Mosta maternity home helps vulnerable mothers with unplanned pregnancies
Lifeline Malta has provided women with over 1,000 hours of post-natal support

A home offering assistance to vulnerable women who have unplanned pregnancies provided more than 1,000 hours of post-natal support in 2021, the charity said on Thursday.
The Mosta residence called Dar Tgħanniqa ta' Omm, is run by Lifeline Malta, a branch of the Life Network Foundation, and offers refuge to pregnant women for up to one year after the birth of their child.

Miriam Sciberras, chairperson of the foundation, said the home can shelter up to eight people and provides support to women and young mothers who, "despite encountering difficulties, choose to safeguard the life of their children". The women and their children are accompanied until they establish themselves once again in society, she added.
She was speaking during a visit by Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Galea-Curmi, who was given a tour of the maternity home. Galea-Curmi praised the initiative.

Sciberras said the home is currently supporting three women, with two more expected to move in next week. She said they want women to see the residence as home, where they can experience love and support.
“The women who we support at the residence have been rendered homeless, either because their family or partner kicked them out. Many don’t have the life skills they need to be able to support themselves or a child,” she explained.
Sciberras said they help women from all backgrounds and religions.

Lifeline Malta also supports women who don’t live at the residence. In 2021, they helped 70 families with groceries, hospital bags, food supplies, clothes and back to school stationery and other necessities. The NGO also provided 650 hours of counselling and took 270 calls and messages through the helpline.
Sciberras said 24 babies were born from unplanned pregnancies.
The NGO is hoping in the future, with the help of donations, to set up another residence.
The Life Network Foundation is one of the significant voices opposing the introduction of abortion in Malta, insisting life should be protected from conception. It also advocates support for women with unplanned pregnancies or who experience difficulties during pregnancy.