Gonzi says PN needs an ‘internal reform’ to get closer to the people

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterates that voters should vote for the PN and not for the PL.

 Prime Minister and Nationalist Party Leader Lawrence Gonzi said the PN needs a “strong internal reform” to get closer to the people.

Speaking on Radio 101 about the outcome of the PN’s general council, Gonzi said that the PN needs both ministers and members of the party who are closer to the people.

He added that the General Council had been a positive one, and following the meeting, the PN will continue updating its policies. “We will be working internally on all social aspects, including issues such as IVF and divorce which are also important.

“However, we still cannot forget other issues such as education which is extremely important and a crucial instrument for our economy.”

He said the PN will continue building on the country’s challenges, such as guaranteeing clean energy, a sustainable environment and continue investing in opportunities which would strengthen Malta’s economy.

Gonzi also told his listeners not to wait for the Labour Party: “All the PL has on its mind are the elections. It is not even competent enough to provide solutions to what it criticizes … you know well enough what the PL’s rubber stamp is,” adding that the Labour was playing the liberal trump card, when in reality it was not.

He added that the electorate should “choose right from wrong” when voting: “Do not let anyone sow doubts among you. You all know what the result of the 1996 elections were and you all know the outcome. Let us not forget because that was an important lesson.”

Gonzi said that the PN will be remembered for the jobs it created at a time when other countries where facing financial difficulties. On the Greek bailout, Gonzi said the EU couldn't do without helping Greece.

“The Greek bailout was important because it affects all countries in Europe, including those who are not in the Eurozone such as England.” He said that not helping EU countries such as Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy would result in further deteriorating of the economy, for example with regards to exportation.

Gonzi criticised Labour MP Alfred Sant for reiterating that Malta had joined the EU at an early stage. He also criticised the PL for having no one tell the former Labour leader that he was mistaken.

“Hadn’t we not joined the EU, today we would have ended up like Iceland,” he said, adding that Sant, a “Labour’s voice, Joseph Muscat’s voice”, is wrong in criticising the Euro.

Gonzi went on to criticise the PL for not supporting government’s reforms. He said that reforms were necessary if Malta wanted to remain afloat. 

“In a letter the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou wrote to the European Commission he said: had major reforms been implemented years ago, we would have avoided the current crisis,” Gonzi said, adding that Papandreou came from a Socialist Party, just like Joseph Muscat.

“But the Labour in Malta has long been telling us not to do reforms,” he said. “Have I lost votes in the process? Yes, but I have my conscience clear that I’m doing what’s best for my country.”

@vcas.... haven't understood anything. Could be more articulate and more specific? Thank you.
@patrijott ..I'm sorry but there is no sense in your comment..one thing emerges a confused mind. It's not surprising as you seem to be on the side of Labour
@briffy Int m'intix Nazzjonalist...int bniedem opportunist! Ma tista qatt tifhem kif ihossu Nazzjonalist imwarrab u wara l-elezzjoni, nies bhalek irridu naraw illi ma jidhlu qatt jerghgu fil-partit. M'ahniex se nirrepetu xi Engerer iehor!!!
Lanqas ghandu wiccu imcappas u kif jghidu wiccu u l-******* l'istess. Ma jisthiex jerga jitlob il-vota flokk iwarrab u jhali lil min hu kapaci izjed minnu jigverna. Kollox ezatt dwar l-ewropa u l-euro spiccajna pajjiz daqs werqa tar-rand nghinu lil min hu akbar minna ghal problemi li holqu huma stess, waqt li ahna nsaffru l-Aida bil-kwistjoni ta' l-immigranti ghajnuna kwazi ta' xejn, solidarjeta fejn jaqblielhom. Jigifieri dawk l-iskoss taxxi huma riformi, il-paga dopja hija riforma ohra,anke il-€500 fil-gimgha zieda ghalih riforma ohra? U r-riformi tal-Grecja huma riformi tajbin ghal Malta? Tinsiex sur-gonzi li l-Grecja,l-Portugal u l-Irlanda kontu tuzawhom bhala kejl biex thajru lil poplu jivvota IVA ghall-EU u llum nafu fejn wasslu dawn b'gvernijiet lemini faxxisti li isejhu lilhom infushom Demo Kristjani, konservattivi jew tal-lemin. Ir-riforma li Papandreou sehma kienet il-bidla fil-gvern konservativ, bhalkom, li kien hemm bzonn jinbiddel u li nbidel tard wisq. Il-poplu PL irrid jivvota jekk ma jridx jibda jilghaq it-trab ta' l-art.
il-vizjoni tieghi ghal malta http://andrewazzopardi.wordpress.com/2011/07/23/il-vizjoni-tieghi-ghal-malta/
@ briffy U insejt ohra bilhaqq, xi hames snin ilu wahda mill federazzjonijiet maltin ghamlu ricerka biex isiru jafu fejn sabu jahdmu in-nies wara l- 1989, u taf x'irrizulta? Limat 28000 ruh sabu xoghol mal gvern, korpi parastatali u entitajiet burokratici bhall mepa, transport malta u hafna ohrajn li holoq il- gvern stess!!Dawk impjiegi produttivi!!!
Hey gonz, you re just like arriva,both of you take people for a ride! now you want to be closer to the people? wrong move,buddy,cause i beleive you told us to judge you but what you do,not what you say,and you did little and said a looooot.goodbye,soon.by any chance,did pbo propose this speech? looks like it! lol
@ briffy "And there are no pionieri, or dirghajn il-maltin" Il-pijunieri u dirghajn il- maltin twaqqfu ghax il- gvern dak iz-zmien gvern laburista wiret pajjiz fallut min ghand il-partit tal qaddisin tieghek fejn in nies kienu jghixu fil faqar u f'Malta ma kien hawn xejn, l- anqas l-iktar affarijiet bazici bhall energija elettrika f'bosta lokalitajiet u ilma, allura biex ir-rota tibda iddur kellhom jinholqu dawn il-korpi. Infakkrek ukollli fi ftit tas snin, minn pajjiz fallut il- gvern laburista ta dak iz-zmien irnexxielu jattira mijiet ta industriji barranin tal manifattura li haddmu eluf ta nies, waqqaf l- airmalta ( li intom fallejtu) li din bdiet l- industrija tat turizmu li kienet inezistenti fejn marru jahdmu eluf ta nies, twaqqfu il mid med bank u il- bov, is-servizzi socjali tista tghid kwazi kollha li ghandna illum, twaqqfet is-sea malta (fallejtuha ukoll) il- maltacom, inbena il-freeport, edukazzjoni obbligatorja b'xejn ghall kullhadd, servizz tas sahha b'xejn ghall kullhadd etc etc, f'kelma wahda kieku ma kienx gvern laburista tal passat ghadna nghixu fil limbu u int u jien l- anqas il- qalziet ta taht taghna ma ghandna!! Qed tiftahar kemm holoq impjiegi dan il gvern, jekk ghadek temmen l- statistika ta gonzlipn ghandek problema. Tista tispjegalna kif ghandna l- inqas rata ta nies qieghda fl- eu, imbghad l-eu tohrog statistika ftit tal gimghat ilu fejn turi li malta ghandha kwazi l- inqas persentagg tal populazzjoni li huma inattivi? Hemm xi haga li ma tghamilx sens fl- statistika, ezempju, l-ETC jaqtghuk mir registru jekk issib xoghol part time u jekk kont tahdem ma xi kumpanija parastatali u il- gvern iddecieda li jitfghek il- barra qabel il- pensjoni u tghak xi VRS, allura ghall ETC inti ma intix qieghed. Tippruvaw tpingu l- statistika biex il- figuri jidrhu sbieh, izda il- poplu malti ma ghadux iblah.
U bil-haqq.....jekk veru trid tersaq vicin in-nies ( li se tkun missjoni mpossibli wara dak li garrab il-poplu ), tinsiex twarrab min mieghek l-aroganza xi ministri, ghax ahna qeghdin sew, u l-aroganza taghhom jonqosna.
It seems Gonzi has realised the election is approaching so he wants to " get near to the people". Haven't we heard all this crap before. GonziPN has abandoned its electors. It is now too late for them; they can't make use of the same tricks again - everybody can see through them!
Fejnu ta' mMartinu ...qrajtom dawn il-kummenti dwar siehbek ta' kuxjenza safja? ghidli naqra x'jibqa fik meta tara kif qed tgherqu ta' martinu......iss ghidli min qed jaqa ghan nej u l-misjur? likwid-gs-wenzu-consequences -thorny-konfuxu-domnic chirchop-JGPEM-ta kafkaf-chasbay1960-mazzun-geo23-guidogforte-gozitan-haha-King kenny-firebird 1971-humantorch-gecko-trollface.......kollha fehma wahda......igri nehilsu minnkom....... Ghid is-sew ta' Martinu...... kif taqra dawn ir-rimarki , ma jaqtawlekx nifsek...mhux ta' b'xejn ghalaqt halqek.....issa ha nghidlek liema terga taqra ghaxg halija laqat il-musmar fuq rasu...u fuq kollox kellu jkun ghawdxi...... ha nghidilek bil- ghawdxi forsi ma fimtix bl-ingliz...... Wenzu miskin sahaq li "b'kuxjenza safja qed naghmel l-ahjur li nista....... u l-ghawdxi, ta makak u gharef li hu qallu pront pront ".....na kontx nuf li kellu wahda habojb" telaqulu bl-gheruq ux-xniiexel, ma tofx habojb? ha ha ha
Thorny...have you tried the Arriva buses? Do you like the A/C buses, with hardly any emissions? It's a luxury the Maltese have never experienced. The question of routes is something that can be improved. Arriva is a commercial entity and people in business are out to make money, therefore they keep their ears on the ground and will soon learn which routes to scrap, shorten or amend. The routes are not cast in stone. Tweaking is part of business. If a route is not being patronised Arrive will ditch it, if there is a demand for a route and it is proved to be profitable you can rest assured that they will adopt it. To criticise a reform that has been in demand for decades is simply pathetic. But then of course, trust Labourites to criticise everything done by this administration and make fools of themselves in the process
gs ...If you can criticise the PN for anything under the sun, surely you can't criticise it for its record of job creation....unemployment in Malta is practically the lowest in the EU, in case you haven't noticed. And there are no pionieri, or dirghajn il-maltin. Are you yourself unemployed?
As long Gonzi PN stays in power I have no longer trust in him and his cabinet, they are all blood suckers, brought the nation to its knees with high cost of living and high bills. Now Gonzi wants to be near the people? Now its too late to gain confidence as you once did, I don't do a mistake twice Mr Gonzi. Its no use what you promise now I have lost trust in you till the end.
Gonzi says PN needs an ‘internal reform’ to get closer to the people, THIS SHOULD READ: PN NEEDS AN INTERNAL CLEAN UP TO GET RIDE OF PEOPLE LIKE GONZI BECAUSE HE IS OUT DATED.Gonzi said that the PN will be remembered for the jobs , wrong again, GONZI AND THE PN WILL BE REMEMBERED FOR A PRIME MINISTER THAT PRESENTED THE DIVORCE BILL IN PARLIAMENT AND THE SAME PM VOTED AGAINST THE THIS BILL. You sure be remembered for this one Pinocchio.
This guy can't possibly write his own speeches "He said the PN will continue building on the country’s challenges, such as guaranteeing clean energy" Just that one statement alone, shows how Gonzi has totally failed to keep his finger on the pulse. At least he contests the ninth district, from where I shall be more than happy to contribute to his downfall
Veru hemm bzonn ta reforma. Ibda int WARRAB forsi dan il-blata tibda tiehu ir-ruh. Aghmel elezzjoni malajr ghaliex dan il-pajjiz qied falliment u daqt naraw il-PAR IDEJN SODI. Il-Razza Gonżi ser tibqa maghrufa fl-istorja li farket il-pajjiz kemm fir-religjon u kemm Finanzjarjament Hon Tonio Fenech mhux ta b'xejn tajt il-Madonna - Kienet qed tara kif farraktuh dan il-pajjiz Basta kienu jghidulna TITHANZRUX imma inthom mhux hekk ghamiltu!
Jon Sciberras
The last person I remember in my history books to use that sentence, Hitler.
Luke Camilleri
Gonzi says PN needs an ‘internal reform’ to get closer to the people ------------------------------------ Not another reform Please , Please not another reform! The last reform we had was Arriva's- and that certainly did not get Arriva closer to the people... in fact the People are not finding Arriva at all even after waiting hours on stages! . Arriva is so much like Gonzi & Co.......
Mela issa qed nitkelmu bis-serjeta!! Mela Sur PM jien li nikkunsidra lili nnifsi bhala bniedem b'mohhi miftuh nahseb li inti qed tagixxi tard wisq.....l-ewwel zbal kardinali tieghek u dan dejjem kif nahsiba jien kien li HSIBT li ser tahdem b'Kabinet zghir u dan kif jista' jkun f'dawn iz-zminijiet tal-lum b'Malta fl-EU u minghajr l-ebda rizorsi umani fid-dipartimenti TIEHEK...jekk tuza kif jghajdu l-Inglizi (by elimination) tista' tispjega lill-publiku li l-Gvern tieghek qatt seta jahdem!!!! kif taf inti u jien it-tnejn nghajxu 24 siegha kull gurnata u bl-ebda immaginazzjoni tieghek u tieghi qatt mhu ser imexxu din il-Gzira fl-Europa b'dak il-grupp ta' haddiema tal-gvern (Civil Servans) li mohhom biss biex jiskartaw, jahdmu mill-anqas ....etc etc etc. Illum hemm provi bizzejjed li dan il-Gvern ghajja u ghalxejn tipprova issib xaqq minn fejn tipprova tghaddi ghax kollu ghalxejn is-sadid hxien sew biex tillixah u ma jidrux il-marki. Issa tard wisq ghax wasalna kif jghajdu l-Inglizi fil 'Point of no return'
E' diventato una creatura come a nominato il Vescove di Gozo. Attenti al lupo !
With the sand running down about bloody time Mr PM. Hallina, tahseb li din id- darba ser nerga nibla xi gidba minn tieghek u ta dik il-klikka inkompetenti ta madwarek? Stick to Mass and to bishops and get out of our lives and take Austin Gatt with you For Christ's sake!!!!
Dr Lawrence Gonzi inti dal ghodu fil konferenza li kellek mar Radju 101 ghid li ir rapport ta it TORCA li qalet giet SPARATA MISSILA LIBYANA lejn Malta kienet Gidba Fahxija issa irrispondini din il mistoqsija TISTA TGHIDILNA KIF META INSTEMAT L-ISPARATURA INT SAMMAJT FOMMOK SIEKET li kont cert li ir rapport ta TORCA kien GIDBA FAHXIJA il ghala il Gvern QATT ma SEMMEJTU xejn qabel Jien nahseb li it TORCA sewwa qaletu il GIDDIEB HUWA INT SUR PRIM MINISTRU
Maybe the €500 a week increase is incentive enough to do this soul searching and get paid for it. Come on ... Read the last sentence. It's always a matter of conscience. A very convenient excuse to do whatever you like in our pseudo-democracy where a party is elected to power and does whatever it likes. http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/07/02/politika-tal-hnizrija/ And in the last few years GonziPN has only offered us pork barrel politics.
Gonzi irid il-vot taghna? U ghaliex dan? Biex jekk jerga' jitla' jaghmel li jrid? Jerga naghti xi €500 lilu nnufsu u lilna jhallina nissikkaw ic-cintorin? B'min qed tahseb li qed titmelah Sur Prim Ministru? Bik bhala leader tal-PN mhux lil Malta biss trait il-bahar imma anke -partit tieghek stess. Staqsi lil ta' madwarek !!!!
Jekk Gonzi ried ikun vicin il-poplu jmissu dak liu weghdu qabel l-elezzjoni wettqu u mhux ghamel bil-kontra. Wijghed xoghol garantit billi baghat ittri ftit jiem qabel l-elezzjoni. Seraq il-voti. Prova ta' dan il-haddiema tat-tarzna, xarabanks u issa airmalta. Fejn kien Gonzi meta l-familji ta' dawn il-haddiema kienu ghaddejin min zmien difficli u ohrajn ghadhom ghadejjin. Mhux talli ma kienx vicin taghhom izda kien qieghed jara biex ihaxxen butu b'500 euro zieda fil-gimgha. Il-fiducja li tlift mhux se jirbaha qatt iktar, lanqas jekk twieghed xi twieghed. Ir-riforma fil-partit tibda l-ghada ta' l-ezzjoni meta int twarrab jew shabek stess iwarbuk.
Din tal kuxjenza sabiha...Nahseb jekk ikolli tifla KUXJENZA insemmiha. Jahasra il P.M. ghandu il KUXJENZA safja,. Pero dawk is 600.00 ewro fil gimgha zieda li hu u shabu tal qalba ilhom imaxxtru ghal dawn l-ahhar tlett snin min wara dahar ta min huma il flus,jew ahjar il poplu, dik ma tidholx il KUXJENZA, hemm hekk ma tghoddx. Jekk qeghed tahseb li qeghed titmejjel bil poplu ,ibqa zgur li ghad trid tghamel il kontijiet ma Alla. Min jiehu dak li mhux tieghu bla permess ta sidu, jigi SERQ. U taf Dr Gonzi....li min jisraq irid imur iqerr u irodd lura ..........
He said 'I have my conscience clear that I’m doing what’s best for my country'. Yeah right!!! I didn't know he had one!!!
“Hadn’t we not joined the EU, today we would have ended up like Iceland,” he said, adding that Sant, a “Labour’s voice, Joseph Muscat’s voice”, is wrong in criticising the Euro. GONEZI, kieku ma dħalniex fl-ewro jew kif jgħidilhom ħabib tiegħi ewrinari, ma konniex inkunu marbuta biex noħorġu l-mijiet ta' miljuni li rridu nissellfuhom ħalli nsellfuhom lill-pajjiżi falluti u qatt ma narawhom lura. Għandek tkun taf li tagħmlu x'tagħmlu la l-ewro u lanqas l-ue ma se ssalvawhom. Iġri jinqerdu darba għal dejjem ħalli nerġgħu nieħdu l-Indipendenza u l-Ħelsien tagħna mill-kolonjaliżmu dittatorjali li inti u sħabek daħħaltuna fih. Alla diġà qed iħallaskom talli ttradejtu lilna u lill-pajjiżna u qed iħallas ukoll lill-ue għall-qerq tagħha u se jkompli jħallaskom kollha aktar billi se jeqridkom darba għal dejjem.
Gonzi’s speech shows that either he is in total denial, or he is living in cuckoo land – whoever it is, it’s bad news for the country. It is obvious that he has lost his grip and is not in a fit state to govern – he should be asked to resign and someone else take his place until the next election. I guess the Deputy PM can take over.
The same old poem..."the labour is bad"..."We are what this country needs"...bla bla bla bla bla...The truth is that our country is fed up of you and your band of theives dear Gonzi.....we bid you goodbye!!! Your so called REFORM may start as soon as you loose next election!!!!
mmm this is the most funny part i read on malta today the speech of the prime minister a declaration which says he wants improvement and renewal of malta also includes welcoming the divorce law in malta. since malta and the philipines are the only 2 countries in which divorce is not possible it is more than likely to allow and make the divorce-law pass... in stead of argue about a maintaining fund which is in other countries a matter of the court,and in no case a political point of view,it is my opinion to separate church andpolitical issues from the fundamental right a human has to divorce is a marriage is no longer working the way i see it is that with this announcement you lost all credibility mister president,and yeah one last remark... as i am from another EU country i see the good things coming from the EU...but with the good things the bad things too,so dont praise the EU up to the sky,since a lot of rules that are made in belgium are totally redicilous and not suitable for every member of the EU it is understandable that if one member is in problems,he should knock on the door of the EU parlement,but first of all solve the issues with own means
Joseph Sant
Oh here we go again.... we will put our ears to the ground, we will feel the people's pulse, we will do all it takes to reform the party.... soon it will be forgive us if we have hurt and ignored you... but now please vote us in again. We've heard it all before Dr Gonzi... better move out of the way before our projectile vomit hits you - you're making us sick to the stomach.
I will help with our party reform In 2013 Dr.Gonzi :) DeMarco for leader!
The internal reform will start after the next general election when you will be kicked out of office and from party leader.