Comino campers that hogged Tal-Ful campsite removed by environment authority
The Environment and Resources Authority has removed semi-permanent structures erected by campers on Comino’s only designated campsite

Campers who set up semi-permanent structures at Comino’s Tal-Ful campsite have been removed by the Environment and Resources Authority.
The action was necessary after some campers occupied large tracts of the site with semi-permanent structures and causing an inconvenience to other users.
ERA said in a statement on Monday that its officers were following the situation over the past few weeks and the last semi-permanent structure was removed last Friday. The authority said that certain camps were also observed to have been set up for extended periods, denying use of the site to other campers.
ERA said campers on site were informed of the new regulations and asked to conform.
“These rules seek to address several pertinent issues that have been noted at the campsite, including the size and types of camps which may be used and the duration which camps may be left on site,” the authority said.
The Tal-Ful campsite was rehabilitated over the past 12 months by ERA and Ambjent Malta, a government agency. Illegally dumped material was removed, fencing installed, several trees were planted and the ground was levelled.
The Tal-Ful site is the only designated camping area in Comino.