Gaddafi forces fire missile at Italian frigate in Mediterranean

Tripoli has admitted it launched a missile that landed just two kilometres away from an Italian frigate in the Mediterranean.

The news was kept silent and broken only by the Gaddafi regime, that admitted this morning that the missile that landed not far from the frigate ‘Bersagliere’ which is part of the NATO operations in the Mediterranean was fired ‘deliberately’.

“Our army is still very strong, and we will continue to show all our might, and the West has still not seen the rest of it yet” Gaddafi spokesman Mussa Ibrahim told reporters in Tripoli this morning.

News about the missile – touted to be a Scud – revamps talk in Malta over a loud explosion heard last June in various localities in Malta.

While the noise – said to have come from Dingli – was dismissed to be a sonic boom, led to Sunday paper ‘It-Torca’ to quote un-named sources at Castille who claimed the explosion was a missile fired from Libya that was intercepted at a distance from the coast.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi rubbished the story and lashed out at the paper, while ‘it-Torca’ editor Aleks Farrugia stood by the story.

Luke Camilleri
Maybe this missile will serve as a WAKE-UP call for Gonzi & Co. and maybe he'll tall us what reallly happened and what cause the loud bang at Dingli! Altough it must surely take more than a missile to wake up the Gonzi administration to do something for us to get some value for money we are investing in his honoraria!
@ Antwà Vella You have learnt your lesson well from the cesspit-know-as-a-blog. When you cannot counter the argument, get personal. Unfortunately for you, the people here think for themselves and do not need to be told what to think by the owner.
Fellus, I wouldn't expect a better answer from someone who glories in the moniker "chicken". Go back to your coop before a Scud finds you.
@ Antoine Vella Stop playing the idiot (maybe you are one, in which case, apologies) Nobody is saying that they are the same missile. Just that if it is proven that Libya fired one misile on the 3rd August, the story that it also fired one in 12 June is that much more credible. The people who comment here can think for themselves. They don't have to be told what to think like the denizens of a certain cesspit known as a Blog.
Another clue that you need to have less than two brain cells to be a Mintoffian: the missile was fired on 3 August (according to both the Italian navy and Gaddafi's spokesman). . On the 3rd of August. . It-Torċa published it's 'missile story' on the 24 of July - 10 days earlier. Talk about foresight! . (Ara veru trid tkun ċ bit-tikka biex temmen dawn il-ħmerijiet Lejburisti)
To show how misleading (suitable only as fodder for Mintoffian donkeys) this Stagno-Navarra report is, the Italian frigate was 12 miles from the city of Zlitan on the Libyan coast, so the missile landed 350 KILOMETRES AWAY FROM MALTA. (Fearless Mintoffians can come out from under the bed now)
Launching a Scud to hit a frigate is as ridiculous as a Maltatoday story. Not even Uncle Muammar (the Mintoffians' idol), could be so stupid.
Quo vadis ghadek ma ghedtlix lili kif nidhol JIEN fl-affari tal-qassisin.
@ Giov De Martino U bniedem bhalek, li tant tifhem f'kollox, kont emmint li Gaddafi baghat il-'patrol boats' ghar-'rig' taz-zejt li kien qabbad Mintoff? Kont naqtghek aktar ta' stoffa, imma bhas-soltu, iddisappuntajt bil-kbir. U bilhaqq, veru li inti tigbed lejn in-naha tal-lemin, imma nippretendi li tuza kliem moderat meta tikteb, mhux gej tghidli li : 'tiftah il-kanuni ghal fuqi!' Ma' kontx nagtghek li taqa' f'daqshekk livel baxx biex tikkritika, imma nsomma sa hemm hekk taf hux, ma' nistenniex ahjar minnek! Min juza' l-vjolenza, ikun minn taht sur Bravu ta' ghajni!
"MIN QED JIDHAQ B'MIN" u saga tkompli ......nahseb il missila il partit nazzjonalisa laqtet ghax qabad jereq sew issa ....wahda f'wahda ma jistax igib wahda zewg !!!!
In yesterday's Italian media it was reported that Defence minister Ignazio La Russa stated that the Italian frigate WAS NOT the target of this Libyan missile! So what other targets there are in the area, who acting against Colonel Gaddafi, I humbly ask??? An answer would be appreciated, but not the stupid ones please!! Everybody can check about this issue on the Italian media on line.
Noel Zahra, Could it be that the news reported by It-Torca might had been something similar to this ? Do you belive what Gonzi said ? Do you belive what the US embassy said ? Do you belive what the Libyan Ambassador said ? Do you belive what NATO said ? If you do, I regret to say that you have your head stuck in the sand .
Noel Zahra, Could it be that the news reported by It-Torca might had been something similar to this ? Do you belive what Gonzi said ? Do you belive what the US embassy said ? Do you belive what the Libyan Ambassador said ? Do you belive what NATO said ? If you do, I regret to say that you have your head stuck in the sand .
Noel Zahra kul meta GONEZI jmeri xi ħaġa u ma jgħidx għalfejn ikun qiegġħed jigdeb. Għaliex kif qal xi ħadd, la qed tmeri sinjal li taf il-verità u la ma tridx tgħid il-verità x'kienet sinjal li għandek il-faħam miblul.
U dawn ma kinux kapaci jolqtu Lampedusa se jolqtu bicca destroyer? Dawn ir-rig taz-zejt ta' Mintoff kienu jolqtu kieku baqa' hemm. Imma telaq,
Noel Zahra: Neither has the report in I-TORCA been proven to have been INCORRECT ! As long as the government does not come out with a clear explanation, no one can say that what IT-TORCA reported was not true ! And when a denial comes from Lawrence Gonzi, than what he says must be taken with a "spoonful " of salt, considering that on a very sensitive meeting about Malta's finances, which originally was reported to have been held at Castille, Dr. Gonzi rubbished the report saying that " No such meeting had taken place at Castille " ! Halii nkomplilek bil-Malti. Bil-Malti nghidu: " NOFS VERITA AGHAR MINN GIDBA ! Hekk hu. Ghax dik il-laqgha veru saret, izda flok saret f'Kastilja SARET FIL-MINISERU TAL-FINANZI !! Ara wara li gie kkoregut il-post fejn saret il-laqgha, il-prim ministru BAQA 'HALQU MAGHLUQ !! Ghalhekk Noel Zahra oqghod attent meta tisma lil Gonzi jmeri xi rapport, Eddy Privitera
Well I guess it has something to do with the article of it-Torca. Why no dates have been mentioned ?
Angele Attard
This has nothing to do with the June explosion as reported in l-orrizont - that story was based on a rumor, which was never proven correct. Read here about the libyan attack mentioned in this article The confrontation reported in this article happend this week
i wonder if the times would carry this news and now the us embassy with its new massive spying building at ta qali what would be their comments. this news has made our pm looks like an amateur in the foreign affairs field.
Karl have they specified the approx date/month of this shooting? Does it coincide with our June blast?
Il-qazba ma caqcaqx ta' xejn jghid il-malti u l-ebda stqarrija min gonzi mhu ser tbiddel fhemt in-nies.