Gonzi stands by Edgar Galea Curmi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi yesterday resisted calls to sack his chief of staff Edgar Galea Curmi, despite revelations that Galea Curmi had attempted to intervene with Police Commissioner John Rizzo in a criminal case involving Chrus Engerer, the father of former PN councillor Cyrus Engerer.

In what proved to be an increasingly embarrassing day for Gonzi, the Prime Minister saw his earlier claims that “(his) government does not interfere with police work” contradicted twice in the space of a few hours: first by Police Commissioner John Rizzo, who revealed that Galea Curmi had in fact called him and tried to set up a meeting with Engerer’s lawyer; and later by Galea Curmi himself, who was forced to issue a press statement in which he admitted having intervened with the police at the request of his godson, Cyrus Engerer.

Gonzi’s government has also found itself staving off criticism over the ‘coincidence’, whereby the police issued charges against Cyrus Engerer for alleged diffusion via email of explicit photographs, and arrested his father Chris over possession of marijuana, just days after the 29-year-old Sliema councillor resigned from the PN and defected to Labour.

Visibly under pressure, Gonzi started his day by addressing top civil servants at Castille, while his secretariat was fending off accusations that police action against the Engerers had been politically motivated.

A report against Cyrus Engerer was originally filed with the police by his former lover Marvic Camilleri almost two years ago, when their relationship ended acrimoniously. The charge sheet appeared in The Times yesterday morning, triggering a series of questions as to who leaked the charges to the media at such an early stage, when only a few officers would be in the know.

While the Prime Minister was addressing his departmental heads in the Cabinet’s Room, his close aides were on the phone with angry officials at the Nationalist Party headquarters in Hamrun.

PN information secretary Frank Psaila was reportedly livid at the story appearing in The Times, and warned Castille that it was high time that someone gave explanations, and also warned about the political consequences should it emerge that the charges were leaked from Castille.

This warning prompted the Prime Minister’s aides to alert him to the possibility that questions could come his way from the awaiting media, and responded that “government does not interfere in police work.”

But Gonzi’s comment to the media was immediately upstaged by a statement issued by the PN’s communication office which demanded explanations from the Commissioner of Police regarding the timing of the charges against Cyrus Engerer and the arrest of Chris Engerer for possessing marijuana.

The Prime Minister’s secretariat did not appreciate the party’s statement, and involved the home affairs ministry who, in turn, engaged Commissioner John Rizzo and agreed to a press conference being called later in the day.

The press conference revealed a perturbed John Rizzo, who had to respond to the unusual call for explanations by the party in government, when the Prime Minister had in fact stated earlier that “government did not interfere in police work.”

But as the Commissioner vouched for his men and their word that their actions were not politically motivated, he let the cat out of the bag by confirming, in answer to a MaltaToday question, that he had actually received a phone call from Edgar Galea Curmi.

The Prime Minister’s Chief of Staff was enquired about Cyrus Engerer’s father’s arrest the previous day, and asked Rizzo to take action that the Police Commissioner himself said ‘went beyond his duties as police’.

Rizzo – who said he saw nothing wrong in Galea Curmi calling him – admitted also that he understood that Cyrus Engerer was next to the caller at the time, and said that Galea Curmi asked him to clear the air with Engerer’s lawyers who were hinting at political motivations.

Questions were raised however regarding whether Galea Curmi was legally permitted to ask for such information, and to be forwarded such information.

While it remains unclear if the Prime Minister knew about this telephone conversation between Edgar Galea Curmi and the Police Commissioner, the media were told that the Commissioner replied to Galea Curmi that he would do nothing of the sort and that he would not involve himself in anything ‘political’.

But the Prime Minister’s problems had just grown bigger at that time, when Edgar Galea Curmi was compelled to issue a press statement confirming his phone-call to John Rizzo, and that he is Cyrus Engerer’s ‘godfather at confirmation’, besides admitting to having both “Cyrus and his family at heart.”

This statement and John Rizzo’s comments triggered yet another reaction, this time by Labour leader Joseph Muscat who called for the immediate resignation of Galea Curmi for interfering with police work.

While home affairs minister Carm Mifsud Bonnici appointed Judge Albert Manche’ to head an inquiry into the events, this was immediately shot down by Joseph Muscat who declared his no-confidence in the Judge over his ‘inaction’ within the Commission Against Corruption.

Muscat meanwhile called for the setting up of two independent public inquiries to establish the facts, especially with regards to Edgar Galea Curmi’s phone call to the commissioner.

As the Prime Minister closed his eventful day, the PN tried to cushion the impact by issuing another statement, this time stating that it had only learnt yesterday about the charges against Cyrus Engerer, and that the former Nationalist actiuvist had been interrogated by the police three weeks before he resigned from the PN and moved to Labour.

As the lights went out at Castille and the PN headquarters in Hamrun last night, the Cyrus Engerer saga was all over the evening news in different versions, leaving the general public perplexed at the sheer extent of ‘coincidences’.

So Gonzi is telling us that if we have a court case and need some side information about this case we should call his top aid so that he would in turn call the Commisioner of police enquiring on our case. Gonzi you are a big failure and you always try to defend and patch up the indefensable. Galea Curmi is right, Austin Gatt is always right, Tonio Fenech is always right and Joseph Muscat as usual is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS WRONG by Gonzi standards. HAHAHA
Luke Camilleri
He should at this rate ,as he might just get investigated as well !
Gonzi always defends those few still loyal to him because he cannot do without them. This is the sorry story of Maltese politics in 2011. Disgracefull and shamefull
Jekk kien ghad hemm xi prova biex tassigurana, kienet din. Issa nafu ghaliex m'hemmx aktar nies qrib il-PN li ma jaslux li fil berah, jew jikkritikaw, inkella juru li jridu jitilqu l-partit. Kulhadd ghandu xi skeletru fil-gwardarabooba tieghu, l-aktar u l-aktar jekk tkun midhla tal-PN. X'ma jibzghux allura li jekk jerfghu rashom johorgu jcappsuhom, kemm lilhom u wkoll lil dawk li jhbobbu u huma l-aktar vulnerabbli. Nixrieq insemmi imma ma rridx naghmel hsara lil dawk li naf jien u li herqana li jhallu lil GonziPN jitqabad wahdu mal-mewg u l-maltemp li gab hu stess u shabu tal-qalba. Imma tal-qalba ghax jidhru li huma lejali, u lesti li jgorru l-piz tad-dnubiet ta' Gonzi u tal-PN (mela dawn ghandhom id-dnubiet...TRIDX TMUR!!) jibqghu jgawdu l-appogg ta' dawk li qed jghattulhom xturhom. Nahseb li nies bhal Galea Curmi, biex insemmu lilu la hareg ghonqu daqshekk, mhux tali se sibu l-akbar appogg tal-Prim, talli se jkomplu jigu agevolati. Tigini wkoll il-kurzita' nistaqsi, imma kif, u x'inhi r-raguni ghaliex nies bhal JPO, JM, FD, JPF, u ohrajn jibqghu hemm jaqilghu fuq rashom u ma jitlqux?...mhux ghax ihobbu l-partit tghid!!!!
Where there is the shit, you will find the flies- all sticking together.
Sewwa kien ghid Dr Alfred Sant HOKKLI DARI U INHOKKLOK TIEGHEK ma taraxwx li Dr Gonzi mhux ser INEHHI lis segtetarju tieghu Edgar Galea Curmi dan XJAHSEB li HU( EGC) li JIGI jindahal fl-affarijet tal pulizija Jien haga wahda NITLOB lil Dr Joseph Muscat li jekk jigi jitla fil gvern dawk il KUNTRATTI BRIHA TINTEN jipprova ISSOLVIHOM u min HAQQU IL KASTIG JIEHDU Veru gejna PAJJIZ DITTATORJAli
Kiss my donkey and I'll kiss yours. It has always been that way with the local saints.
I really do not feel safe residing in this country anymore!!!:(
La tkun imgarrab tkun taf sa fejn jaslu in-Nazzjonalisti. Cover up wara cover up basta tkun maghhom. Nispera li ghad jigi zmien dak iz-zmien li veru tibda issir il GUSTIZZJA. Jekk il-Gvern irrid jinvestiga ghandu miljun haga biex jinvestiga u l-ewwel haga jiffranka il flus. Ghandi xewqa inkun naf kemm kien hawn haddiema fic-civil li gew mehhda min Assistenti Diretturi, Diretturi, Directuri Generali etc etc. Kemm saru Transfer VENDIKATTIVI u vendikazzjonijiet ohra taht dan il-PM ta' Kuxjenza u principji li jahseb lu huwa xempju u mudell tal-Qdusija, Umilta u honesta
@ briffy@maltanet So are you Sir! Sorry
Gonzi, the arch-enemy of divorce and liberal ideals, the most Christian Catholic Prime Minister Malta ever had, stands by his assistant. But then unleashes all his vindictiveness on a young man, for defecting to the other side. How Christian of him. Go back a few days and you will see that the character asassination of Cyrus Engerer started several days ago. This was supposed to be the masterstroke. But the people have shown they are not dumb. http://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/07/21/miskin-engerer-it-taparsi-nsara-demokristjani-daru-ghalih/
xi tridu jghamel? li xkora tinten
Have you ever heard that , " BIRDS OF THE SAME FEATHER FLOCK TOGETHER " This is a perfect example of how they protect each other when the need arise. Halluna nghixu , u tkunux ipokriti u korotti aktar milli inthom.
@briffi@maltnet "Democracy in action....." You mean theatrics in action!
Everything orchestrated like a symphony at the Manoel!
U x'tistenna mill-ex-president tal-Azzjoni Kattolika?! Tghid mhux se jiehu passi kontra xi arci konservattiv u fundamentalista bhalu. Mela xi tkun mazunerija?!!
jekk hu ragel dan EGC jghidilna xinhi il-procedura biex tkellmu dwar xi problema li jista jkollu min jahdem fic-civil u jekk huwiex lest jiehu l-istess lightning action li ha fil-kas tal-godson.
cva....You are more than confused....you must be having hallucinations.
@ robcas....your article is very much to the point....well said. Of course you will attacked and insulted by the pathetic people who comment on this website.
@Astroluxboy...you are simply pathetic.
So this is how it works; call the police commissioner to sort someone out. who knows, these people might be calling judges to sort others. The PM has lost the plot big time.
Sewwa jghid il-malti: Ghidli ma min tghamila u nghidlek x'int. . Haga ta' l-ghageb kif il-PM lest jghatti kollox bit-tama li sa elezzjoni ohra kollox jintesa. Ghattejna mawriet bil-jet executive sa indhil fil-process tal-gustizzja. Fejn ser nasslu aktar. Kultant tahseb li certu nies jaqsmu bejniethom aktar minn idejat u hsiebijiet.
Sewwa jghid il-malti: Ghidli ma min tghamila u nghidlek x'int. . Haga ta' l-ghageb kif il-PM lest jghati kollox bit-tama li sa elezzjoni ohra kollox jintesa.Ghattejna mawriet bil-jet executive sa indhil fil-process tal-gudizzja. Fejn ser nasslu aktar. Kultant tahseb li certu nies jaqsmu bejniethom aktar minn idejat u hsiebijiet.
Tal-misthija dan il-Prim Ministru, nisthi nghid li jiena Malti meta tara dawn il-praspar kollha jigru gewwa l-pajjiz u Alla jbierek jigi l-Prim Ministru u jberikhom. Ma nafx fejn nistghu ninzli izjed fil-fond. U ara ghad tigu tghidu xi haga fuq il-Labour ghax qeghdin naghmlu ghar minnhom. Shabna fl-Ingliterra l-Prim Ministru taghhom ukoll kien impjega ex-editur tan-News of the World u meta tfaccaw xi affariiet hareg jiddefendih imma spicca biex din il-persuna kellha tirrezenja u wara spiccat arrestata u nvestigata u ghad hemm ic-cans li jittiehdu procedurikontriha. L-istess kif gara hawn hekk, dak mhux indhil f'xoghol il-pulizija, ara kieku kont jien li ghamilt hekk kieku arrestawni u nvestigawni u forsi kaxkruni l-Qorti wkoll. Tejatrin biss minn nahha ta' Gonzi+ u l-Puliziaj, tghd hemm xi kongentura!!!!!!!!
Engerer tried to take both parties for a ride...(and also the people writing "praise" comments for his "courage" & hasty switch lol)...he was interrogated way before he resigned!!! He could see what was coming to him...A BIG BOOMERANG!!! He was so keen and active in ousting the legitimate mayor of Sliema, Nikki Dimech...he even presented the motion himself...stating that it was due to the fact that there were court proceedings...now, finding himself in the same postiion, he tried to anticipate his destiny by resigning and what better excuse than the divorce bill? If he was honest, he would have resigned due to the divorce bill BEFORE starting the campaign with "Iva" because he knew from the start that the party and the prime minister were not in favour...he made (tried) himself a victim and a sort of martyr and went running to the Pl...not out of his ideals, but because he had to!!! If not, once the case was made public he would have been asked to resign by the party anyway!!! He tried to save himself a humiliation, which ended up worse...because the facts speak for themsleves...the bottom line is that he was interrrogated on the 23rd June - resigned on the 15th July...so the charges against him were not due to his resignation no! On the contrary, he resigned to try and keep everything undercover!!! Iz-zejt dejjem jitla f'wicc l-ilma
Taf x'għandek tinvestiga sur PM? Kif il-Qorti tal-Appell taċċetta kuntratt li jingħad li sar fis-snin 1400 (seklu 15) ta' Nutar li qatt ma EŻISTA u tagħti lill-Knisja biċċa art fl-inħawi taż-Żurrieq meta dik l-art kienet ta' persuna privata. Dak li għandek tinvestiga sur PM.
How to defend the indefensible. They should call this legislature, the invasion of Gonzi's f...k-ups! https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/07/27/esperjenza-ta-servizz-bazwi/
Some people really know how to shoot themselves in the foot. I did not give a flying hoot about the political convictions of a local councillor until some PN fanatics went on a crusade against him and his family. We are talking about the local council of a town in a country of 400,000 ofr Christ's sake. It's like being on the board of the local scouts association. But once he and his family and friends get persecuted days after he changed his political allegiance, it becomes a matter of importance. I'm sure that these days Dr. Gonzi is recalling the old proverb: with friends like these - who needs enemies?
Democracy in action.....