Time runs out for Marsa, Delimara’s heavy fuel oil comes to the rescue

Enemalta blames Labour for delayed commissioning of Delimara extension after Marsa 20,000-hour derogation runs out.

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority today notified Enemalta that three of the four plants at Marsa Power Station had exceeded their maximum allowable 20,000 operational hours – which means the old power station no longer as a pollution control permit.

MEPA said it is “assessing the situation and appropriate actions”, including further mitigation measures for Enemalta to take due to non-compliance with Marsa’s integrated pollution prevention control (IPPC) permit.

In 2009, MEPA granted an IPPC permit for Marsa, stipulating emission limits for dust, sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in line with EU rules. Malta derogated from these laws with a 20,000 hour lifeline.

“It is Enemalta’s overriding obligation to maintain the secure supply of electricity in the Maltese islands and it is this that has prevented Enemalta from shutting down the three plants on the utilisation of the 20,000 hour derogation,” the corporation said in a statement.

Currently, the generating plant at Marsa provides about 45% of the total electricity generating capacity on the Maltese islands. Should this power station be shut down at this time, there will be insufficient capacity to meet the full demand for electricity.

The operation of the plant at Marsa will now have be reduced considerably with the commissioning of the new – if controversial – 144-megawatt plant at Delimara in 2012. Two of Marsa’s plants will be taken out of service in May 2012. 

Enemalta also accused “Labour-lead protests and objections” during tendering and planning of having stalled the commissioning of the Delimara plant.

“The Marsa Power Station will be finally decommissioned once the interconnector to Italy is in service. Despite delays in the interconnector’s tendering process due to the elimination of all tendering entities in the first call, contracts for the interconnector have now been signed and work is well underway.”

Mark Fenech
Lanqas jistħu ma jafu l-Board tad-Direttur u l-Management ta' l-Enemalta. Qatt ma għandhom jidħlu f'affarijiet politiċi, aħseb u ara kemm għandhom jindirzzaw il-problemi tagħhom lil Partit Laburista. X'jippretendu, li jagħmlu l-affarijiet mingħajr l-ebda trasparenza ta' xejn u jippretendu li jħallu flus il-poplu jintefqu bl-addoċċ. Din min għallimilhom din l-istrateġija. Għax ma jgħidux li l-Enemalta l-ewwel iddikkjaraw li jridu npant jaħdem l-LNG u mbagħad jew huma jew xi ħadd fil-gvern dawrilhom kollox. Mela flus l-Enemalta saru tagħhom dawn. Jimxu bis-serjeta u trasparenza u ħadd ma jindaħħlilhom. Kont għadni l-Enemalta sa Frar 2004 u konna diġa ilna żmien nitħaddtu dwar il-pipeline tal-LNG minn Gela. Min zammhom li jagħmluh dan, mhux il-ministru li jifhem f'kollox? Ara din qatt ma qaluha. Istħu, mela nseltuħ ir-rapport li għamiltu qabel l-elezzjoni ta' 2008? Jew il-ministru ġalkom tibilgħu kollox lura u tibżgħu tgħidu dan?
25 years sitting on a problem of teir own making and now in a short while we the citizens will have to pay for their incompetence and mismanagement. These are the kind of sins they have to answern in front of the Almighty and not for voting "yes" on divorce. A special place in hell is reserved for these kind of sinners.
@briffy nahseb int wiehed milli tixrobgha
Luke Camilleri
Time is running out for Gonzipn and his cotterie! . A new power station was promised in the PN electoral manifesto of 1987 ... and even this is not paid for and they have the ardour to blame it on Labour! B'rispett lejn il-Qhab ma nghidilhomx illi il-PN sar veru jaghti milli n-isa tal-professjoni bi kwalitajiet mhux daqshekk tajbin iqassmu!
Just Ray the problem is that altough we know that they are amatures and hobbyists of the highest grade they had the cheek of giving themselves a wage increase of 500euros per week. There are people living in this country that barely do this amount in one month. They create spin after spin to keep us focused on secondary issues and the make a mess in everything they do. Take for example the Arriva issue, one year of planning from the know it all guys from TM and we have a crippled and inefficient transport system which is a detriment to all those who rely heavily on public transport.
Wara kwart ta seklu fil gvern irid ikollok wiccek imcappas bil cadbury biex twahhal fl-oppozzizjoni laburista ghal falliment tieghek. Niskanta kif ma jisthux jaghmlu certu statements. Il-Power Station tal Marsa kellha taghlaq snin twal ilu meta inbniet dik ta Dellimara. Hekk kienu weghduna tal PN. Imma on second thoughts x'sahha fihom il weghdiet tal PN? XEJN.
@briffy@maltanet,"WE" are the people with common sense and not politically blinded like you.
@ Stephen B You call them AMATURES. We refer to them as 'Hobbyists'. . @ briffy@maltanet 'WE' the bloody tax payers - got it you f..ken ass hole?
@ Stephen....who are "we"?
And they want us tobelive we live in a state of the art country. If we beleive that we might start believing in fairies. When is this counrty going to be ruled by competent and proffesional politicians and not by amatures which we do not have faith in any more
Isabelle Borg
Enemalta has no one to blame but the incompetence of it's management. PL was duty bound to inform the public and demand an inquiry regarding the shady tendering process of the new power station.
If the PL does something he is doing things worse If he shuts his mouth they say where are the suggestions? If the people vote in a referendum they tell us Understand thatI disagree and will vote against. So basically as it is they are telling everyone shut up don't complain don't suggest let us keep on doing what we are doing. And what are they doing? Debts in such a way that a Strike may lead Malta in a facial crisis as that of Greece. We need to work more up to 70 as there is no money to give us a pension. Reduction in children allowances. Increase in taxes and utility bills. Increase in interest to be paid by maltese citizens. An arrive Fiasco and the list goes on.