Government analysing feedback from journalism experts’ committee
Justice Minister Jonathan Attard says government is analysing the feedback it has received from the Committee of Experts on several legal amendments to strengthen the protection of journalists

Government is in the process of analysing the feedback it has received from the Committee of Experts on several media-related laws, the Justice Minister said.
Jonathan Attard gave the update during a meeting with representatives of the Institute of Maltese Journalists (IĠM).
The Committee of Experts was a recommendation by the public inquiry into the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia and was set up at the start of the year by the Prime Minister. It is headed by former judge Michael Mallia, who also headed the public inquiry.
The committee was tasked with giving feedback on several laws proposed by the government to offer better protection to journalists, and propose other measures to strengthen the sector.
The feedback on the proposed laws was handed to the Prime Minister at the start of June and the rest of the report should be ready by the end of the year.
In a statement on Wednesday, the Justice Minister said the feedback on the laws is being analysed. “The feedback is being analysed so that the government will be in a position to table the necessary legal amendments in parliament.”
The proposed laws, include anti-SLAPP legislation and changes to the Constitution to entrench the media as the fourth pillar of democracy.
Attard said government is committed to continue strengthening journalism and will do this in a spirit of dialogue and transparency.
The meeting was attended by IĠM President Matthew Xuereb and Secretary-general Kurt Sansone.