No new COVID-19 deaths for first time in a month
17 February COVID-19 update | 109 new cases • 1,197 active cases • 45 patients in hospital, three in ITU • vaccine booster doses 339,312 • Total deaths 594

No new COVID-19 deaths were registered for the first time in over a month, while hospitalisations remain below 50 patients.
According to statistics published by the Health Ministry, Malta registered 109 new cases of COVID-19.
Meanwhile, 292 patients recovered from COVID-19.
OFFICIAL COVID-19 figures for 17•02•2022 Chris Fearne | MaltaGov | Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate
Posted by saħħa on Thursday, February 17, 2022
45 patients are receiving treatment for COVID-19 at Mater Dei Hospital, three of which are in intensive care.
Overall, there are 1,197 active cases of COVID-19.
Up until Wednesday, healthworkers administered 1.2 million jabs of the COVID-19 vaccine. 339,312 of the jabs were booster doses.
594 people have died in Malta while positive for COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic.