JPO evasive on who proposed that he stands on 10th district

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has refused to reveal the identity of the high ranking member of the PN administration who, according to JPO, has approached him to contest the Tenth district.

Divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando has refused to reveal the identity of the person who has approached him to contest the Tenth district during the coming elections.

On his Facebook wall yesterday morning, Pullicino Orlando wrote: “I have been asked to contest the tenth electoral district in the forthcoming general elections by a high ranking member of the PN administration.”

Asked by MaltaToday who the the high ranking member was, Pullicino Orlando told MaltaToday that he preferred not to reveal the name: "I prefer not to disclose the name as it was a private conversation," adding that he had been approached following the divorce referendum campaign.

He said he had posted the news on Facebook to see how people would react to it: "So far I have received several calls and messages of support, with others saying they are willing to help me if I contest."

Asked why the Tenth district, Pullicino Orlando said it is a known fact that 30% of the Nationalist voters who voted in favour of the divorce bill had come from the Ninth (Prime Minister Lawrence Gozni’s constituency) and Tenth districts.

“It would be a move to try and bring the conservative and liberal factions together,” he said, adding he has not reached a decision yet.

The Tenth district, on which former PN candidate Cyrus Engerer also runs, is a PN stronghold and includes Sliema, St Julian’s, Gzira and Pembroke.

Pullicino Orlando added that if he contests the Tenth district, he would still retain the Seventh district. 

Contacted by MaltaToday, the Nationalist Party neither confirmed nor denied Pullicino Orlando’s statement, but it did add that the PN has not yet taken any decisions.

“At this stage, the Party has not taken any decisions regarding who will be a candidate and which districts will be contested,” a PN spokesman said.

The spokesman added: “the choice of candidates and the districts they will contest is an internal party matter that must be approved by the PN Executive Council.”

Is there any one who sumit any comments on this page knows who the PN is more than JPO? In the political histrory it will be written that we had a PM who was the ex presedent of azzjoni kattolika and divorce came in vigore while he was a PM punto e basta! "This WOUND will never heal!" although JPO has to pay for the medic site of IT!
The PN is up to its old tricks again, trying to display a face of liberalism which is so alien to it. Pullicino Orlando should do the right thing by the people of Malta and follow the example of Engerer ... ditch his conservative party. He should not allow the PN to use him.
Sorry Jeff, but we ex PN supporters will be voting for your consultant Dr. Deborah Schembri. She outsmarted you in all respects.
Mindu sirt nafek waqt il-kampanja tar-referendum, bdejt inqisek bhala habib. Ghalhekk se nghatik parir ta' habib. Thallihomx jghamlulek bhal ma ghamlu lil Dr. Mario Felice li kien fost l-aqwa - jekk mhux l-aqwa deputat tal-PN fis-snin 70. Sa danittant, ghax accetta li jwassal dokument kunfidenzjali tal-prim minisistru Mintoff lil gvern Amerikan, QATT ma hafrulu ! Ghalkemm ma qalulu xejn, hadmu minn taht kontrih f'Tas-Sliema u fl-elezzjoni UMILJAWH bl-ammont zghir ta' voti li gieb u ma telax ! Thallihomx jaghmlulek l-istess haga fl-elezzjoni li gejja- Qed nghidlek dan ghax wara dak kollu li ghamilt fil-kampanja tar-referendum ma jixraqlekx tigi umiljat ! Issa f'idejk. Nemmen li int intelligenti bizzejjed biex tinduna x'ghandhom f'mohhom. Sahha habib. Eddy Privitera
Luke Camilleri
Partit tal-Mickey Mouse ghandna zgur!
qed jergghu jaghqduk Jeffri.....issa ser iwebbluk b'tas-Sliema Ghaliex???????? ma kontx sew kif kont je whemm xi IMMMMMMMA kbira? ara tibla din is-sunnara ghax bajbaj int. Int suppost tafhom lil shabek kemm huma bullijiet ghal gabirjoli ...........veru liint tigi taqa u tqum xi jghidu il-klikka tal-PN imma dawn jafu imexxuha il-kelma...............u jpattuhilek zgur u ha tasal l-elezjoni, halli tara kif jonsbuk...jien xbaj t nisma min shabi n-nazzjonalisti li int DAQSHEKK mhus ser jafdawk izjed .........kemm ser jaqilghu affarijiet fuqek ....... ghax waqqajthom wisq ghan- nej u misjur xbin...............
For some years JPO has been very popular on the media and he wants to remain so. Whenver he finishes one step he does another. Keep it up JPO!