PN demands explanations from Police Commissioner over Cyrus Engerer charges. Minister 'cannot speak' before police

UPDATE 7 | The Nationalist Party has demanded 'explanations' from the Commissioner of Police over the sequence of events that led to the issuance of charges against Cyrus Engerer and his father's arrest, following reports on a 'hidden hand' that leaked the charges to The Times. Fingers, meanwhile, are being pointed towards the police and the Office of the Prime Minister. 

Just 10 days following Cyrus Engerer’s defection from the Nationalist Party to the Labour Party, and a day after MaltaToday revealed how Engerer’s father had been arrested over possession of half a joint, Engerer is now facing a series of charges, accusing him of keeping and/or circulating pornography and of computer misuses. 

The police action is being based on allegations by a former boyfriend of Cyrus Engerer, the couple parted acrimoniously in 2009. The charges against Engerer were filed in March 2010, raising questions as to why the police sat on the same charges for 18 months, and acted only now that he resigned from the PN and defected to Labour.

The Times, said that it had seen the charge sheet against Engerer.

Until this report Cyrus Engerer said he had not received the police citation informing him about his charges and was made aware of the police action through a journalist from The Times.  

According to The Times, Engerer is also accused of vilifying Marvic Camilleri, a former employee of the PN and former member of the PN youth movement, who has since gone on record to know nothing about the case and wants the charges to be dropped.

MaltaToday is informed that Marvic Camilleri was Engerer’s ex-boyfriend and their relationship had ended “acrimoniously” in 2009.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi commented this morning that "government does not interfere with police work", but in a statement issued later in the morning, the PN said that it expected the Police Commissioner to explain the sequence of events that led to the issuance of charges by the police against Cyrus Engerer.

The PN also demanded explanations into the arrest of Cyrus Engerer's father Chris last week. Events, the party said, all happened a few days after Cyrus Engerer's resignation from the PN and defection to Labour.

Cases of this sort do not make headlines, given that courts usually issue a ban on the publication of both the defendant and the plaintiff. But The Times publication of the story with names and a photograph, prejudicate the case as brought against Cyrus Engerer.

Meanwhile, the police commissioner has called a press conference at the police headquarters at 4pm.

In another turn of events, Darrell Pace, a spokesman for home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici told MaltaToday that the minister "cannot comment on the matter until the Police Commissioner gives his version of events."

The spokesman added that Cyrus Engerer's father was "not arrested with just half a joint" as was reported in MaltaToday last Sunday.

He invited the media to forward all questions to the Police Commissioner.

Jien lilek nara tan-nejk u mhux lil pajjiz. Lilek u lil in jahsibha bhalek. Bid*difetti kollha li haw zgur li mkien fid-dinja ma ssib ahjar minn haw.
@ The Alchemist You should stop compairing Malta to Mickey Mouse, because Mickey mouse was a huge success for Walt Disney. What we are following here is different, it's just a disaster, just so sad and without any kind of dignity. Probably you should use the Maltese saying : 'Veru pajjiz tan-nejk minn fuq s'isfel'! That would be the proper wording in maltese for the phrase you mean! Right?
@ The Alchemist You should stop compairing Malta to Mickey Mouse, because Mickey mouse was a huge success for Walt Disney. What we are following here is different, it's just a disaster, just so sad and without any kind of dignity. Probably you should use the Maltese saying : 'Veru pajjiz tan-nejk minn fuq s'isfel'! That would be the proper wording in maltese for the phrase you mean! Right?
but didnt GC call the Commissioner in Cyrus' presence? GC mhux il-parrinu jigi?
This is the culmination of Gonzi's vendetta on Cyrus, and a warning to those who are thinking of doing the same. Perfect example of Christian Catholic values in action! The campaign started well over a week ago. L-aqwa li konna, ghadna u nibqghu kontra d-divorzju, hux Dr Gonzi?
I think that full details should be divulged on how the charge sheet was leaked to The Times. It is a known fact that Kastilja and The Times have very strong connections. I hope that MALTATODAY and the PL, separately, should investigate on all these anti democratic episodes we are facing everyday. Our democracy, freedom and independance are being eroded under GonziPN. . The PN is so intoxicated with power, greed and arrogance that it refuses to see the signs on the wall. The Prime Minister knows he cannot go on like this.... he would like to go to the elections by April 2013 but how can he survive all this disaster and chaos?
On a positive note, at least he wasn't strip searched like Martin Debono. At least were improving.
@ray of course the Parties have the right to demand. The question is does it stop there. It's not just Cyrus Engerer but also his father - the commissioner says he was not aware what was afoot. What about the timing of it all?. - the commissioner says it was just a coincidence. Politically dare you. Information leaked out to the press?. the commission...sob hurt that the police force is being made to look so bad. If everybody really has the right to demand, how about the truth to the nation for a change.
Malta officially a police state; it seems that this type of police intimidation has been happening for some time. First it’s the ex mayor who is charged with misappropriating funds after a dispute with a prominent MP, some months later two councillors are charged with using a council laptop for personal use. Is this a crime? They are even strip searched at the police HQ for using these laptops. What are laptops meant for? Now Cyrus Engerer is busted following his resignation from the PN, his father also questioned a few days ago. Think about it, it’s all connected! . It’s all connected and that’s why this is very serious. Where does this stop? This is a shot at the fundamentals of a democratic state and these statements fall far short for a serious issue of this magnitude. We need answers and fast!
It would be funny were it not pathetic. Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse!
Looks like we are moving towards a police state. How subtle of the PN to leak the info to other news media instead of using their own including TVM as not to be seen taking revenge on Cyrus's actions. Machiavelli would be proud of these guys.
L-Onor Dr Lawrence Gonzi qal li huwa jimxi fuq id-demokrazija, il-principi u l-kuxjenza! Tghid jimxi tfisser tghaffeg taht is-saqajn?
@vcas1 as far as I know, everyone can demand explanations from the police. It does not have to be any political party. Afterall the police are there to serve and protect.
Can someone please answer this question: Does any political party in power or not have the right to demand explanations from the Police??? Should they not be independent? If anything the PM should demand NOT the PN...or am I wrong in this???
Now who's a puppet on a string? Malta's Commissioner of Police, unless it was on his initiative that such dastardly action took place. In that case he's as bad as Adolf Hitler himself. Full stop.
Kollox bizzilla...xejn ma jsir b'kumbinazzjoni...imissu jisthi dak iz-zaghazugh li jasal biex jisfida l-poter imma ser jaghrralu b'rasu, ma tofx hux? Issa naraw kif ser johrog minnha din ix-xibka li qed jonsbuh tal-kuxjenza safja..... Dan mhu xejn, issa tara kemm ser jillikjaw affarijiet fuq Jeffri id-divorsista la jasal il-waqt.... ara kemm qed jitwerwru minnu ........addijjo kuxjenza dawk ta' tas-Sliema ghax malli xammew li dan Jeffri qed jitwebbel li johrog ghand tal-pepe, mill-ewwel dawru r-rotta u msieken vvotaw ghad-divorzu issa, allavolja qabel ma qabblux. DIK KUXJENZA... u issa l-VOTI jghoddu. gha xjafu li ta' tas-sliema irrabjuti ghalihom.............................u mbaghad Wenzu jibqa jhambaq li din hi kwistjoni ta tofx?..... il-principju li kulhadd jaghmel li jaqbillu meta ifettillu hahaha.
Do you guys honestly think that the PN would do something like this? Now? In public?? The PN is too bright and 'makkakk'. If they wanted to do some sot of vengeance, they would have waited or done it in private. They are not children and would know that if they did something it would boomerang back at their faces.
Luke Camilleri
The police commissioner never called a press conference at the police headquarters in the Zubina case whee there were threaths on the lives of Cyrus, JPO and Mugliette... and Pc were not confiscated wither.... . Who is just pulling the strings so Press Conferences are made and investigations started?????
Luke Camilleri
The message is sent to all would be defectors or dissidents- social boycott, harassment and practically blackmailed not to defect or come out in the open against Gonzpn... The Berlin Wall at the Dar Centrali is showing cracks!
This is a disgrace. It looks to me like Gonzi has been stitched up by the police and by those infamous dark forces within the PN. Gonzi's been made to look like a Mintoffian asshole. The police chief needs to do some answering this afternoon or resign. Someone high up in the PN who is sick to the back teeth of Gonzi trying to be an Archbishop is behind all of this, I'm certain.
The Commissioner of Police should resign. If not he is an accomplice to this character assassination campaign. How shameful!
pajjiz polizjesk!!!!
" Konna , ghadna u nibqaw...pajjiz tal Mickey Mouse...fejn ta fuq jigbdu l-ispaga u t-isfel jimmargjaw...........Ara, nahseb li ser ikun hemm xi sitt rizenji, erba jghejdu " sorry " u xi tuzzana jishtu xortijhom li twieldu fuq din il gzira. Imma kif il Bambin dejjem irid jibghatina xi haga, fuq xiex neghdew.
mela ghall xi l-erba , ghandu jillandja li space shuttle ha jwassal lill kummissarju minn go l-qamar fejn ilu jghix ghall dawn l-ahhar sentejn
In the Mintoff days I was a fervernt PN supporter. Now I cannot believe this party can stoop so low. Reminds me of the Nazis. Be careful guys, this is a very dangerous situation led by the Catholic lawyer priests who wannabe bishops and even saints.
Tghid il-Kummisarju se jerfa r-responsabilta li xi hadd illikja lit-Times ic-charge sheet kontra Engerer? Xi hadd irid jerfa r-responsabilta ghax milli jidher hemm xi trianglu bejn il-pulizija-it-Times u l-PN. Ghax certu affarijiet ma jsirux b'kumbinazzjoni u wara iktar minn sena u nofs. Sirna bil-KGB f'Malta bhal ma kienet ir-Russja fi zmien Stalin. U xi hadd qieghed jaghti l-barka tieghu (mhux l-Arcisqof zgur). Sur Kummissaruju inti suppost li trid izzomm il-Korp NADIF.
Igor P. Shuvalov
Tghid il-Kummissarju tal-Pulizija se jispjega kif kumbinazzjoni din l-istorja harget fil-media u jekk ma jafx se jordna inkjesta dwar dan? Tghid il-Partit Nazzjonalista qed jitolbu spjegazzjoni ghax il-kummenti li dehru fil-gurnali wrew li dak li sar biex ihammgu lil familja Engerer, fil-fatt spiccat f'kritika harxa ghall-PN u issa dawn qed jippruvaw jigbru giehhom? U ma nistghagbux li fi ftit sieghat ohra naraw il-media nazzjonalista tohrog thambaq u titkaza b'dak li gara u titfa t-tort fuq min jaf min!!!
Imnalla spiccaw il programmi XaraBank U (Loo)Bondi Plus Zero ghax kien ikollohom xalata ghall programmi,taghhom bli qed jigri bhalissa.Il kunduttur Peppi(l 'aqwa prezentatur ,,dak li PBS gimghatejn ilu waqt repetizzjoni ta xarabank,,,inqabad ghid " tinsewx meta ghandkhom tighdulom in- nies meta icapcpu," tafa din Peppi..i??? kixfulek sormok cuc Malti......)imsomma ikollu xaltat b'dawn l'istejjer u loo ukoll... U int sur Gonzi issa ilo parlament kontrik ukoll..dabbar rasek
It seems as though government entities are tripping over themselves trying to give a bad name to Mr Engerer. I cannot believe that in today's society a person can be accused of being in possession of pornography. One look at the fifty most frequented sites in Malta shows that there are quite a few pornographic ones. The funny thing is that all this is happening just a few days after his defection from the CCCP, i mean PN
Grzegorz Tomski
Gonzipn, irrezenja issa qabel ma taqla l-ikbar tkaxkira fl-istorja ta' Malta fl-elezzjoni generali li jmiss.
No chance I'm voting for a party which uses this kind of dirty tactics!! He had porn on his pc? so fucken what??!!! 90% of Malta does.
Gonzi kien qal: " XEJN MA JSIR B'KUMBINAZZJONI "! U veru ! Ipprova jimplika lil Dr. Joseph Muscat fl-istorja tat-Torca dwar il-missila li it-Torca qalet li kienet sparata mil-Libja, meta Dr. Muscat m'ghandu assolutament x'jaqsam xejn ma dak li jidher fit-Torca. U dan qalu Gonzi biex jiddevja l-argumenti minn fuq kif rega vvota LE ghal-ligi tad-divorzju. U issa hargu b'din li storja dwar Cyrus Engerer meta dan il-kas - jekk veramentv sar - twettaq bejn Dicembru 2009 u JANNar 2010 - sa sena u nofs ilu, meta Cyrus kien ferm attiv fil-PN !! Anki din tidher mossa biex jilhqu tliet ghanijiet : 1. Li jhammgu lil Cyrus Engerer ghax tealqhom 2. Jipprovaw ihammgu wkoll lil PL u lil Dr. Muscat ghax Cyrus issieheb fil-PL ! 3. U n-nies titkellem fuq dawn li stejjer u mhux fuq il-vot LE ta' Gonzi ! Jidher li ghandha Korp tal-Pulizija - jew uhud minnhom - li aktar qishom pulizija ta' xi pajjiz fejn jezisti d-dittatorjat, bhal dak tal - Korea ta' Fuq ! Eddy Privitera
X'kumbinazzjoni. Tghid ghax qasam it-triq? Le ma nahsibx li f'Malta kattolika, demokratika, liberali jigru dawn l-affarijiet. Imma forsi qed nohlom.
Issa l-mument li l-gurnalisti li jriduwha tal-bravi jsolvu dan il-kaz ta' character assassination. Dirty tactics min-naha tal-PN.
Stefan Mifsud
GonziPN, Your decline is as clear as MLPs decline when the same tactics were used.