48% of Gozo's tourism operators say business is 'bad' - GTA survey

48% of Gozitan tourism operators have termed the performance of their business as ‘bad’ in a second survey conducted by the Gozo Tourism Association (GTA) for 2011.

The GTA said that questions were related to the Gozitan tourist establishments’ performance during the second quarter of 2011 in these respective categories.

The survey – conducted amongst its members – in various sectors, including hotels, self catering accommodation establishments, restaurants, diving,  transport services, tourist attractions as well as conference and incentive travel and tour agencies.

According to the GTA, 48% of respondents termed the performance of their establishment during the second quarter of the year as ‘bad’, while 30% qualified their business performance as ‘fair’.

Few establishments, representing 2% of those who replied, declared that the first quarter’s performance was ‘very good’, while the remaining 20% stated that their business was ‘good’.

When asked how the business performed during the second quarter of 2011 when compared to the second quarter of 2010, 62% of the respondents classified their business performance as less than last year’s, while 28% declared that the establishments’ performance was on the same footing of 2010. 12% declared that the going for April to June 2011 quarter, was in fact ‘”better” than that from April to June 2010 quarter.

Another issue covered by this survey was connected with the performance of domestic market within this second quarter of 2011 period. T

This market has become generally known as a good sustainer of the Gozitan tourism sector and was  welcomed by all operators.

This year’s second quarter’s performance was rated as “bad” by 45.7% while more than a third, 34.8%,declared their establishments’ performance as ‘fair’.

The domestic market performance was classified as “good” by 19.6%, while none of respondents stated that it was “very good”.

In this survey the Gozitan tourism establishments were also asked to rate the effect on their business by the domestic market during the second quarter of 2011, when compared to the second quarter of 2010.

Almost 28.3% stated that the effect was on an “equal footing”, while 8.7% rated the effect of the domestic market on their performance as ‘better’ than that for 2010. On the other hand 63% termed the effect of the domestic market as less than same quarter of 2010.

When asked about the foreign market’s effect on this quarter’s performance 47.9% of participants rated the business performance as “bad”, while more than a third, 35.4%,declared their establishments’ performance as ‘fair’.

The foreign market performance was classified as good by 16.7 %, while none of respondents stated that it was very good.

The Gozitan tourism establishments were also asked to rate effect on their business by the foreign market during the second quarter of 2011, when compared to second quarter of 2010. Almost 23% stated that the effect was on an ‘equal footing’, while 14.6% rated the effect of the foreign market on their performance as “better” than that for 2010.

On the other hand 62.5% termed the effect of the foreign market as “less than same quarter of 2010”.

The Gozo Tourism Association members were also asked to assess their profitability during the second quarter.

60% of survey respondents stated that their business profitability was “bad”, 30% declared that it was “fair”, while 10% of respondents answered that it was “good”.

Carmel niktbu il-Maltin, l-Ghawdxin kollHa, bl-akka.
@ Maltese and Gozitans: Intom il Maltin u L'Ghawdxin kolla maledukati !!!
@ gozitan: mill-iprem u mhux mil-iprem ja maledukat!
Joseph Sant
Obviously English language students don't stay in Gozo. That is what is inflating the tourist numbers in Malta.
Seems like Gozitan is a bit of an intolerant flick!!!!
Isthi jekk taf. Pastaz mil-iprem!! X'tahseb li int?? Taf x'int? Blokka silg!!
Kemm int injorant Sur Gozitan! Kieku kienu l-Maltin li qalu li sejrin hazin jien kont nikteb ezatt l-istss. Ghax huma ekoll jisolhuk fejn jistghu. Imma l-artiklu lill-Ghawdxin semma'...Natutalment il-bejjiegha mhux il-poplu in generali. U jekk il-Maltin hallelin ifisser li allura l-Ghawdxin m'humiex?
One constantly reads complaints of the way Gozitans constantly rip everybody off, with their overcharging. Now, it seems, their reputation is coming back to haunt them. People DO wise up to rip off merchants and abandon them.
De Martino, dak li qieghed ixxamplat kif ma jisthix. Tan-naha taghkhom qaddisin jew? Mhux min-kollox issib? Pastaz u arroganti daqsek zgur li m'hawnx. Issa wkoll razzist!.
U sakemm il-bejjiegha KOLLHA jibqghu jisolhu lill-klijent ma jistennewx ahjar. Bicca gabbana id-Dwejra. Bott birra ZGHIR E 1.50 u flixkun soft drink zghir E 1.60. Gabbana din!
Ghandhom ragun l-operaturi turistici f'Ghawdex jghidu li sejrin hazin. U kieku min gie Ghawdex u kien jaf bid-dizastru li hemm inqas u inqas kienu jigu. Kont hemm il-gimgha l-ohra, qisu pajjiz ghadu hiereg minn xi gwerra. Hmieg u imbarazz ma kullimkien, toroq spiccuti bil-hofor li fijom, ohrajn maghluqa, hitan tas-sejjieh mat-toroq kollha imwaqqajn. Insomma dizordni shiha. Giovanna jekk joghgbok qum u ghamel xi haga sura ghal-Ghawdex, gzira li tant ghandha potenzjal kbir.
Of course tourism is bad in Gozo. You have to be in Gozo to see it. Most tourists stay in Malta at resorts, etc or the center of things. In Gozo, we only get the crumbs and the maltese who day or two. And the maltese come to Gozo on the cheap. Gozo needs to form a group representing all the gozitans and create a plan to market GOZO in various parts of Europe. It's has the history, culture and beauty to do it. In addition, Gozo needs a viable airlink. FInally, Gozo needs to create more resorts like Ta Cenc and Kempinski.