Video | Nazi boss visited Marsa migrants 'in statement to prove possible terror cell'

EXCLUSIVE | Notorious convicted terrorist and neo-Nazi leader Nick Greger managed to get his way into the Marsa Detention Centre earlier this year, in a clear ‘statement’ to demonstrate how sleeper cells may exist among the migrant community in Malta.


Greger, who was in Malta last March together with the former leader of the Northern Irish Ulster Freedom Fighters Johnny 'Mad Dog’ Adair, visited the Marsa Open Centre with Briton Paul Ray, who is currently being implicated as the ‘mentor’ of Norwegian Anders Berink Brevik, who murdered 92 people in a bomb in downtown Oslo and Utoya island.

In his blog called ‘Exiled in Malta’ Paul Ray talks about “the possibility of several terrorist cells being formed in Malta by a variety of groups, but this possible scenario relates to the refugee community now living in Malta - although it was Ray himself who had been in online contact with Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, who went on to kill 94 people in a bomb attack in Oslo and a shooting spree on the island of Utaya.

“The overwhelming majority of African refugee’s [sic] living in Malta are on the island for humanitarian reasons and at this stage are not a threat to anyone, but amongst those refugees it would be naïve to say that none of them are linked to Islamic terrorist groups back in their own countries, or are supporters of such groups. In the UK for example, most of the major leaders of international Islamic terrorism within the Country were at one time refugees to Britain, so why should the threat from within the refugee population in Malta be any different to anywhere else in the World? “

In his comments, Ray Paul claims that there are around 3,000 Muslims of some 6,000 migrants on the island and that 85% of these Muslims "reject all forms of Islamic terrorism and support".

"That means for example, you have a pool of 400 muslems who either support violent jihad, or are willing to carry out a suicide bombing attack or something similar, either in Malta or abroad.”

Paul Ray also claimed that the Somali refugee community in Malta “has a connection to Al Qaeda through Al Shabab which is the East African wing that operates around the area of Mogadishu in Somalia.”

Ray is the leader of a revived 'Knights Templar' movement based on the medieval crusades to the Holy Land. Aged 35, he fled Bedforshire in the UK fearing arrest for inciting racial hatred. He has since been in online contact with Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik and admitted that his blog may have informed Breivik's 1,500-page diatribe against Islam.

In the blog, Ray incorrectly referred to all Somali refugees as hailing from the capital Mogadishu.He said they are Muslim - which happens to b the majority religion in Somalia - but "this is not to say they are all Islamic terrorists, this is to say there is a link and possible terror threat lurking in their midst.”

In Britain – Paul Ray claims -  the Internal Security Services (MI5) have been very concerned about Somalis from the British community travelleng back to their homeland, being trained up and then returning and committing a terrorist attack in the country.

“Is it beyond the realms of possibility that Islamic terrorists have travelled from not just Somalia, but other African Nations, along the refugee route into Europe and are now in Malta?” he asks.

In his blog ‘Exiled in Malta’ Paul Ray conjures up the possibility of a suicide bomber hitting on foreigners in Paceville, this time by Arabs.  “What would the Maltese justice system do if it caught a few Arabs plotting an act of international terrorism somewhere in the world on Maltese soil? Probably nothing because to my limited knowledge they do not have any real anti-terror legislation covering such events because the legal system is not up to date with the current threat from international terrorism like other Western Nations who have awoken to the threat staring them in the face."

“I imagine there is a big list on the desks of MI6 and the CIA of suspected and actual known international Arab/Islamic terrorists living in Malta or using it as a base due to its lax internal security over such matters. Matters over looked until now because who would have ever thought bombing Gadaffi was on the cards and the ripple effect it could cause that could go right up into the heart of Maltese society and effect the future life of the Nation (remove tourism from the island and what would be the effect?).”

“When I think to myself will there be an attack in Malta, firstly doubt fills my mind because of the false sense of security everyone lives in, and then reality based upon the facts breaks through and it becomes a very real plausible possibility."

eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Haha The EU has many faults but it's plain stupid to blame this on the EU. The problem here is sick Nationalism. * Norway isn't in the EU. It didn't prevent Anders murdering the "traitors". The most bitter Nationalist wars in modern European history happened in countries that are not in the EU - the Balkans.
John Azzopardi This is the result of joining the eu. Previously when Gorg Borg Olivier had signed the UN Refugee Convention he had made reservations to certain articles of the convention and said that Malta could only accept a limited number of refugees from Europe only not from other continents. Because that TRAITOR avukat tar-raħal Eddie Fenech Adami wanted to get Malta under the eu colonialist dictatorship at all costs , the eu ordered him to repeal the reservations and apply its Dublin II Convention because they knew that we would be on its southern Mediterranean border and with its Dublin II we would have to keep all the African illegal immigrats here. That is why Eddie Fenech Adami is a TRAITOR of Malta and the Maltese people. That is why we are lumping African illegal immigrants. That is why we are lumping all outcasts from other countries. From a safe country where one could leave the key in the door we have become a country where no one would go to certain areas where illegal immigrants are kept in their open centres. Something must be done to expel all illegal immigrants whatever their status and send them back to Africa, the Middle East, the Far East and any other place they came from. SEND THEM ALL BACK. THEY ARE UNWANTED AND UNWELCOME. Malta is for Maltese citizens NOT FOREIGNERS especially illegal immigrats.
L-idea li jkun terrorist cell fil-kampijiet mhux xi haga gdida ghaliex il-pulizija ghandha l-iskop li tosserva jekk hemmx dan it-tip.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
"Were not terrorists. As if saying that all Muslims are terrorists due to a few bombing by extremists" Neither Muslims nor right-wingers are terrorists. But the EXTREMISTS on both sides have violent people in their midst, terrorists and potential terrorists. Both are enemies of democracy.
Please stop saying Norwegians died because of far right !!! These are just criminals and mad people. Far-right is has a different attitude and mentality. Were not terrorists. As if saying that all Muslims are terrorists due to a few bombing by extremists, or that all immigrants are criminals because a few of them are. Dont generalize coz youre hurting the image of the only solution to Europes problems. Which is far-right, u mela dawn ic cwiec li ghandha il parlament !! Mohhom fil porn ta Engerer !!
@ John Azzopardi. I am surprised that none of the usual 'holier then you' foreign posters had yet to post about what is going on in Malta about this particular subject. I mean they were always present in criticizing us about how we fail to provide red carpet treatment to immigrants (while carefully avoiding the Dublin 2 argument which is actually forcing immigrants to stay here). Guess what? It turned out that the only terrorists in Malta happened to be foreign. I guess many should be eating humble pie now. . As a Maltese I wouldn't want 1 person to die at sea. On the other hand I don't want to carry the consequences of problems created by others in the first place. We didn't colonized Africa, we didn't created artificial borders which are the main cause of grief in that continent and we shouldn't act as a prison for African immigrants. The European big guys wanted the cake (ie Africa's natural resources) let them eat it.
Sirna il-MIZBLA specjalment tal-Ewropa Tghid ma hawn sudditi Maltin taghom hawn?
CE, the north tend to be more racist than anyone. They want only people to do the work they don't want to do, but the rich and well off along with the politicians in the Northern European countries as well as any european city llive in rich and exclusive neighborhoods while the poor people who go to these supposeduly rich countries live in ghettos or housing estates away from where the rest of the country ventures into. Similar to some parts of the US. Racism is out there alive an well. It is just hidden. And frankly most people ,native people are fed up as to what their politicians has taken their countries into. It's a fact to be reckoned with. And then some naive people think they can change the world. hahahaha. what a joke.
change ratify with change.
We've had in our past Scandinavians and English people, posting here about tolerance etc. Guess what? The real extremism is imported in Malta is imported from abroad. BTW we're in such sad situation because the big guys of the North refuse to ratify the Dublin 2 treaty which FORCES our government to ARREST immigrants who dare leaving our country to Europe without their consent. Isn't that a kind of institutionalized racism too?
with the same logic we should not let anyone come in Malta, neither refugees nor tourists... since we never get to know anyone's background... heck are we sure we even want the Maltese around? I think it's time we realised (and recent facts should helps us here) that hatred, violence, etc knows no religion, no nationality, no skin colour...
WE Maltese are tired of radical from left or right coming to our little island. Malta seems to have become a hub for criminals. Leave us all live in peace. WE use to be a small island with very few problems and crimes, and now il qix u il mix tad dinja kollu gej Malta u Ghawdex. We have illegal migrants coming from Africa and we know nothing about their past in their countries. They could be criminals, murderers, etc. WE have radical Europeans coming from other European countries on the far right. What is happening to Malta. And how are our police handling all these situations. And how about our government. What is it doing to protect our Maltese national interest. Hate to burst anyone's bubble, but it's the taxpayers who are paying everyone's salaries, so please start acting on the Maltese citizen's interest not some foreigners.
Dan ir-rapport, specjalment ir-ragunar ta' Adair, jikkonferma dak li ghidt il-bierah fuq rapport simili. Il-Pulizija/(servizzi sigrieti whatever) ghandhom jiffokaw fuq real treaths u mhux jinfnew fic-cucati tal-joints u pornografija biex ikomplu jgelldu l-Maltin bejnithom. Jekk ninqabdu fuq saqajn wahda, jkun to late.
How was someone like Adair allowed to enter Malta? Can the police, who, after all, are paid through our taxes, be bothered to explain how this murderer came in, spent, I assume, days, and they were not even aware of it? No wonder criminals have an easy life here – they are hardly ever caught, unless they leave their calling cards behind them, and when they are caught they are given a little slap on the wrist by the Courts… That’s all this country needs now, people who kill Catholics because they enjoy it……
Maybe 'Moribund' lives in Disney Land. I am sure most refugees are genuine refugees fleeing from hell and therefore need genuine help but how sure are we that among the sheep there are no 'sleeper cells' belonging to Al Qaeda??. It has been said that many so called illegal immigrants throw away their documents before reaching European shores. Nothing in life should be taken for granted. The recent events in Norway took everybody by surprise.
I don't think so may be this guys are right, who knows if there is any terrorist links at the the detation centers? anyway most of the illegal emigrants came from countries full of genocides and conflicts, terror and violence is something common in their contries so i think we don't have to take them for granted nothing is impossible that is not racism is just defending their own country.who metion that any european goes in african states or in islamic country and try to change the laws or the way we eurepean lives? i'don't think so
So they go around with matching t-shirts?
Unbelievable. These two have succeded to do what the local media have so far been barred from doing over the past years and have shown the stark realities at the Marsa Open Centre. What are the authorities doing about such environment?
Throw this guy out. We don't need people like him here. Let him swallow his hate and vile rhetoric elsewhere.
Around 80 people have died in Norway because of Far-right rhetoric. Perhaps, these people should seriously do some soul-searching before spreading hate.