Dar tal-Providenza warns public that no collections have been authorised
Dar tal-Providenza - the residential home for the disabled - has advised people not to give money to people who are posing as “collectors” for the home.
Following reports of persons who are doing door-to-door rounds to collect money for Dar tal-Providenza, the residential home has issued a statement saying that under no circumstances does it ever authorise collection of funds in this way.
The home has received reports from various localities where persons have knocked on people's homes and asked for donations in name of Dar tal-Providenza.
It urged anyone who has been approached to give donations in this manner to immediately notify the police.

Priscilla Darmenia •
I never give any money to those who knock at my door stating that they represent some philanthropic organisation or that they are sick and the parish priest is supporting their activity.
They can show ID cards and other documents, but alas I would not be in a position to verify the authenticity of any document at such short notice.
I just inform them that I will include their organisation in my annual budget amount which I set out for donations and send them a cheque in due course.
If they insist that they should collect the money, I tell them bluntly that I am getting suspicious as to the authenticity of their claim and I should better report the matter to the police. Normally that would soon end the insistence and they would leave.