'Edgar Galea Curmi asked me to do something I couldn't' - John Rizzo. MaltaToday, 'we will not be intimidated'

MaltaToday responds to Edgar Galea Curmi's libel  threat and says that "it is not in this paper's character to bow down to intimidation". Police Commissioner John Rizzo admits to receiving a phone call from Castille the day after he got to know about Cyrus Engerer's father's arrest.

Commissioner of Police John Rizzo has called on government to launch an inquiry into the way the police force has handled the criminal cases related to Cyrus Engerer and his father Chris over the past weeks.

Engerer, a PN councillor who recently defected to Labour, is being charged with holding explicit pictures in his PC - a day after his father Chris was arrested over possession of 5g of cannabis.

John Rizzo admitted to having received a phone call from Edgar Galea Curmi - the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff - the day after Cyrus Engerer's father was arrested over possession. According to Rizzo, Galea Curmi called asking about the Chris Engerer case.

Rizzo said he did not know how Galea Curmi had come to know of the arrest, but understood that Cyrus Engerer was next to him while he was making the call.

Rizzo said that Galea Curmi told him that Chris Engerer's lawyers were calling the police investigation being politically motivated and asked the Commissioner to meet up with the lawyers to explain the investigation.

"He asked me to do something which I couldn't do," Rizzo said. "I told him that one day or another the truth would come out in court, and I didn't need to explain anything to the lawyers. God forbid the police would have to work in this way ..."

At the same time that the Commissioner was holding his press conference, the Office of the Prime Minister issued a statement to deny allegations of "fingers being pointed towards Castille".

The statement was also addressed to MaltaToday: "The Office of the Prime Minister categorically denies being in possession of, and passing on, any such information to any media house.'

Chris Engerer's arrest

John Rizzo has insisted that it was unfair to accuse him of being "led by Castille" in the investigations and defended his integrity by stating that throughout his long career, he was never "politically motivated".

John Rizzo said that the Cyrus Engerer charges had "absolutely nothing" to do with his father's arrest, and added that although Chris Engerer was known to the police this was part of the police drug squad's priorities.

The police chief revealed that an informant had called Assistant Commissioner Neil Harrison on July 6, who in turn followed up the case. Rizzo said a search warrant was then issued in respect of Chris Engerer, who was later found to be in possession of five grammes of marijuana.

When asked by journalists why the police had acted now on Chris Engerer and not before given that they knew about him, Commissioner Rizzo was evasive and repeated that the force has "priorities to investigate." Rizzo had said that Chris Engerer was not a new name with the police force.

The Police Commissioner said he felt personally 'insulted' that allegations were being levelled at his integrity and towards his officers.

Cyrus Engerer's charges

With regards to charges being brought against Cyrus Engerer, almost two years from when they had been lodged by his former boyfriend, John Rizzo said that this was a Cyber Crime Unit investigation over a report by Marvic Camilleri.

Camilleri - he said - reported that explicit pictures of him were being circulated by email and the investigation took long because Cyrus Engerer was working abroad and could not be reached for interrogation. Rizzo also added that investigations by the Cyber Crime Unit take time.

Police Inspector Grech, of the Valletta police station, was responsible of the case as Camilleri had filed his report there. Rizzo, said the investigation continued on June 23. Reportedly, Engerer approached Inspector Grech to have his case sped up and brought before the courts.

The police inspector has meanwhile denied forwarding a copy of the charges to the media as they were presented to court yesterday.

PM’s Chief of Staff replies

In a statement issued through the Department of Information, Edgar Galea Curmi – the Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff – admitted to phoning the Commissioner of Police when in the company of Cyrus Engerer, and discussed Chris Engerer’s arrest.

Galea Curmi also admitted to being Cyrus Engerer’s godfather at confirmation. He also admitted to asking the Commissioner to meet with Chris Engerer’s lawyer Carlo Bisazza.

The statement

“On Friday 22 July late morning I received a phone call from Cyrus Engerer. I took the phone calland promised Cyrus to phone him back as I was in a meeting. I phoned Cyrus back around 1330 and, while speaking on the phone, I bumped into him outside the Xara Palace Hotel in Mdina.

Cyrus told me that he was speaking to me as a friend because his father had been arrested. This was the first time I got to know about Chris Engerer’s arrest. Cyrus told me that his father’s lawyer, Dr. Carlo Bisazza, had told him that “he was to expect such incidents now that he had taken the plunge and resigned from PN. I told him that I was only hearing about this incident from him and immediately phoned the Commissioner of Police, in front of Cyrus and in a way that he could hear every single detail of the phone call.

The Commissioner of Police stated to me that report on Cyrus’s father had been filed before Cyrus’s resignation from PN. I explained to the Commissioner of Police what Cyrus had said that Dr. Bizazza had told him. The Commissioner of Police categorically denied any relationship whatsoever between Cyrus’s resignation from PN and the arrest of Cyrus’s father. I asked the Commissioner of Police to meet Dr. Bizazza and explain to him the facts. I understand that the Commissioner of Police decided not to follow my request to meet Dr. Bizazza and I respect his decision.

All the above can be testified by the Commissioner of Police and Cyrus himself.

On a personal level, I am Cyrus’s Confirmation godfather and care a lot for Cyrus and his family. I am deeply upset by the way certain elements in the media are manipulating two unfortunate incidents of people I deeply care for with the sole aim of defaming the Prime Minister and the people around him. As a result of these malicious stories, I have instructed my lawyer to institute libel proceedings against MaltaToday.”

MaltaToday: 'We will not bow down to intimidation'

In a statement, MaltaToday replied to Edgar Galea Curmi and said that it will continue to report the truth about everything that is in the public interest. "It is not in MaltaToday's character to bow its head down to intimidation by libel, and we promise our thousands of  readers that we will continue to bring forward any information that is in the public interest."

Ghaliex f'din ic-cirkostanza l-pulizija hasset li kella tghamel konferenza stampa....x'hemm fin-nofs? Possibli konferenza stampa fuq joint u fuq telefonata fuq joint...x'hemm fin-nofs?? Ghaliex dan il-kaz hareg fil-berah, mhux kulhadd jaf li jsiru telefonati bhal dawn l-umanita mhux hekk dejjem ghamlet, min hu dak li ma jippruvax jirranga anke meta saru 'frame ups' nahseb li dak li kien involut ma qadx b'idu fuq zaqqu jistenna l-mannara.....x'hemm fin-nofs??? Nahseb li IVA jew LE minn Pilatu biex issallbuh!!
B'rispett lejn il-kummissarju. Kif jidhru li graw l-affarijiet inti tidher li b'xi mod gejt involut jew dahluk fil-kobba politika. Nahseb biex tigi mharsa l-integrita tal-korp u tieghek inti zgur li taf x'ghandek taghmel. Hekk ghamlu shabek ta' Scotland Yard Londra meta ssemmew fil-kobba imhabbla ta' News Corp. S'intendi, Galea Curmi li mhux suppost deffes subghajh ghandu jparpar ukoll.
Point1: If the Commissioner of Police is truly independent, he should not give any explanation to anyone for anything!!! Hence, he should nto give any explaantion to Galea Curmi about a case that dos not concern him. Point2: If the Commissioner of Police is truly independent, he should not even have come to the point to tell Galea Curmi that he could not do what he was being asked by Galea Curmi. Since when has Galea Curmi become the Commissioner's employer???? If this was happening in a democratically civilized country, both the Commissioner of Police and Gela Curmi would have been asked and made to resign: the former for being potentially influenced by a third party in a police investigation and the latter for potentially creating a prejudice. Dear Commissioner, no explanation will save you: Justice needs to be seen not just done. And people do not see any justice here. Do the honourable thing! But OK! I forgot you guys live in Malta...the country that pretends to be democratic and upheld by Catholic values of love and peace for each other! This reminds me of the case of the two judges and the way EFA had handled that case!
Dan min meta l'hawn jissejhu press conferences mil pulizija fuq semplici kaz ta zewg arresti fuq jiont u misuse ta pc? Jiddispjacini nghid li aktar qamu mistoqsijiet milli gew imwiegba wara li spiccat il press conference.
duncan abela
The plot just thickens. We have drugs,pornography,political intrique in high places,a godfather,a fall gay and a head of police lobbing a hot potato back to the server. What else is missing to complete the picture other than some femme fatale or hooker. A real life drama better than any telenovela which gives the public something to talk about after the divorce saga has just ended and the on the buses comedy is losing audience. Nothing better than real life popular drama to alienate the people from the current social and financial issues facing the nation.
Abdi D
And what right has Mr Galea Curmi to phone directly the commissioner of police and discuss a case, the police are handling. The Commissioner should have told him that he has no right to enquire about the case. Is this the only time someone phoned the commissioner to enquire about a case? Did anyone else ever phone and try to influence the outcome of an investigation? Do some people in government have such a strong say with the police? It seems that Mr Galea Curmi is not the only person who should be handing in his resignation, I don't feel safe with a commissioner of police who discusses casses at hand on the phone with his friends.
so what about those prists that abused children? the police had alot of work to do. as we all know. they found chris with 5g of weed. wow thats a big bust so we must wait for the prists to go to court because its very busy at the police headquaters
The more that we hear episodes like this, the more it results that the 'CONSCIENCE' issue in the divorce referendum was just a scapegoat! It would be better if the Roman Catholic Church start giving lesson to some cabinet ministers and even to the Prime Minister himself about the correct meaning of 'CONSCIENCE', because I'm so very sure that they (Some PN Politicians) don't even have a clue! People who are not of Roman Catholic belief knows exactly what's the meaning of conscience, cause at least they don't hide their personal agendas behind such an honorable word!
Back to the 80's in a different form, more soffisticated! As the English saying says : 'SAME SHIT, DIFFERENT DAY!' Where is DeMartino? Maybe he couldn't point a finger anymore, because all the nasty things that happened under the Labour administration of the 80's are coming back, one by one!!!!!!
So, if I recall rightly, a PN government gives an amnesty to a drug trafficker and arrests another for having 5 grams of dope! Is this what the PM think of justice? Time to look at the issue of porn and dope in Catholic Malta.
I don't know whether to laugh out loud or cry after reading this article and watching police commisioner rizzo earlier on tv . it stinks like hell !!!!!! In my opinion the PN are on a suicde mission come the next election..enough said !
kummisarju prcinel, irisenja jekk ghandek kuki.
Kemm isiru kazijiet li hadd u hadd ma jkun jaf bijhom....minn jaf kemm inqabdu bid-drogi u hadd ma jaf....izda holl xgharek u gib iz-zejt meta jridu jsallbuk isallbuk anke ma zokk ta' suffarina basta jsallbuk. Mhux kulhadd jafhom minn huma n-nies. Jekk nibdew insemmu n-nies li jpejjpu joint jew tnejn jew tlieta jkollna bzonn mijiet ta' pagni. Izda l-joint tas-Sur Engerer raw-------u b'ghageb kbir li trid temmen bil-fors li kienet waslet il-priorita u kumbinazzjoni it-tnejn iltaqghu flimkien...kieku l-kazi kienu f'idejja il-priorita kont inhallija ftit iehor biex ma jkunx hemm konflitt u tidwir bil-bzallu. - U solidarjeta' dejjem mal-Malta Today.
This whole story is very bad indeed. It almost confirms how what things are done, behind the general public's back. If you don't have a Blueyed God father to help you out you don't have a chance in getting on in life. The case of Cyrus Engerer should be brought to court and if not true he should sue the socks out of the Authorities. If the allegations are true are true the PL should not touch him with a barge pole.
And BTW, keep it up MaltaToday! We are with you!
This is the culmination of Gonzi's vendetta on Cyrus, and a warning to those who are thinking of doing the same. Perfect example of Christian Catholic values in action! The campaign started well over a week ago. L-aqwa li konna, ghadna u nibqghu kontra d-divorzju, hux Dr Gonzi? http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/07/21/miskin-engerer-it-taparsi-nsara-demokristjani-daru-ghalih/
@Miss Sixty Malta One wise man once said that if elections bring change they will be abolished. it's not an election we need but a change in the whole electoral system. As long as one party has a total majority these things will keep on happening. Pray for a coalition government. That one will be much harder to get than the introduction of divorce.
Min jaf!! Kulhadd pur u l-politika ma tidholx fil-Korp tal-Pulizija...
I'm really satisfied to note that of all the serious crimes that permeate the fibres of our society such as real drugs, corruption, fraud and others, the police have now solved the lot because if handling a couple of joints for personal use has now come to the top of their priorites we must be living in a really clean society. And yes, with Ministers who carry the Bible around with them, who constantly socialise with bishops and who receive secret messages from statues, maybe I should have known that already!!
Cyrus is now under a demoniac attack by the Bidnija Witch. No wonder why GonziPN and his troupe at Castille and in Brussels endorse her actions and protect her.
kemm intom bravi hahaj tafu ghaliex il kazz hareg issa u mhux sena u nofs ilu? ghax il korp jatti prijorita certi kazi fuq ohrajn, hekk qall il kumisarju. anka puluzija jghamlu spying fuq facebook issib biex iresqu il persuni il qorti bhal ma ghamlu meta wihed tefa post talli ma qabilx ma zjara tal papa f'malta u wahluh 3 xhur habs. stat polizjesk, dejjaqtuna!
Funny, my mind wanders onto the other case where the police are prosecuting Mr. Sandro Chetcuti in the Vincent Farrugia (ex MEP candidate case).....
The whole thing stinks worse than my Dad's socks! Dodgy police, dodgy politicians, dodgy journalists, dodgy civil servants. By Christ, we need a general election and we need it now!!!
Krista Sullivan
The story gets leaked out of the police HQ and the commissioner is saying this is not politically driven? This stinks so much it makes maghtab look like a rose garden in comparison. The commissioner's efforts at damage control are so pathetic and absolutely facical if the situation wasn't so scary. Basically everyone can become a victim of intimidation with the full backing of our police force. This case may be causing an uproar but it is hardly an insolated case. It is simply less subtle than the others. This isn't hollywood, it's Malta at it's democratic best.
Did anyone expect Commissioner of Police Mr. John Rizzo to admit that this was all politically motivated? Of course not but it seems from the comments below that no one is believing that this case was not politically motivated. . I strongly recommend to MALTATODAY journalists and Mr. Saviour Balzan to beef up the matters where Mr. Edgar Galea Cumbo is involved.
Isn't it ironic that Saviour Balzan in his last blog was referring to the police actions before 1987. How many journalists in Malta has ever contemplated to be journalistic responsible about questionable police actions under this administration? I doubt that one would find anybody to come forward? Their employment and alliance with their respective political parties forbids them to muddle the water of collusion and corruption. How easily this nation forgets about police actions that claimed the life of a citizen who allegedly according to the police jumped to his death when he was in their custody? Year after year this Maltese Nation has to endure political or police investigations scandals but only actions pre-1987 are listed in the media especially during the general election campaign? Where is that Broodmare of Bidnija who in every opportunity recalls her tough times in the 80's at the hands of the police, yet she's forever oblivious to the actions of a police force whenever the orders are coming from Castille where most of her connections are employed. Two decades of fascism has turned this nation into a police state with right wing political manipulations, spy networks and forcible confinement without legal representation. This heroic nation has turned itself into the island painted with yellow stripes, administered by bullies from Castille and Brussels at the detriment of cowards who refuse to act to end this political enslavement. Just as long as the nation's conscience on divorce is clear, why worry about the spies that listen to your every telephone call or hack your computer or finger you to the police because you are a simple voter who patronise the opposition. How easily this nation has forgotten when all the e-mails to Alfred Sant were hacked and intercepted? Has anybody stopped to think that everyone on this island is being watched and listened to in case action is required to silence their opposition?
Prosit Kummissarju ma bzajt mill Imhalfin se tibza min impjegat tal Gvern. Jekk il kuxjenza tieghek tghidlek li kellek pressjoni allura l-poplu jistenna li tiehu passi. Aktar nibza li ma tghezistix ligi. Il poplu jhares lejk bhala gwardjan tad drittijiet u l-harsien tieghi. Hafna jistennew li tghati ftit attenzjoni x'qed jigri gewwa paceville, kif nies qed jikbru kulljum ,mhux miz zmien imma mill but.Hemm bzon tara dawn il clubs ta l-irgiel x'qed jigri ta veru. Darba il ligi hargitek ta mazetta , pero expose them. Qed toqrob l-elezzjoni u l-Prim irrid joqghod attent. Qed issir tipjip ta XIXA anke tfal zghar. X'qed ikun fiha din ix XIXA, ghaliex kullhadd jiggenen fuqha? Kuragg
Heq, pajjiz tal-kumbinazzjonijiet. Mhux ta b'xejn li qeghdin fejn qeghdin, niddibatu ir-referendu fuq id -dritt ta hajja hienja, nizzufjettaw bil-kuxjenza ta gewwa u imbaghad free for all when it comes to political accountability; inselfu il-miljuni lil haddiehor meta bil- hames biljuni li reddewlna il-PN qeghdin naraw l-abbiss u l-fond iswed ghandna ma rajniehx! Imsomma is-sewwa mghawweg ippokrita tal _PN rebah zgur: huma u uliedhom gawdew u ahna inhallsu it-taxxi! Kollox kumbinazzjoni!
mela nofs joint li zgur kien imhallat bit tabakk jista jkun li kien fih hames grammi ta marijuana ?!!!!! issa jekk dan l imbirek nofs joint kien fih xi tletin centimetru twil storja ohra!!! hawadni ha nifmek ?.... le imma jien madnix inpejjep ta minihix high ! stejjer vera redikoli qisna qed najxu f xi fairytale dan il pajjiz
Luke Camilleri
Did Galea Curmi also call the Police Commissioner NOT TO INVESTIGATE AND PROCEED AGAINST IZ-ZUBINA ans THE THREATS ON CYRUS, JPO, AND JESMOND MUGLIETTE.... and maye even DCG and her blog???
@JGPEM Ha ddum thanbaq habba l hoss?
Joseph Pace
There are a few heavy questions to be answered: 1. Could the informant giving information to Neil Harrison be in reality someone forming part of a frame up? Could this informant or maybe who commands him be the reason why Cannabis was found at Cyrus Engerer's father? Could this informant be ntohing but a stand in for the MSS who in the past have been accused of carrying out orders far out of their remit? 2. What was the request that Commissioner could not entertain? And in the first instance, why discuss details of a case with Mr. Galea Curmi? 3. Why did the Cyrus Engerer case drag on for one and a half years? Did someone sleep on the case and woke up on it only when Cyrus was in the news? 4. Who gave the charge sheet to The Times? I don't think these papers fly around so easily. The amount of people handling such papers must be less than 10, include both Police and Courts. I don't think this ended up in The Times' hands by some sort of miracle. 5. Why is someone lying on the Camilleri case? A simple case like his should not take more a few days for initial interviews and seizures and less than a couple of months for evidence to be collected, analysed and reports to be drawn up for prosecution. If the case was filed in January 2010, by May it should already have been presented in court. Especially since one should prioritise such issues since they are involving a Local Councillor who is trusted to participate in the running of a Local Council. Did someone want to hide everything under the carpet in order to minimise damage at the time of the Sliema Local Council Telenovelas? Too much bad smells not to find a few rotten fish.
Raymond Falzon
Jekk il Kummisarju jiftahar tant bl'integrita immisu iressaq lil galea curmi il qorti. !!!
Reading what the Commissioner had to say nearly made me break down in tears! Only in Malta!
Raymond Falzon
Il Pulizia fejn irridu ghandom l'integrita !! Jien resquni il qorti fuq rapport falz. Domt erba snin tiela hu niezel ghax il pulizia ma tidirx. Il magistratt tghathom hasla imma mur ara ! Lanqas skuzi. Ha nghidilkom ohra hu din qallili Pulizia. Dawn familja kbira ' they take care of their own '
jien ma nistax NIFHEM lil Dr Lawrence Gonzi (1) Fuq l-artiklu ta TORCA iwahhal fdak u fl-iehor issa in nies kull ma trid taf minghandek Dr Gonzi HUWA li tghid xkien dak il HOSS li semaw in nies ta Had Dingli u ta MADWAR Kollu ghalxejn li tipprova TAHRAB mil ARGUMENT ghax la ma TGHIDX xkien dak il HOSS in nies lil GURNALISTA ta it TORCA ser TEMMEN Ghalxejn dahhalt fil KREDU lil Ambaxxatur Amerikan u lil dak Libyan ghax dawn HADD minnhom ma qal XKIEN dak il HOSS Fil waqt li issa ghax TELAQ mil PN Cyrus Engerer ser TIPPROVAW TEQERDUH LILU u lil Missieru
a story published on malta today with the title Nationalist candidate paid €126,250 in direct order this is what police comissioner should investigate. u halluna ja korotti resign all of you now!
I normally have doubts about defectors and expect them that by time they prove that their convertion is genuine. Regarding Cyrus and his statement that he thought about his defection for a long time and that th PM's vote on Divorce was the last straw that gave proof of the anti democratic credentials of gonziPN seem to me now that his reasons were not excuses made up at the spur of the moment and I am starting to give him more credit now that this dirty trick has been played by those who think that they are God's gift to Malta.
Tinten minn fuq s-isfel l-affari!!!!!
Mr Rizzo if you are serious and want us to respect you, than granted the situation it's obvious you are under pressure from the PMs office and you just have on option but to resign and now!! If not then you are a puppet.
Il-Grecja falluta finanzjarament u Malta falluta Moralment (barra demokratikament u finanzjarament)
What did Galea Curmi ask that the Commissioner couldn't do? . That is the million euro question.
tal misthija, stat polizjesk, we are fed up now, il poplu andu limittu kemm jiflah jistaporti, ahjar is solvu il hrib misterjuz ta traffikant ta droga az-zabbi (libyan) li harab taht gvern nazzjonalista u il mahfra tal braziljan queiroz li inattat min gvern nazzjonalista (ghax kien marid) fuq liema bazzi inatat, traffikanti ta droga kbar li hadd ma jaff x'sar minnhom. milli tahlu ir-rizorsi tal pajjiz fuq nofs joint, jekk tifthu habs al min xi darba jew ohra ra il pornografija laqas biss iservi ghax tridu tibnu xi 10 ohra biex forsi jservi. kumisarju inkapacci, u dubji serji li ghandi li dan il kazz sehh issa biex ihamgu lil cyrus engerer talli fetah halqu kontra il gvern, u inaqad mal partit laburista, dan verament jimmina id-demokrazija fpajjizna! nistena li andu jkun hemm rizenja imedjata kemm mil kumisarju tal puluzija kif ukoll mil ministru tal gustizzja li flahhar mil lahhar huwa il boss ta fuq il kumisarju, imma fdal pajjiz xejn mhu xejn, ghax li jkollok xi ex prim imhallef jixahham jehel piena mizera, u il dan irridu namlu show bih ax sempiciment telaq min partit ghal iehor
Igor P. Shuvalov
If the police commissioner feels insulted at allegations levelled at his officers, what about the man in the street, shouldn't h efeel insulted by the way he is threated as a 'cuc kwalinkwe' who is ready to swallow what the authorities try to dish at him!!! After all the end result of all this saga is that somebody managed to achieve his/its aim to warn possible 'defectors' and others who intend to join the opposite political party to think twice as someway or other his/her past would be dug up and thrown at him at the opportunite time.
Irrizenja issa. Uri li int ragel mhux bhal min qed idendlek bi spaga pupu.
Mela hadd mhu qed jinduna? Il-Gvern ipprova jitfa kollox fuq il-Kummissarrju, bħala l-forza ezekuttiva, izda huwa, ta' makakk li hu (prosit!), rega tefa kollox fejn suppost ikun: f'idejn il-GVERN. U talab ghal inkjesta. HEKK isiru l-affarijiet. Tezisti r-responsabbilta politika. Ejja qum ftit Dottor Karm....
Reuben Sciberras
So our virgin Police Commissioner is hurt with certin remarks. Well buuhuu. Go cry to mummy and sit on her lap. Mlea how many of us should cry with the way police treats us citizens??????????
Xi hadd haseb li l-Kummissarju mhux se jiddefendi lil ta' tahtu la hu responsabbli minnhom ??! Xorta jibqa l-fatt li Gonzi qal li hu ma jindahalx fl-investigazzjonijiet tal-pulizija, li wara kollox HU responsabbli minnhom. Waqt li vvinta l-hrafa li Joseph Muscat responsabbli wkoll ghal li storja tat-Torca fuq il-missila Libjana, meta Dr. Muscat ZGUR mhux responsabbli mill-gurnali tal- GWU !! Eddy Privitera
Anke jekk dak li qed tghid hu veru - u jien perswaz li f'Malta hadd ma jemmnek hlief xi 4 Nazzjonalisti ossessjonati bhalek - it-timing tant kien hazin u bla sens li ikkonvincejt lil hafna nies li int ma jixraqlekx tibqa' tmexxi l-korp tal-pulizija. Trid tkun altru suoer bahnan biex jew tordna jew tendorsja ordni biex tittiehed azzjoni kriminali kontra bniedem (sew hu kif ukoll missieru) ftit sieghat biss wara li dan kien fl-ahbarijiet ghax ghamel mossa politika. U dik il-Madonna warajk tkompli tikxef kemm hawn nies ipokriti u oqbra mbajjda f'dan il-pajjiz! Ma niskantax jekk qed tibki!
Commissioner Rizzo (...) repeated that the force has "priorities to investigate." Oh right so with these priorities it was pure coincidence that they moved on Chris Engerer only few days after his son defected from the party in Government. Commisioner Rizzo, I'm sure that if someone could put all this in a mathematical equation, it would be almost impossible to qualify the timing of your boys' actions as a coincidence. I hope someone can get the statistics from the Police and work out the probability of this happening right now. If the math behind it show that it was indeed impossible but the Commisioner insists on coincidence, then investigate the Commisioner himself.
If the Police takes two years to start investigating a report due to its back log this all shows how unorganized our police force is. Who will ake responsibility for this inefficiency. The Minister which under PN rule was managing the police force for these last 30 years or the commissioner? Someone should be responsible for this inefficiency.
Mela gie minn fuq il-qamar dan?
Naħseb qabel beda xegħel xema' quddiem il-Madonna biex forsi nemmnuh.
Xbajtu ddahku n-nies bikom! 5 grams of marijuana are legal to possess in most european states. Nahseb jien lil pulizija fqajtuhom bir-random drug tests! U l-Pulizija bil-lager imqabbad ma halqhom waqt il-festi, xi nghidhu ghal dawk?! Purcinelli! Jalla l-quddiem, meta l-kannabis GHAD tkun legali, is-Sur Engerer ikun jista' jfittex lil Gvern u lill-Korp ghad danni.
L-madonna fuq wara l-aqwa haha hux hi l-informant!