Union condemns student’s school aggression against teachers, fellow student
The Malta Union of Teachers condemns an act of aggression by a 12-year-old student at the Naxxar Middle School against a fellow student and three educators

The Malta Union of Teachers has requested support for educators subjected to acts of aggression by students, following a case involving a 12-year-old student in Naxxar.
The union condemned the incident at the Naxxar Middle School in which a 12-year-old boy attacked a fellow student and three teachers who tried to break up the fight.
One of the teachers had her spectacles broken and the other two sustained slight injuries.
The incident flagged this morning by Times of Malta happened on Thursday last week and educational authorities took immediate disciplinary action and offered support.
The police were not involved but the school contacted child protection services and roped in the college psychosocial team, counsellor and guidance teachers.
In a statement on Friday, the union said it is following the case and is in contact with the educators, school management and the ministry.
“Whilst the union is informed that measures were taken immediately to address the situation, and these included support and disciplinary actions, the union requested the ministry to support the school and all other educators in tackling students' aggressive behaviour,” the union said.
It condemned all aggression and pledged to continue assisting educators.