COVID-19: Two deaths, active cases fall below 10,000
16 January COVID-19 update | 301 new cases • 9,920 active cases • 102 patients in hospital, eight in ITU • vaccine booster doses 305,549 • Total deaths 506

OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 16•01•2022 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate
Posted by saħħa on Sunday, January 16, 2022
Active COVID-19 cases have fallen below 10,000, while two people died while positive for the virus.
301 new cases were registered on Saturday, while 1,133 patients recovered from their infection, leaving 9,920 active cases in Malta.
Meanwhile, a 75-year-old man and 77-year-old woman died while positive for the virus.
The COVID death toll for Malta is now 506.
There are 102 patients being treated at Mater Dei Hospital, eight of whom are in the ITU.
Health workers have administered 1,168,755 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine during the span of the pandemic. From these, 305,549 jabs were a booster dose.