private life and so begins Saga number?. Can anyone answer that ? LOL!
Sur demartino, kieku forsi jaghmlulu bomba. tiftakarhom giovan?
Dr Gonzi and a good chunck of his mediocre cabinet thinks that democracy means wearing a smart suit and a neck tie, chatting with the bishop and ambassadors at countless parties etc, and smiling at them; unveiling plaques and kitschy monuments at even the most nonsensical of occasions (such as the pedestrianisation of a 75 metre stretch of road) attending mass and preferably sitting in the front row.
Int lil min tirraprezenta Sur Ciru? Il-lejber jilqghuk b'idejhom miftuha.Irringrazzja 'l Alla li ma ghadx haw ir-regim socjalista ghax kieku haj jaharquk. Bla sinsla.
Mr Engerer, Dr Gonzi had to obey EFA punto e Basta