New agreement signed with Church schools

New agreement covers minimum conditions for teaching staff and further subsides on salaries.

A new agreement has been reached between the Ministry for Education and the Church’s secretariat for schools to finance part of its personnel, over and above the current salary subsidies the faith schools receive in exchange for the devolution of Church-owned land to the State.

The agreement allows for the remuneration of the teaching and non-teaching staff, including the social security contributions, replacement employees for staff on maternity leave, and pre-retirement leave and bonuses prescribed by law, on par with that paid in State schools.

The State pays Church schools some €42 million in teachers' salaries every year.

The schools must have at minimum eight school counsellors and four social workers, all of which will be financed by the State. If counsellors and social workers at government schools are increased, Church schools will be entitled to claim in excess of the minimum established numbers, according to the prevailing ratio of government school students to Church school students.

In the case of psychologists, the Church Secretariat for Catholic Education shall be entitled to procure the services of psychologists on the basis of this same pro rata parity, rather than engage such professionals on a full-time basis.

The church’s secretariat will also have the choice as to how to deploy all support staff across its schools.

According to the 1991 Church-State Agreement, Church Schools are required

to follow government’s policy applicable to the engagement and retirement of

staff members in government service. This means the salaries of lay staff beyond their retirement age are not refunded by the government.

The new guidelines also establish a maximum number of 32 heads of departments in secondary schools, each with a maximum of 14 lessons per week. The global number of heads in primary schools will not be more than eight.

Schools will also have 1 guidance teacher for every 300 students in a secondary school.

Allowances for such posts of special responsibility will fall under a new agreement signed with teachers. Teachers now take home a €349 annual allowance to perform special duties, such as guidance, librarianship, health and safety, special education, drama, or mentoring amongst other duties.

The same rules will apply in the Church’s selection of head teachers and other support staff with respect to transparency and minimum conditions.

The Church will retain the right to appoint members of religious orders as heads of school.

Appointments at all levels of teaching grades will equire notification and, for the purposes of reimbursement, the prior approval of the education minister.

Ix-xoghol ta l-iskejjel tal-knisja ghall-edukazzjoni ta wliedna hu imprezzabbli. Kieku l-gvern irid minn ts l-inqas 60 miljun minflok it-42 miljun. Barra minn hekk ta dawn il-miljuni l-knisja taghti lil pajjiz dik l-art kollha li kellha u tajjeb li wiehed jghid kemm tfal komplew l-universita mill-iskejjel tal-knisja u kemm tfal komplew mill-iskejjel tal-gvern. Irrid inzid li meta ma stajtx ma hallast l-ebda donation u meta stajt tghati doppju bil-pjacir kollu. F'tal-knisja hallast hafna inqas minn meta baghtthom privat. Jien kien ghadu ma taghni l-ebda tax benefit meta bghatthom privat. Jekk irrridu t-tfal taghna jirnexxu ahjar inhallu dawn l-iskejjel bi kwiethom u naghmluhom kuragg halli jkomplu fil-missjoni utli taghhom. BTW tieghi it-tfal lesti u lahqu grazzi ghal privat u l-knisja!!
Are not private schools belonging to other religious denominations not entilteld to the same threatment? Are not non-Catholic Maltese taxpayers who send their children to private schools being descriminated against? Does the Maltese state belong only to Roman Catholics? Is it not time to do away with such obscenities and abolish the infamous 1995 Concordat? Is it not time to challenge such agreements and the one that has just been signed infront of the EU Courts? It is obvious that the GonziPn with the connivance of the Church is retorting against the popular will expressed in the Divorce referendum when a step foward towards secularism has been made! 42 million are being paid by non-catholics to subsidize catholic schools and thus making them contribute towards their descrimination! Either these 42 million should have been distributed equally among non-state private schools irrespective of religion, or should not have been given at all and invest them in state schools! The more the GonziPn subsidizes Church schools the more it shows it has no confidence in its schools!
Jaqaw qed jalef Winzinu ghal l-elezzjoni li gejja?
Ahjar li kieku nhallsu l-mizata u mhux DONAZZJONI. Min jibghat it-tfal fi skejjel privati jinata sussidju mill-gvern minhabba fil-hlass tal-MIZATA. Ahna li nibatuwom skejjel tal-knisja ghax m ghandniex fiducja fl-iskejjel tal-gvern u t-tahlit tat-tfal bl-addocc inhallsu DONAZZJONI BILFORS u ma ninatawx ghajnuna mill-gvern kif jiehdu min jibatom skejjel PRIVATI.
Some balm to sooth the wounds the divorce issue caused due to government's bungling of the issue.
Hekk iridu dawn il qabda sangue suga!!!! 42 million fis sena min buthna biex inzommu l-iskejjel tal Knisja...Dawn il flus hemm bzonn li jinqataw!!! L-edukazzjoni diga qed tinghata mill istat ma ghandnix bzonn il Knisja taghti taghha wkoll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Min irid jibghathom ftal Knisja ghandhom ihalsilhom il mizata li taparsi ma tezistix u mhux qed inhallsu indirettamwnt min buthna!!!!! Dawn is sussidji hemm bzonn li JIEQFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!