Hit-and-run driver jailed, banned from driving for 10 years

Max Ciantar, 21 of Marsa was handed a two year jail term and a 10 year driving ban after being found guilty of last year’s hit-and-run incident in Attard involving young twin sisters.

Magistrate Doreen Clarke who handed a “closer to the maximum” judgment after she took note of Ciantar’s reluctance to solve his drug habit and prior records of driving without a licence.

The Court said that although it took note of Ciantar’s drug addiction he still needed to “act effectively” to overcome this problem.

She pointed out that her court had done all it could and help Max Ciantar, but “it was clear he had not taken the opportunity to reform,” adding that “Ciantar

expected to do what he pleased and ignore all rules and regulations.”

The Magistrate explained that Max Ciantar had two previous records of driving the same van without a licence and consequently without any insurance cover.

Twin sisters Sarah-Marie and Rebecca Falzon, were grieviously injured when they were run over by Ciantar as they crossed the road on a zebra crossing in Attard in April last year.

Banning this character from driving is a bit of a joke where he disregards things like licenses. insurance cover, zebra crossings, red lights, etc. in the first place. As soon as he is out of the slammer, one can guarantee it will be "business as ususal" and back to the same old antics. Only next time he might manage to actually kill someone and THAT will atrract a serious punishment of a suspended sentence