‘Government, minister and police have a lot to answer on Engerer case’ – PL

Labour back on the attack over the Cyrus Engerer case and has reiterated its call for two independent inquiries to establish facts and motives behind alleged intereference and motivations.

In a statement issued jointly by Michael Falzon and Jose’ Herrera - respectively Labour spokesmen on home affairs and justice – the Labour Party expressed concern at the way a court summons which had just been registered was leaked to the press well before the accused was even notified.

Falzon and Herrera, explained that according to Article 518 of the Criminal Code says that criminal proceedings are confidential, and nobody except for the accused and the prosecution may have access to the file.

Both spokesmen expressed dismay at the fact that the charges are almost two years old and were suddenly brought to light and amplified in the media.

“Without entering into the merits of the case, we feel ourselves dutybound to express our concern about the existence of a ‘hidden hand’ that seems to be attempting to orchestrate against a particular individual, in this case who had just made a move to Labour after abandoning Lawrence Gonzi,” Falzon and Herrera said.

They added that government, the responsible minister and the police have plenty to respond to under the circumstances.

While reiterating the call made by Labour leader Joseph Muscat for two separate inquiries, one to investigate alleged interference in police work by , Edgar Galea Curmi, and another on how confidential information was leaked to the media.

Labour also said that it is in disagreement with government over the appointment of Judge Albert Manche to head the government appointed inquiry, who does not enjoy the trust of the Opposition.

@ BONELLO -- Sur bonello mhux kulhadd hekk jaghmel , prova ftakar naqra fir referendum tal ewropa kif ossesjonawna b'eileen montesin u l-ohra li tawweg bil malti, nahseb il maltin ivvutaw iva ghax marru jaqaw an nejk dawn it tnejn ful il palk. Insomma lets say it as it is ,not everybody has the attributes to cross party as i only remember Alfred Baldacchino who was an MP who did it so I do not blame Labour to enjoy it. Pity that here we are afraid to take certain stands as albeit they say we live in a free country you will be targeted immediatly by the party or by any individual who thinks he represents the party even if nobody knows him. This is the democracy we live in its like the party has tenticles all around. Sometimes I am afraid that the pn go in opposition as they cannpt stand it and will do anything to topple the government of the day.
Gan, qed thallat il-hass mal-bass!!
@john bonello Your arguments are puerile and sense less, apparently you seem to bear a grudge against Cyrus Enger for some reason or other.. Personnally I thread carefully were defectors are concerned, they have to prove themselves to earn my trust but I will not leave underhanded tatics like the ones we are witnessing to influence my opinion. Present events stink of vendetta by those who could not stomach the fact that they are being abondoned and for good reason.
Din jghidulha falza stikka ta nies immaturi!!!!LOL
Tghid issa il-PL sejjer ikompli jistieden lil Cyrus fuq il-programmi tal-One kuljum kief kien qed jaghmel f'din l-ahhar gimgha???.....qisu ma kien hemm hadd min naha tal-labour li hu kapaci jitkellem fuq ir-radio??...Jekk Cyrus issa ma jkomplix jigi misteiden ( sabiex nuru lil Malta kollha li kulhadd sejjer mal-PL) mela vera tkun tinten l-storja:))....telenovela.....