Miriam Dalli will not rule out wage supplement scheme extension
Enterpise Minister Miriam Dalli says government in monitoring situation closely and remains open to helping out worst-hit businesses

Enterprise Minister Miriam Dalli does not rule out an extension of the wage supplement scheme or further assistance for business once the scheme expires next month.
Earlier in December, Prime Minister Robert Abela had announced an extension of the wage supplement scheme until January 2022. Abela said the one-month extension was approved by the Cabinet after considering the international landscape and the need to sustain Malta’s recovery from the pandemic.
In a statement on Tuesday, PN called for the wage supplement to be extended to March 2022, in view of the COVID-19 measures and the exponential rise in cases.
“The previous months were not easy at all, but there is a government that is investing in the workforce and sustaining businesses, self-employed and workers. We are in continuous contact with all stakeholders and we will continue evaluating the trend and take decisions accordingly,” Dalli stated in a press conference on Wednesday.
The wage supplement was a key pillar in Malta's COVID-19 economic recovery package. It varies between €600 and €800 per month for every full-time employee, with government footing part of the wage bill of private companies in sectors hard-hit by the pandemic.
She appealed for everyone to take the booster dose, in order for the COVID-19 numbers to decrease. Dalli reiterated how Government is not ruling out any further help for the worst-hit businesses.
CEO of Malta Enterprise Kurt Farrugia mentioned how up till now €653 million in wage supplement had been forked out by Government to more than 17,500 companies and self-employed, and 105,000 employees.
PN reiterates call for wage supplement extension till end of March
In a reaction, PN reiterated its call for an extension of the wage supplement scheme until the end of March 2022.
"What the government is proposing, that the wage supplement is extended until January and reassess after, will lead to uncertainty among businesses, as they will not be in a position to plan long-term," PN stated.
"The pandemic situation is affecting businesses negatively again and it is important for government to intervene and save businesses and employees."
PN argued businesses and workers are facing uncertainties, with commercial activities and consumer spending in decline.
It emphasised on finding the right balance between mitigating the virus and giving people their freedom.