Malta to accept COVID recovery certificates, rapid tests from unvaccinated tourists
Maltese health authorities ease travel restrictions for travellers to the island

Malta will start accepting COVID-19 recovery certificates and rapid tests from unvaccinated travellers to the island under new rules that come into force on Monday.
The rules ease the restrictions on travel, something tourism operators have said is necessary for the sector’s recovery.
The Legal Notice removes the obligation to quarantine for unvaccinated travellers as long as they present a negative COVID test or a recovery certificate.
Malta will be accepting both the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. Rapid tests will have to be performed not more than 24 hours prior to arrival in Malta, while PCR tests can be done up to 72 hours before setting foot in Malta.
Results from self-testing kits will not be accepted.
People who recently recovered from COVID can present an EU-recognised recovery certificate valid for 180 days after the person first tested positive for the virus.
The rules stipulate that results and certificates have to be in English and where this is not possible an English translation certified by the laboratory or a doctor is to be presented.
Malta has so far not accepted recovery certificates from travellers and was only accepting PCR tests.