Labour insists on Galea Curmi's 'political interference' during Engerer investigation

Labour has hit back once more on the Cyrus Engerer case and insisted on ‘political interference’ by the Prime Minister’s chief of staff Edgar Galea Curmi when he called the Police Commissioner.

In a second statement issued during the day, the Labour Party reacted to comments given by Edgar Galea Curmi and the Nationalist Party, and said that “the Prime Minister had lost direction.”

Reacting to Galea Curmi’s comments whereby he said that he had not interfered in any way, the PL said that Galea Curmi had admitted calling Commissioner John Rizzo to ask about criminal charges, and asked him to do something - which the Commissioner said – “he could not do.”

Again, Labour accused the Prime Minister of appointing an inquiry to “cover himself” and  setting the terms of reference himself.

Also, the Prime Minister appointed Judge Albert Manche to head the inquiry, whom according to the PL “is a person who during the 12 years at the helm of the Commission Against Corruption, never found any trace of corruption in the country.”

Meanwhile, Cyrus Engerer is expected to present a judicial protest against the Commissioner of Police and the Court Registrar in a bid to seek redress for having his charges leaked to the media before he was even notified, causing predjudice to his case and denying him a fair trial.

The judicial protest to be presented by defence lawyer Franco Debono is expected to rebut Police Commissioner John Rizzo’s claim about court documents being automatically in the public domain.

Debono said that contrary to Rizzo’s claims, such documents are actually protected at law. 

According to Rizzo, once the charge sheet was filed in court, it was automatically in the public domain and therefore could be freely accessed by anyone.

But Debono rebuts this. “There is a legal concept which is pre-trial prejudicial publicity, applicable to this case, where the Court may have considered issuing a ban on names to protect the alleged victim (in this case, Marvic Camilleri).”

Debono claims that in Engerer’s case, “the whole scenario was shaken.”

Criminal Code section 518 states that: “the acts and documents of the courts of criminal justice shall not be open to inspection, nor shall copies thereof be given, without the special permission of the court, except by or to the Attorney General, by or to the parties concerned or by or to any advocate or legal procurator authorized by such parties; but any act, which is pronounced in open court, shall be open to inspection by any person, and copies thereof may be given on payment of the usual fee. Provided that a procès-verbal and any depositions and documents filed therewith shall be open to inspection, and copies thereof shall be given, only at the discretion of the Attorney General and on payment of such fees as may be prescribed by the Minister responsible for justice as provided in article 695.”

I wonder what PN are trying to tell us? If you are a pervert, child molestor or some other form of deviant - you will be ok as long as you are loyal to the party. BUT LO AND BEHOLD should you betray your party lest all your past sins will came back to haunt you! GonziPN was not gong to let Cyrus get away with betrayal - after all loyalty is the only thing that matters to PN. Competence is not even on the list of pre-requisites. Than again anyone who deals with ministries and authories sees this on a daily basis - go along with the corruption and greed and you too can eat off the table. Dare to show your disgust and you will be starved. What makes the mind wonder is the extent to which GonziPN has lots contact with reality. Do they not realise that this charade will hurt them more than it hurts Cyrus? They think they are making an example of this person - but at the end of the day Cyrus is just one person and one of their own anyways - the rest of us have eyes and are neither fooled nor intimidated. And going after the father as well? The guy had a drug problem over a very long time - his medical records alone would show this .. so now the police found the time to act? One is reminded of that scene in Sliema with that lackey Borg Olivier - threatening to have the mother of one of their own Councillor arrested. GONZIPN = NAZIPN.
@Mr Gecko Please excuse my lack of culture since having an inquisitive mind I may have probed too hard. I am also not overly sensitive either to let yr comments get under my skin. You mentioned that u had no doubt that the TOM was a tool for government spin but categorically stated that this information was not leaked by the police. My question to you is how can you be so sure when all the facts state otherwise? OK, you are no journalist and yet privy to information that we, lesser mortals, do not seem to have access to. No personal offense meant but after all you were the one who commented first on my blog...and you did your fair share of attacking anyway.
Joseph Sant
Mr not amused: "the best form of defence is attack" - perhaps, and perhaps that is why you attacked me. I know a lot about a lot of things not just journalism - it's called culture. . I keep trying to make out what your argument is. From your last post you seem to be worried about the press getting bits of information from the police or who ever. That does not worry me in the least. It is the journalists job to be snoopy and get whatever information may be got from anyone. . What worries me is when it is the other way around. When the government uses the so called independent press as a channel for its spin. That has been my argument all along if you cared to read carefully what I wrote. . Kindly note that I will not reply to anything further you may address to me on this matter. I hate repeating myself.
@Mr Gecko It's Mr. and the best form of defence is attack. If you are not a journalist then no need to over react on the ethics question. A simple denial would have been sufficient. I have simply added on to what you've written and your undeniable expertise on matters 'press' led me to my conclusions (unintended, I can assure you ). Your efforts to explain & defend their methods did the rest. On the other hand, the pertinent questions have been left unanswered. i.e. the involvement of the press in utilizing shady tit bits of information especially from police sources. And the question of objectivity in view of the symbiotic dependence of journalists and politicians.
Joseph Sant
Dear Mr not amused (could be Ms for all I know) - when you wrote:"It is quite obvious that you, Mr. Gecko, are from the press" you could not have been further from the truth. Every single word in that statement is incorrect. That is what happens when people make assumptions rather than stick to the facts. . You then proceed to accuse me of lack of ethics - don't know which ethics you are referring to but that's your problem. You are only charging at windmills sir/madam. But never mind. You are forgiven. Go and sin no more. :)
Democracy is in danger yet again; Malta is back to the times of PitruPawl Busuttil. If it was wrong at the time, it’s wrong today. This senseless lifelong loyalty to a party even when it has lost all direction is illogical and stupid. This is tribalism in its worst form! . In today’s world we are expected to think, evaluate and aspire to be among the best, and not follow some outdated ideology that is backward looking. When the majority of Maltese people understand this concept we will get better performing governments. Malta’s needs leaders to stand up for what is right and not politicians that remain loyal out of fear of retribution. As I see it, the issue today is down to removing these self-centred, double-faced, incompetent jokers from government.
Lis-Sur George Grech li llum kiteb kumment taht ittra li kelli f'The Times il-bierah. Qed nirrispondih hawn ghax ma nistax nidhol nikkummenta 'on line' f'The Times. Dan il-bravu kiteb li jien ktibt " miljun ittra " kemm ilu haj hu. Kompla harbex li pero " QATT MA GIBT WAHDA TAJBA " ! Issa l-ittra li kelli l-bierah kienet dwar il-fatt li waqt li ahna c-cittadini u r-residenti barranin li noqghodu f'pajjizna, il-problemi tal-Arriva jkollna " to like them or lump them " ( Jigifieri, irridu jew ma rridux ikollna naccettawhom ) Izda t-turisti hadd ma jista jisfurzahom biex jaccettaw il-kaos kollu li kellhom jghaddu minnhu. U dan ghamel hafna hsara lit-turizmu, specjalment meta dawk l-eluf ta' turtisti li ntlaqtu , imorru lura pajjizhom u jghamlulna isem hazin li jista jgerrex turisti milli jigu f'pajjizna. Din kienet l-ittra li ktibt fit.Times. Piu o meno l-istess argument ghamlitu l-MHRA. George grech issa nistiednu jghidli jekk, almemu din id-darba gibtx " wahda tajba " . U nistaqsih kif qatt ma niftakar li kien jirrispondini biex jghidli fejn mort zmerc ??! Ibda kkummemta fil-Malta Today George, halli naraw kemm tkun kapaci tirribatti l-kummenti li naghmel jien. Eddy Privitera
Adrian Vassallo, dak id-deputat li kien stqarr li jippreferi jmur joqghod fl-Iran milli jibqa malta (!), issa qal li jappoggja lil Lawrence Gonzi ghal mod kif baqa jivvota LE dwar id.divorzju, anki wara li saru emendi li qablu z.zewg nahat tal-kamra tar-Rapprezentanti. U b'hekk Gonzi baqa ma rrispettax id-deizjoni tal-poplu. Adrian Vassallo qal ukoll - kif gie rrapportat fil-pagna ta' quddiem f'The Times tal-lum, li hu ma marx il-parlament biex jivvota ghax ghalihb dan kien ikun hela ta' hin ! Jew forsi ried jghid kien ikun HELA TA' FLUS, ghax dak il-hin, flok jaqdi dmiru lejn il-kostitwenti li vvutawlu biex IMUR il-parlament, minflok qaghad idur il-pazjenti u JDAHHAL IL-FLUS, u fl-istess hin se jithallas l-onorarja kollha meta Adrian vassallo qed imur biss il-parlament meta jkun hemm xi vot. Din id-darba lanqas ghal-vot ma mar !! Fuq dan biss ma narax x'wicc irid ikollu biex jerga johrog ghal-elezzjoni u jippretendi li n-nies jivvutawlu ! Eddy Privitera
Adrian Vassallo on TOM today "Everyone is being allowed in like sheep and goats as long as we win. I am sorry to see my party (going down this road). You cannot accept everyone, without any vetting. Those who are being pushed most are the turncoats. Others, like me, are sidelined and the turncoats are raised sky-high".....for those of you who asked me for proof in what I said here in this blog this morning, this is a timely confirmation by Dr Vassallo. @ vox popoli ....dawk li semmejt Grima u Montesin jahdmu u jixtru l airtime kienu fuq net u PBS.Cyrus mistieden kuljum fuq ONE..dik id-differenza....ghidu il verita ghalinqas meta tikkumentaw ghax il poplu se gennuh....
JOHN BONELLO: donnok insejt kif ilqajtu lill Joe Grima fuq in-Net u lill Montesin fuq PBS! Illum TASSEW qed nifhem ghaliex lin-nazzjonalist (mhux dawk ta' rieda tajba) jirreferu ghalijhom bhala nazzisti / faxxisti.
@gecko Oh really? So you are saying that the TOM was indeed an accomplice in this frame up and how come the Times reporter was privy to the charges ( and actually saw them ) before Mr. Engerer, the one who was being charged became aware of what was afoot. It is quite obvious that you, Mr. Gecko, are from the press and trying hard not to soild the white vest, you think, you are wearing. In a way, a journalist is not any different than a politician, which is why the relationship between the press and politics is a symbiotic one. Hradly surprising that the question of ethic is invariably a stumbling block for all of you.
ISSA AHJAR GHAX GHANDNA PRIM MINISTRU NUMRU 3...... No,1 AUSTIN GATT,,,No 2 LAWRENCE GONZI U No 3 EDGAR GALEA CURMI.... tlieta CWIeC maltin skond dak li mhuc CUC Tonio il Fenek
Bejn Manu u Ohra
The handling of this saga proves that GonziPN is really sinking. Reminds us of the Titanic, with the captain urging everyone to "Be British" in the face of death! Gonzi continues to put a straight face, smiles, ignores public opinion (again, after voting against divorce) and continues on his path to ruin. Dragging us all with him!
Back to square one: il-Partit tal-qdusija, qalbieni demokratiku u gellied ghal liberata, martri tad-demokrazzija u tas-Sewwa jirbah zhur, jinqabad 'with its pants down' !
Joseph Sant
@ not amused: Oh no sir I have not doubt that the Times is continually used as a channel for government spin. What I am saying is that the story was not leaked by the police but by whoever in the government (or in the PN for that matter) had an interest to so. Of course the Times is an accomplice - it always was!
Jista jkun li Edgar ma kellux icempel lil Kummisarju pero f'dan il-kaz engerer qed johrog ta tifel ghax meta iltaqaw l mdina zgur xi hadd mar ifittex lil xi hadd. U nahseb engerer kellu bzonn lil edgar u mhux bil kontra, allura issa l-irgulija sa hemm tasal ( u dan suppost habib tal-familja) mela l-ewwel nipprova nghdilu jkellem lil kummisarju minhabba missieru u issa l anqas ghandu l-kuragg jghid li kien hu li staqsieh ( anzi qed jghid bil-kontra).u jien ma nistax nifhem jew edgar qed jipprova jghin lil familja engerer jew il pn qed jipprova jkisser lil familja engerer. Iddeciedu...insomma gimgha ohra inkunu nsejna kollox ( kif gara ta nikki u sandra) .u wara kollox kieku dan engerer ma pruvax iqarraq b kulhadd anki b joseph muscat kieku ma kien ikollna din it-telenovela
@ navarro....Taf x hemm bzonn taghmel sur navarro, kemm iddur naqra madwarek u tistaqsi lil hafna membri antiki tal-PL jekk dan li qed isir jaqblux mieghu , jigiefieri kif ikun hemm xi hadd min tal-PN li jmur mal-PL, qisu jkun gie il-Messija...u ma hemmx ghalfejn provi jekk inthom kollha tisimghu il-One suppost indunajtu li dan Engerer kien mistieden f'kull programm li kien hemm kwazi kuljum, ( is-sib fil program ta Manuel, It-tlieta filghaxija ma nikita etc etc) jien dan li irrid nghid.......staqsu anki lil kunsilliera tal-labour kemm ikunu jrdu jghamlu telefonati sabiex jippruvaw jigu mistiedna fuq programm u dan alla jbierek jkun mistieden fuq kollha t tajba hbieb...
Luke Camilleri
Kollox jinhadem Bizzilla ta' Malta minn Kastilja- l-emails ta' Pawlu Borg Olivier, hacking tal-passwords tal-Mitts, ordnijiet mill-OPM biex jiprocedi u jiprocedix il-Kummissarju.....dan Kollhu fit 2011 taht Gonzipn!
@gecko I was definitely not referring to 'official' channels and you know exactly what I am talking about. If you are trying to tell me that the local press does not make use of 'unofficial' sources ( for the lack of a better word ) than your self righteous ( did I spell that right ) comments sound as hollow as anything our politicians spout on us every day. I doubt it whether the TOM editor had any pangs of conscience when the paper broke this story. In fact, it is really strange that every one is talking about the ‘hidden hand’ and yet, no one has questioned the ethics of the newspaper for being an accomplice in this sleazy plot. Ye, I know, freedom of expression and all that jazz.
Dan il-Partiet Swastika jonqsu. Dak il-Mignun norvegis sewwa gharafhom!
L-ahwa ghandkom memorja qasira, mela insejtuha il-famuza email li dak l-istilla ta' Pawlu Borg Olivier baghat bi zball lil Jason Micallef? Dik kixfet kif il-PN jigbor taghrif fuqna minn ghand id-dipartimenti tal-gvern biex jasal fejn irid. U allura hadd u nghid hadd mhu se jikkonvincini li dan Galea Curnmi ma ndahalx bi skop, u issa il-prim tieghu qieghed fil-hama. U ma tiftakruhix l-istorja ta Harry Vassallo lejlet l-elezzjoni tal-2008. Il-lejla smajt lil Salvu Balzan jghid li Galea Curmi ried jghaddilu l-istorja biex tixxandar fuq il-Maltatoday. Le, trid tkun mazzun mill-kbar biex tibqa' temmen dak li jghidu ta' Gonzi. Li kieku kollox sar sewwa ma kienx joqghod jiskomoda ruhu John Rizzo, issoltu ma tantx jaghti konferenzi stampa. Imma din d-darba beza' li ser jispicca jizfen fil-kummiedja ta' Galea Curmi.
Jekk dan il-kaz ilu maghruf sentejn kif la l-PN kienu jafu bih hallew lil Cyrus jilhaq vici sindku?
Kull argument li nkiteb fuq dan il-povru Cyrus Engerer huwa superflu ghax id-decizjoni li diga ttiehdet mil-Kupola hu li jsallbuh anke fuq zokk ta' sufarina....basta jsallbuh...kunu afu li s-sistema hekk tahdem jibqu jficcu anke dwar l-antenati li ijlom li mietu s-snin basta jsibu xi haga fuqiex ihammgu halli t-tisliba tkun iggustifikata hekk jahdmu ta' hdejna is-Siciljani. S'issa sabu nofs 'joint' ghand missieru li kulhadd jaf li kien ghadda minn perjodu hazin f'hajtu u issa issetilja. Trid tkun garrabt dan il-kalvarju biex tifhem...hekk jghamlu fuq xi cucata u b'informazzjoni mallinna jfarrku l-familji, il-mara jew ragel bi break down tqum u torqod tistenna li l-persuna terga tigi arrestata etc etc etc trawma li qatt ma tintesa u fuqiex....fuq nofs joint. Nahseb li ftit ghawn minn ma jafx x'inu 'joint' biex jipparaguna. Ehh kliem in-nanniet kienu jghajdu u sew kienu li 'IL-FORKA GHALL IZ-ZVINTURAT'
Joseph Sant
@ gino7266: Did Mr Engerer post the pictures on the web? If yes, I would agree with you about the publicity element. If what he did was send an email with pictures to a couple of acquaintances then it would be stretching it. Mr Marvic Camilleri is probably outraged that his name has been so publicly dragged into this, even before any charges have been pressed by the Police. . @ not amused. Well I must I am not amused either when people are so calm about totally misrepresenting facts. Of course the Press gets its (not it's) information about accidents and arraignments from the Police. That is why the police have a Press Officer. Newsrooms regularly call the Police Press Office for what are known in the trade as "l-okkorrenzi". But that is all official and above board. This case absolutely wasn't.
I cannot help smirk at how shocked people are about the confidentiality abuses of this case. Has anybody considered where the Press gets it's information. A substantial amount actually comes from police sources. Reports of car accidents hit the press before the victims even reach the hospital. And where are such reports filed? Nobody is as well informed about this racket as the local press and yet they wudn't dare strangle the goose which lays the golden egg.
Krista Sullivan
@Gecko and John Bonello It-tnejn qeghdin zbaljati f'dan meta ghandek kaz bejn zewg persuni diretti trid tara x'ihnu il-kaz kieku Camilleri allega li gie abbuzat minn cyrus seghta xhin ried iwaqqaf il-process u jwaqqa l kwerela izda f'dan il-kaz il-Pulizija bilfors trid tmexxi mhux ghax sar ir-rapport minn Camilleri izda ghax ir-ritratti gew imqassma u ghalhekk gew publici u b'dan il-Pulizija tmexxi ex-officio. Jien li ma nistax nifhem Sur Bonello hija haga wahda GALEA CURMI QAL LI CEMPEL LILL KUMMISSARJU SABIEX JEKK JISTA IKELLEM LILL AVUKAT TA'MISSIER CYRUS SABIEX JISPJEGALU GHALXIEX KIEN INVESTIGAT U LI MA KIENX HEMM TPATTIJA POLITIKA, MA NAFX HUWIEX IL-KAZ LI SEGHTA JAGHMEL HEKK FIL-POSIZJONI LI JOKKUPA F'KASTILJA, BISS LI NAF ZGUR HUWA LI META MISSIER cYRUS KIEN INVESTIGAT KELLU DRITT JIKONSULTA JEW IKOLLU PRESENZA TA'AVUKAT. ALLURA NGHID JIEN MA'KIENX HEMM BZONN LI GALEA CURMI JKELLEM LILL KUMMISSARJU SABIEX IKELLEM LILL AVUKAT META DAN SUPPOST JEW KIEN PREZENTI JEW KIEN KONSULTAT U HEMM HEKK ZGUR LI QALULU LI DIN MHIEX TPATTIJA POLITIKA. FIHA X'TOGHMOD NAHSEB DIN HUX ??
Krista Sullivan
@Gecko and John Bonello It-tnejn qeghdin zbaljati f'dan meta ghandek kaz bejn zewg persuni diretti trid tara x'ihnu il-kaz kieku Camilleri allega li gie abbuzat minn cyrus seghta xhin ried iwaqqaf il-process u jwaqqa l kwerela izda f'dan il-kaz il-Pulizija bilfors trid tmexxi mhux ghax sar ir-rapport minn Camilleri izda ghax ir-ritratti gew imqassma u ghalhekk gew publici u b'dan il-Pulizija tmexxi ex-officio. Jien li ma nistax nifhem Sur Bonello hija haga wahda GALEA CURMI QAL LI CEMPEL LILL KUMMISSARJU SABIEX JEKK JISTA IKELLEM LILL AVUKAT TA'MISSIER CYRUS SABIEX JISPJEGALU GHALXIEX KIEN INVESTIGAT U LI MA KIENX HEMM TPATTIJA POLITIKA, MA NAFX HUWIEX IL-KAZ LI SEGHTA JAGHMEL HEKK FIL-POSIZJONI LI JOKKUPA F'KASTILJA, BISS LI NAF ZGUR HUWA LI META MISSIER cYRUS KIEN INVESTIGAT KELLU DRITT JIKONSULTA JEW IKOLLU PRESENZA TA'AVUKAT. ALLURA NGHID JIEN MA'KIENX HEMM BZONN LI GALEA CURMI JKELLEM LILL KUMMISSARJU SABIEX IKELLEM LILL AVUKAT META DAN SUPPOST JEW KIEN PREZENTI JEW KIEN KONSULTAT U HEMM HEKK ZGUR LI QALULU LI DIN MHIEX TPATTIJA POLITIKA. FIHA X'TOGHMOD NAHSEB DIN HUX ??
@John Bonello "Dil il persuna jew individwu li hareg il-kaz issa ghax Cyrus telaq il-PN huwa ferm hazin" Naqbel kompletament mieghek fdak il kumment li ktibt izda li ma naqbilx mieghek huwa li tivvinta biex ma nghidiekx tigdeb meta ktibt li " dan cyrus se jiehu promotion sentejn ohra gewwa kastilja" Ghandek il provi f'idejk li ha jkun kastilja? Ghandek provi li labour warrab li ta gewwa?Noqghodu attenti hafna xniktbu ghax jekk ma jkollox twegiba ghal mistoqsija li ghamiltlek allura qieghed tipprova thammeg! Qieghed nistenna risposta ghal mistoqsijiet li ghamiltlek bhal hafna segwaci tal "Malta Today" Jekk ma ghandek risposta nitolbok li tghamel apologija!
LIl Ganni ta' Bonell halli nsaqsih jekk jista xjghidlu is-sieheb ta' dak li qaleb gha xma ghadux jafdahom x'inhu..jekk hux nazzjonalist jew laburist...ghax mid-dehra dan ganni jaf kollox , jaf klil kulhadd u jaf x'ser isir fil0-futur..jaf li tal-labour ser jirbah l-elezjoni, mhux hekk gann gha xkieku ma kontx tghid lil dan il-guvnot ser jakkwista xi huga f'kastilja. Jista jkun li juf ukoll dun Gahan skuzi ridt nghid Ganni, li HADD min-nazzjonalisti ma jaraw pastazati fuq il-kompjuters ghax dawk jaghmluhom huma u ma ghandhom bzonn lil hadd biex jghalmuhom. Ekk jonqos, imbaghad xi nghidu ghall-missieru wehel hu mahghom ghax hekk jaghmlu l-insara ta' veru meta trid tweggha lil xi hadd , l-ewwel ma tattakalu hu lil min ikun ihobb l-iktar. Dik kuxjenza safja, ma tofx? Aqra sew jekk tuf qabel ma tatakka lil Guzeppi taghna ghax dun ma semma xejn fuq il-guvni u lanqas qabez ghalih imma ma jhalli lil hadd li jaqdu lil poplu b'ghamilhom specjalment meta jigi il-kbir tal-pulizija u jghid li hu mhux lest li jikser il-ligi ghal hadd. Gann.....tippruvux tghatti x-xemx b'gharbiel habojb....
Joseph Sant
@ John Bonello: 1.You are wrong in what you say about criminal charges. In crimes against the person, such as rape for instance, even if there is an initial report, if the injured party withdraws his/her consent those charges are dropped. That is the law. 2. What is relevant in this matter is not when the police interrogation took place but when and why the crime sheet was illegally passed on to the media, specifically the Times. 3. Why are media reports referring to Mr Marvic Camilleri as a Nationalist Party official when his involvement of otherwise in politics has absolutely nothing to do with the matter which simply involved a private affair between a man and his boyfriend. If you fail to smell the stench surrounding this case I suggest you see a specialist.
Had Edgar Galea Curmi's phone call been "successful" would he still be quoting the law? The truth is that Cyrus has tried to keep everything undercover and fool the parties and his "supporters" and now does not have more excuses to hang on to...he was not honest when he left interviews - he did not mention the case which was already under investigation...then he said his reputation is targeted...luckily there are still some people out here who can make 1+1
@John Bonello "Dil il persuna jew individwu li hareg il-kaz issa ghax Cyrus telaq il-PN huwa ferm hazin" Naqbel kompletament mieghek fdak il kumment li ktibt izda li ma naqbilx mieghek huwa li tivvinta biex ma nghidiekx tigdeb meta ktibt li " dan cyrus se jiehu promotion sentejn ohra gewwa kastilja" Ghandek il provi f'idejk li ha jkun kastilja? Ghandek provi li labour warrab li ta gewwa?Noqghodu attenti hafna xniktbu ghax jekk ma jkollox twegiba ghal mistoqsija li ghamiltlek allura qieghed tipprova thammeg!
Mark Fenech
Mela wiehed mill-uffiċċjali tal-Pulizija qal li r-rapport li daħal fuq Chris Engerer kien unanimu, imma ma kienx motivat politikament. Jekk kien unanimu min għamel ir-rapport kif il-pulizija taf il-motivazzjoni x'kienet. Iddaħquniex.
@john bonello naqbel mighek fuq certi punti, izda il bicca hija din.. li dak il persuna li semejtlek jien li instabb hatti li distribwixa pornografija mil computer ta xoghol u ghax huwa nazzjonalist inatta promotion gol air malta.. izda int ghedt li cyrus jinghata promozzjoni sentejn ohra gewwa kastilja.. hawn ma naqbilx mighek asolutament, dik il persuna inghattat promotion mil gvern nazzjonalista, u cyrus biex jinghata il promozjoni li semejt int, irrid jghaddi mil gudizzju tal poplu billi jirbah il fiducja tal votanti jekk irriduh fil parlament.
Looks like somebody doesn't know his job well , I wonder how he managed to climb so far in his profession.
In this whole saga which is so full of coincidinces, plots and sub-plots that it beats any soap opera, there is only one thing that really surprises me, which is that following the previous Sliema council soap opera involving Nikki Dimech that Cyrus Enegrer seems to be actually surprised that the PN Catholic party which his family apparently so lovingly embraces can sink to such depths in their vindictiveness.
Micheal Bonanno
@John Bonello. Mela m'ghadekx tghix Malta jew d'din id-dinja. Il-Bord ta' dixxiplina ilu li sfaxxa minn meta Joseph Muscat lahaq leader tal-PL.
Hbieb, Suppost tafu daqsi li meta tinfetah kawza ghand il-puluzija min persuna, imbghad din l-stess persuna kun trid twaqqa l-akkuzi, jekk ikun hemm xi affarijiet fejn dan ikun kiser il-ligi, il-pulizija xorta ikolla tkompli tipprocedi f'dawk l-akkuzi kontra l-individwu. Dan jigri kuljum il-qorti. Rigward dak il-persuna li qed isemmu nahseb tafu ukoll li dan kien itella il-qorti ( wara kollox kif se jigrilu Cyrus) id differenza hi li dak forsi ha promotion l airmalta u dan cyrus se jiehu promotion sentejn ohra gewwa kastilja:))..pero naqbel maghkhom illi jekk kien hemm xi persuna jew individwu li hareg il-kaz issa ghax cyrus telaq il-PN huwa hazin. Pero Cyrus kien tressaq quddiem il-pulizija xi 3 gimghat ilu allura bl istess argument ma nistghux nghidu li Cyrus telaq il-PN ghax ma rnexxielux iwaqqaf il-Kaz kontrieh?? ikollna namettu balbuljata ghal PN u l PL u dan cyrus wise ghax spicca Joseph wara gimgha fit team tieghu kellu bilfors jispicca jiddefendieh. Sahha hbieb
@john bonello dak li garra, garra meta cyrus kien adu attiv ferm fil partit nazzjonalista, il kwistjoni inkwetanti f'din il bicca kolla hija li 1 di hargett issa bhalla vendetta kontra cyrus talli telaq mil PN u mar mal PL, mhux qed nghid li kien il PN li orkestraha din izda zgur kienu xi nazzjonalisti li riedu jivendikaw ruhom min cyrus biex ihamguh, issa jekk kinietx mil puluzija, min kastilja jew min ximkien iehor adt irridu naraw 2 id-dubju jkompli jikber bl'arest ta missier cyrus, idecidew li jaqbdu mhux biss ma cyrus izda anke mal familja tighew. 3 lex mahbub ta cyrus ideccida li jwaqqa il kawza kontrieh, ghalfejn il puluzija trid tibqa adejja bil proceduri? biex ikomplu ikisruh 4 ahjar il gvern jghidilna x'sar min certa persuna li ma niftakarx ismu li gie akkuzat li xerred materjal pornografiku min computer ta xoghol, izda ghax huwa sempliciment ta fhemma nazzjonalista inatta promotion fl'air malta
Joseph Sant
Well John Bonello, you might like to explain to me why the Police is refusing to drop charges even if the injured party, Mr Marvic Camilleri, wishes to withdraw them?
Ha ha tajba.nahseb din l-ewwel darba li grat f'Malta??. Issa il-PL qieghed f'panic kbir ghax ma kienx jaf b din it tgerfixa ta Cyrus.... mela l-ewwel naccetaw lil kulhadd, ( u nwarrbu lil ta gewwa) ( u jien nistaqsi x' sar minnu il board tal-vigilanza u dixxiplina tal-PL? jew issa tant sirna liberali li ma fadalx bzonnu) u meta nindunaw bl' zballl iridu naraw kif inkommplu ngerfxu l-mhuh. Ta f x naf li hadd mu qed jghid il ghala itella il-qorti cyrus, ahjar tispjegaw lin nies li dan itella il-qorti min ex mahbub tieghu li akkuzah li qed idawwar ritratti taghhom mhux xierqa fuq l internet....din il-verita u jekk dan il politiku il-gdid li qed jattira il-PL jispicca jiehu falza stikka fl'ahhar....
Prosit Cyrus - Malta bi hgara warajk f'din il-kwestjoni.
Luke Camilleri
And while you are it Cyrus, confront the Police Commissioner on why he did not react to the facebook threats by Zubina on you, JPO and jesmond Muliette! Where no strings pulled by the OPM to depend you and the other Nationalist MPs?
Oh ahead Cyrus, if the PN are trying to destroy you, treat them likewise. You have my full support. This regime has to stop these filthy tricks and they will get their long deserved lesson come election time.
U int Dr Franco Debono, x'ghadek taghmel timmilta f'partit mahmug u kollu hdura bhall-partit nazzjonalista?! Thajjar minn Cyrus u halli l-hmieg warajk!
Igor P. Shuvalov
... u l-kobba tkompli tithabbel.
This has happened before...and nothing has stopped or blocked the court proceedings...why should it happen now? Why make such a fuss now? "the whole scenario was shaken" lollllllllll His lawyer is going to help continue making a fool out of him after Engerer tried to fool both parties and the people.
Stefan Mifsud
What a fantastic Lawyer this young humble man is turning out to be. I strongly suggest that your best place is within the PL movement not in the shambles the GonziPN has orchestrated for itself.
Ha mmur niehu tnejn panadol extra, imbaghad nerga nigi. Maaaaaaa x'balbujata.
99% this case won't be heard before the general election, or not concluded at least.
hawwadni ha nhawdek.