Marsa cable fault causes power-cut across several towns

Many localities were left without power shortly after 3pm.

At approximately 3pm a fault on a 33KV cable that runs between Marsa Power Station and St. Venera caused a loss of electricity supply to a number of localities in Malta.

Following immediate intervention by Enemalta technicians and engineers, power started to be restored to some localities at 3:31pm and by 4:30pm power was restored to every locality.

Television and radio stations went off air for some minutes while power in homes, offices and factories went off in various localities across the country.

The outage has so far not been explained by energy provider Enemalta, but some localities reported a surge, an outage and immediate return of supply.

Astrolu boy....According to the Times the power cut lasted for about an our in some some localities it lasted a few minutes. In any case it's become such a rare thing that it makes news. In the !980s it was such a common thing that people took it as a way of life, like the black-out during WW2..We al so had one street bulb on and one bulb off. Our expectations have become so high during the last couple of decades that we grumble at the least inconvenience. We have been spoilt and can't take any knocks.
This country has the infrastructure of poor third world developing countries. What is the use of having state of the art technology when just a simple power cut stops all work! Imagine no electricity for 1 week, what will happen!
@ briffy@maltanet : mur fuq facebook u tkun taf il-lokalitajiet ta' fejn mar id-dawl.
Karl Stagno Navarra.....Can you at least name some localities that have had a power-cut, or the list is endless once you say the outage was widespread and across Malta
Tghid il-Ministru huwa "CUC" ukoll fil-qasam tad-dawl ? u iva issa iffarfar u iwahhal fil haddiem bhas soltu Hemm xi haga li sejra tajjeb tahtek Hon Prim Ministru ? Meta konna zghar kienu jighdulna "Min jisraq ma igawdix"
Xi sabutagg tghid? Il-Power Station tal-Marsa? Jew l-Airconditins tal-Ministri ghax dawk jistghu ihalluhom mixghulin il-hin kollu bil-€500 li hadu.