Updated | PM slams Torċa report as ‘heinous lie’, US embassy denies military action

Prime Minister hits out at Labour for Torca front-page report claiming 10 June explosion at sea was Libyan missile directed for Malta.

Adds statement by the US Embassy

 The U.S. Embassy has denied press reports indicating that U.S. military forces engaged a missile in the vicinity of Malta last June.

"The U.S. Embassy reiterates that on June 12th US military forces operating in the region did not engage a Libyan missile.  The Embassy has no information on what may have caused the reported sounds of an explosion heard in the area of Dingli on that date." 

Earlier: Referring to a report which appeared on weekly newspaper Torċa,  Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi hit out at the Labour Party, and ‘challenged’ Joseph Muscat to take responsibility over what was written, even though Torċa is owned by the General Workers' Union and not the PL.

“I condemn categorically the way in which the Labour Party is using all possible media including KulħaddTorċa and ONE to do great damage. It is not possible and unacceptable that we fall to this level,” Gonzi said.

Torċa today is carrying a front page story reporting that the explosion heard in Ħad-Dingli last June was “a missile directed to Malta”. It said that sources close to Castille confirmed that the explosion derived from a missile intercepted out at sea.

The unnamed sources said the missile had been fired from Libya. “However it does not mean that the intention was to target to Malta,” Torċa reports the sources as saying.

The paper went on to recall that just 10 days before the incident, Malta had recognised the Rebel Council in Benghazi as the sole interlocutor – “something which could have stimulated Gaddafi’s anger,” the sources say.

“This is a heinous lie of the Labour journalism which is now exceeding every limit possible,” Gonzi said, recalling that right now Malta should be learning from what happened to News of the World and work on upgrading ethics in journalism rather than fire lies left, right and centre.

“I am extremely disappointed that at a time which is so delicate for the Maltese who have millions invested in Benghazi and Tripoli, instead of trying to take care of our interests, stories are brought out which could hurt these interests.”

He added that whilst government is trying to take care of Malta’s interest, it is “unacceptable” that a paper with Labour ties comes out with such “rubbish”.

“I am not going to let this pass,” Gonzi warned. “Everyday is a dangerous day for what is going in Libya and the tiniest of things could hurt.

Gonzi added that he doesn’t care when media attacks him personally: “Spiteful words in my regard are easily forgotten but I will never accept it when it is directed to my country.

“This is an attempt of the worst kind of journalism to hurt our country.”

ok so the PM is certain what it wasn't. could he kindly explain to us what it actually was then? i mean seriously, on an island this size, NO ONE knows or can tell us what on earth that explosion was? Is this supposed to be a mystery? wth
Jien ma nimplika xejn u lil hadd. Gieli lanqas biss naqra hlief bejn il-linji. Meta saret l-ispluzzjoni ghedt car li nahseb li li garakien fl-istore mitluq tal-gelaina!!! Jekk nigu ghal artiklu ta-Torca -li jekk ma kienux certi mill-fatti QATT ma messhom harguh- smajna lil NATO, lil Gonzi, lil ammbaxxata u jien ghedt ma ghandiex nisimghu lil min jirrapezenta lil nofs Malta u gieli kellu konnessjoni mat-Torca biex jekk JM jahseb li veru nkunu nafu.
If it is true that Gaddafi has attacked Malta, we should round up his stooges (eg KMB and Edyjoyce) because they are clearly a security risk.
U dawn mhux hekk kienu qalu dwar 'USTICA' wkoll? Kienu waqqghu ajruplan bil-passiggieri ftit l'barra minn Sqallija, ghax hasbu li fuqu kien hemm Gaddafi! Dan gara fl-1980! Qatt ma' talbu skuza u wisq aktar ghamlu apologija mal-familji tal-vittmi. imma min jara l-film 'MURO DI GOMMA' jiehu oponjoni ohra dwar ta' kif sehhew il-fatti! Ta' min iffakkar f'episodji bhal dawn biex min jahseb li n-naha tal-punent huma puri u paladini tal-paci, ghandu biex ibiddel fhemtu ghall-oppost!
oh le andu ragun dotor dun gonzi jaf li mhux missila kinet forsi bass hu ma jridx juri. kif sirna hux ma tistax tboss f dan il pajjiz "cuc"ghax malajr jikxfulek sormok.jekk ma kinetx missila u cert li ma kinitex allura qijed f'pozizjoni li taf x'kinet tista tispjegalna x'kinet f'gih is sigurta ta dan il poplu cuc malti
Antoine Vella u 'bejn il-linji ': Allura inthom emmintuh lil Gonzi taghkhom meta dahhal lil Joseph Muscat fil-kredu tal-istorja tat-Torca ? Jekk emmintuh nistaqsikhom kieku temmnuh lil xi hadd li jimplika lil Gonzi f'xi storja li tidher fit-Times, ghax it-Times hija mxaqilbha lejn il-PN daqs kemm it-Torca hi mxeqilbha lejn il-PL ? Meta ipprova jimplika lil Joseph Muscat il-prim ministru wera kemm hu patetiku u ghamel hekk biss biex il-poplu jkollu diversiv ghax kien jaf x'rejazzjoni se jkun hemm meta hu jerga jivvota kontra l-kigi tad-divorzju -kif fill-fatt ghamel - minkejja li aktar deputati u ministri abbundunawh waqt il-votazzjoni ! Eddy Privitera
Please guys - pay some attention to Antoine Vella. Not fair to ignore him. :)
Luke Camilleri
Imma hadd ma jista jinnegga li kien hemm SPLUZJONI u hoss kbir! Possibli b'Ambaxxata state-of-art Amerikana, radars tal-Forzi Armati jew ta' L-ajruport, hadd ma hu kapaci jaghti spjegazzjoni hlief il-Prim Gonzi iwahhal f' Joseph Muscat?
"zmien il-buzulloti issa spicca" taf "xi cucc malti" "bla kuxjenza" li jghid kelma b'ohra
Dr Lawrence Gonzi Int qed tghid li ir rapport tat TORCA huwa GIDBA FAHXIJA .Issa Dr Gonzi kull ma ghamilt Int huwa li GIDDIBT tan ir rapport mela issa tista tghidilna XI DAK IL HOSS LI IN NIES TA HAD DINGLI SEMAW It TORCA zgur li qabel ma HARGU tan ir rapport qadu ATTENTI li IS SOURCE li ghandhom huwa MIJA FIL MIJA ghalhekk issa kullhadd jixtieq ikun jaf il VERZJONI TIEGHEK TA DAK IL HOSS . Jekk ma GHANDEKX XTAHBIimbilli gejt tghid li li qalet it TORCA huwa GIDBA FAHXIJA BDAQSHEKK MA SOLVEJT L-ebda PROBLEMA il problema ISSOLVIJA BILLI LIN NIES TGHIDILNA XKIEN DAK IL HOSS BHAL MA IT TORCA QALET IL VERZJONI TAGHHA Sur Prim Ministru
Jien nahseb li forsi kienet sparatura ta fejn kien jinhazen lil-gelatina. Kien baqa xi haga antika u hadet. Nahseb li perikoluz biex xi hadd jiccekkja u mela nivvintaw qlajjabhal dik. Ara kieku kemm kienu jdoqqu trombi kontra l-LIBYA. Forsi setghet kienet xi prova tan-NATO biex tara ghalxiex kienu qed jigrilhom il-hsara l-ajruplani francizi?????
The aim of It-Torċa is to scare Mintoffjani - traditionally inveterate cowards - out of their wits. That is all.
Gonzi needs to explain what that huge blast, which I experienced in Rabat on that day. The secrecy or not giving an explanation only fuels more speculation. But the explosion was real, strong and we need to know what it is. Trying to drag Joseph Muscat in this is just a desperate move since he knows that he is sinking fast. I remind Dr Gonzi that the PL never sent any such disgusting staff such as the infamous Malta File, where the PN tried to paint a totalitarian Malta and specifically advice investors not to come to Malta. That was damaging the country, but that's fine when the PN are in opposition.
Antoine Vella vera apologista tan--nejk. Ghallanqas meta trid tlighaq tilghaqx bla lsien halli ma ccappax imniehrek. Iva l-Libya ghandha missili li jilhqu sa 300-400 km li huma li Scud. Il-problema ta li Scud bhala disinn imnejjek fill-mira mnejka li ghandhom bhall mira mnejka tieghek. You cannot be a bigger fool than this (but this is already obvoius).
Antoine Vella the only fools around are you and your pm who voted against the wishes of the Maltese people, and oh the great pretender is not going to let this pass , mama mia we are so scared we are pissing in our pants, go and get a life wenz.
Since there remains to this day no official explanation for what caused the explosion, anything remains a possibility. The "sonic boom" theory was discredited by experts. Apparently some of Gaddafi's missiles can reach Malta, though they are inaccurate at that distance. Maybe Gonzi can come up with a credible alternative explanation.
Libya does not have any missiles that could come anywhere close to Malta so the Torċa report is patently false and all those pretending to believe it are utter fools (but that was already obvious).
Does the PM know of something that the Maltese people should be wary of? Until proven otherwise, Torċa's report cannot be discredited by any means.
Din tfisser l-Ewropa? Basta in NATO ghandhom kollox soffistikata, ma raw xejn dawnk il-Bravi? F'xi basal jonqdok iddahalna issa. Kemm kellu ragun MINTOFF li ried li anha inkun NEWTRALI
Jon Sciberras
If there is truth in the article, then I think the Prime Minister should own up to responsibility and resign herewith and immediately for covering up such dangerous fact. What was the large "bang" in June, he should be made to answer us truthfully and now?.
Another coincedence is that the day after the above mentioned explosion, a high ranking general of NATO made a visit to Malta, to thank the prime minister of the humanitarian assistance that Malta was giving! Whom they are trying to fool?? There's something going on from behind and we don't believe anything that thye government's media, and it's aides, say! Maybe they should take a lesson from the divorce referendum, that they can't frighten the people any more, regardless if it's mortal sins, or that we are going to burn in hell! The Maltese Constitution should be respected, but then since we are no more a soveriegn state since 1 st May 2004, one have to expect a behaviour like this from our present government! Maybe there are some Maltese 'CWIEC' , but not Maltese are 'CWIEC' anymore!!!!
Dr Gonzi kif ma SERRAHTILNIEX RASNA qabel ma deher dan ir rapport fit TORCA Ghax meta instemat li SPARATURA INT ma LISSINT l-ebda kelma Ghallura diga wahedha Dr Gonzi li INT qied TIGDEB mhux dak li qalet it TORCA GIDBA
For anybody out there who believes all the emergcency landings by the French, I have two questions: Are these aircraft really worth the millions they are reputed to have cost and what would have happened to them had tiny Malta not existed? By the way do the French also still believe in Father Christmas??
It is so unsmart of a Prime Minister to lash out at this article. Just a quick analysis at his behaviour, it shows a less than a composed smart man. His credibility is at stake. So dear Dr Gonzi, if according to your kind self it is not true that a missile was launched towards Malta, what is the true explanation? After the explosion of the 12th of June, have you launched an investigation? What were the conclusions? Rightfully the country waits your answers.
To think that Malta is being led by a person who is in such dire straits….
meta ma ikollokx xi tghid mur strieh sur prim ministru
Using the same principles of Gonzi this means that the PN and the government of Malta are being so ridiculed by using Daphne to swear call words all LP supporters. Shame on The PN for after writing such shameful articles through Daphne has not got the decency to appear at court because it knows t is at fault. The Government should set an example nt after breaching press rules tries to hide behind curtains nt to accept court enforcements by the police. Shame on you PN
Setgha hasel idejh bhal ma hasel fil-kwistjoni tad-divorzju, mhux hekk Wenz? Mhux mill-ewwel mort tilghaba tal-kbir ghalkemm ahna nafu li ghax int il-pupu tal-barrani mill-ewwel bzaqt lil Gaddafi li, fuq kollox kont int li bezziltu meta kont l-ahhar PM li ghannaqtu qabel chadtu malli daret il-folja.....La wegghatu daqshekk din tal-gazzetta lil Wenzu bil-fors li issa ser thasseb lil kulhadd...kif jghidu il-qazba ma caqcaqx ghal xejn..... U Joseph x'jidhol fil-kredu mat=Torca daqs kemm int ser tahlef ghan-nazzjon, net u l-PBS, kellek bzonn ghandek ftit melh minn ta' Joseph allavolja skond int dan ghadu tifel imma halli nghidlek hu responsabbli daqshekk darbtejn fejn tidhol kemm ir-reponsabilita u anke is-serjeta.
Since when is Gonzi acting as a Nationalist? Perhaps you owe is an explanation dear PM. And by the Way it Torca is a Union paper not a PL one.... After all you were also shaking hands with Gaddafi the Dictator
Igor P. Shuvalov
Would the Prime Minister dream of being asked to take responsability for any news item in the pro-PN press? But of course our Prime Minister is trying to take advantage of any possible story that in some way may be used against the PL... a drowning man claws at a straw.
GONEZI, whatever you do ro try to do you are not going to stop yourself licking the dust when we kick you out of office at the next election if you last that long in your own party. Re the missile, it could have been an aircraft breaking the sound barrier but it could also have been a missile as a warning for allowing NATO and French aircraft to use Malta as a military base because that is what they are doing and no excuse is going to convince us. It could also have been an errant missile intended for Lampedusa but it couls also have been a missile purposely launched by NATO which either lost its way or intended to be near Malta when NATO forces would shoot it down to make us think that we need them to protect us and again give them a military base on Malta. If that was their intention let them try because they and the government who agrees with them will be facing a revolution and retaliation. Have they not had enough of Afghanistan?
Jessica Chetcuti
This is the first I’ve heard about this story, I thought that the “bang” was put down to an aircraft passing through the sound barrier. Ridiculous as it may seem, the firing of a missile is not in the realms of improbability, although we are the good guys (and neutral) so why would anyone wan to shoot at us? However don’t forget in 1986 Libya fired two scud missiles at Lampadusa, but fortunately both missed the target.
"“I am extremely disappointed that at a time which is so delicate for the Maltese who have millions invested in Benghazi and Tripoli, instead of trying to take care of our interests, stories are brought out which could hurt these interests.” . .......... and we thought that the loss of lives on both sides were more of a priority of the conscience rather than the investment of maltese businessman.
How could such stories harm Malta Mr Prime minister? Only aiding warplanes landing in Malta under pretext of emergency landing and thus dishonouring the Maltese Constitution harms the island. Why bring Joseph Muscat into the equation ? . "Gonzi added that he doesn’t care when media attacks him personally: “Spiteful words in my regard are easily forgotten but I will never accept it when it is directed to my country." ....and who do you think is going to believe you about what you said? The fact that you have done nothing regards the 6th MEP seat only shows your disregard of Malta's interests in the EU parliament. Why don't you libel the local news paper if what it reported is harmful to the country? Because your hands are tied and cannot manouver except under orders.