Former MP John Rizzo Naudi dies aged 96
PN pays tribute to John Rizzo Naudi, a former Nationalist MP and doctor, who died aged 96

Former Nationalist MP and doctor, John Rizzo Naudi has died aged 96.
He was born in Msida and first elected to parliament in 1976, remaining an MP for two decades.
He served as parliamentary secretary for the elderly when the PN was elected to government in 1987 and then as a parliamentary secretary in the social policy ministry between 1992 and 1995. Rizzo Naudi quit politics in 1995.
He was crucial in setting up the Institute of Healthcare, which started offered nursing degrees for the first time.
Rizzo Naudi also served as chancellor of the University of Malta.
He was married and had three children.
In a statement, the Nationalist Party paid tribute to Rizzo Naudi and said the country was still benefitting from decisions he had taken in the health sector.