Vince Farrugia's GRTU hits out

GRTU have slammed Labour spokesman Leo Brincat, saying that usually he is 'well-behaved'

The unsigned GRTU article from its official electronic organ also accuses  MaltaToday for its “allegations’. The GRTU newSTRING issue 178 claims that the story is “sheer fabrication” without “an iota of fact hanging to it.”

But the article is undoubtedly scripted by Vince Farrugia, the director of GRTU, a former labourite frontman who later on decided to stand with the Nationalist party in the European elections.

In the MaltaToday story, GRTU were asked to give their version of the facts and their quotes were repeated verbatim.

“It’s a bucket of bile and nothing else,” GRTU's article reads, adding that Brincat “made a terrible misjudgment highlighting it”.

“The story from head to tail [from head to ‘toe’] is one cheap journalistic lollypop [lollipop] ready for a born yesterday politician to lick,” the article says. “That is why GRTU was honestly shocked when they saw the Leo Brincat parade. What nonsense!”

Later on, the author describes Brincat as “normally well behaved”.

Green MT is a subsidiary of GRTU. The unsigned article says that Green MT directors do not own the company: “They hold their tenure of Office as nominees of the GRTU National Executive. Why should these gentlemen on a temporary lease as directors act in any way unethically when all is on record and subject to scrutiny.[?]”

The article also questions what a couple of mayors told MaltaToday in its original story. Contacted by the paper, the Hamrun and Tarxien councils said that they were not even aware that GreenMT had collected waste from their locality in 2009.

“Indeed it strange that some Mayors said what they said as a basis the MaltaToday story as at that time so many discussions were going on involving also the Association of Local Council that it is inconceivable that any mayor did not know there there was a cut-off date from which the Local Government Department did not pay their contractor and that Green MT was taking over the payments in 22 localities,” the author writes in one breath.

It goes on as saying that Brincat always had “excellent relationships” with GRTU: “Why ruin it all by blasting incredulous inventions and putting himself in serious legal proceedings situation.[?]” 

“The question is really “who’s behind it all” - and back to the hidden agenda claims – “GRTU knows MaltaToday and know [knows] the vitriol Saviour Balzan and Roger Degorgio [Degiorgio] have for GRTU, unexplainable, but its there, and like many others in Malta the GRTU leadership learned to live with it as the people of Xaghjra [Xghajra] learned for years to live with the stench next door.”

The author hints that GRTU is a victim: “For those with a stomach full of bile, success is a dirty word. There are people out there who are green with jealousy [envy] seeing that a business organisation like GRTU can go all out to organise and manage professionally a National Scheme […].”

To add insult to injury, GRTU does not understand why government initiated an investigation: “GRTU honestly hopes that Mario Demarco has been misquoted as we cannot believe that anybody in Government is now doubting the integrity of all the people that have worked so hard [...].”

The direct translation from Maltese to English goes on: “But we say it load [loud] and clear: Green MT and GRTU are not afraid of any investigation. Indeed the sooner the better so all would know what stomach one needs to invent such stories.”

The article concludes with a warning, “a sinister and sad message” :

“The message the people behind the new politics who are running the show, using people Leo Brincat, is loud and clear: dealing with the elected government of this country puts your enterprise in the limelight, it’s bad for your business, and you become a target.”

The paragraph was repeated twice.  Probably to emphasize the point.

Haha dan propja ma minn hu? Mal GRTU, PNGRTU, GRPNTU, GRTUPN, PGRTUN.... Mhux bil fors irendi il business taz zibel ? Jekk tigbor il hmieg u il korruzzjoni li haw, mhux 900 skipp timla inmma 5 000, ej mhux 5 b xejn imma 5000.
Censu ( il-Hamsa b'xejn ) , tghid x'tghid ma ghadu jaghti kas tieghek hadd ghax ma baqalek ebda kredibilita' ma hadd . Cens bil-kas tal-qorti komplejt tlift il-ftit krebibilita' li kien ghad baqalek u aktar ma twarrab mix-xena malajr aktar ikun ahjar ghalik . Cens min jghola hafna jiehu tisbita kbira , u hekk ser jigri lilek , ZATAT.
Fellus ta Gahan Hair products manufacturers are chasing him to tell them his secret for getting darker hair the more he ages.
Censu Farrugia tilef il-kull sens ta irgulia ! Man Nazzjonalisti mall-Laburisti Ma ltal- business .imsomma ma kullhadd ..anke mal-qorti issa inqabad fadalu jemnuh dawk l-erba kumidjanti ta madwaru , dawn hemm hafna minnhom li ghamlu l-buzulotti wkoll ! Biss censu hekk jiehu gost ikkolu nies madwaru bil-musmar go sor....., halli iddawarhom kif irrid hu ! u l-isbah wahda li qall xi hadd hawn iktar ma jikber iktar jiswidlu xaharu LOl ! Il--Hmieg kollu hiereg Cens...u veru kont ezatt meta ftaht bil- business taz-Zibel ! disa mitt skip ta skart trid tohrog min hemm gew ! Mhux tal-misthija li dan Censu ghamel Kampanja juza l-impjegati tal-GRTU , l-ufficini tal-GRTU , u dawn immoru jigbru il-menswalita min ghand tal-business, ara veru dan ir-ragel ma ghandux misthija !
Jon Sciberras
I really cannot understand why they still call it GRTU. Farrugia does what he pleases, and bulldozes over eveyone. Whenever there is some meeting, only his voice is heard, and sometimes his son's. They should now rename it, for sure. Farrugia & Sons.
Vince Farrugia must be the only man alive whose hair grows darker as he grows older.
Albert Mifsud Buckland
The whole issue is not GRTU's claims , statements or whatever. The whole issue is that it is the REGULATOR or the bodies regulating these waste arrangements or whoevere is responsible in Government who should come out clean. GRTU will undoubtedly defend its position and so will monologue inducing Vince Farrugia whose credibility is in any event in complete and absolute tatters. VF should call it a day and get out of trying to be the constant limelight.. he is boring us to death anyway. So... in the final analysis ... where is the Regulator? When was the 'investigation' 'ordered'. When MT raised the alarm bells? When Leo Brincat highlighted the seriousness of the issue? Always after the horse has bolted. What a comedy. Or should that read another tragedy of maladministration??
Ċensu, mhux wieħed, mhux tnjen, mhux tliets eċċ, għadek ma xbajtx tagħqad qisek pinnur f'riefnu fl-aqwa tax-xitwa?
The man's credibility leaves much to be desired, taking into account recent events concerning him and a fellow member of the GRTU.
Was our farrugia talking as a PN candidate or on behalf of GRTU? The whole idea of GRTU owning a company stinks from the bottom up. The facts exposed by this paper - show that where there is a stink - there are rotting corpses. And in the meantime - we still don't know why Sandro beat the crap out of Farrugia. Now that would make for interesting reading ... common MT - go find out what really happened!
That is why i love this country so dearly..i repeat it load and clear: i love this country from head to tail. Where else is political life so entertaining ? They are all green with jealousy. Or green like kiwis or so.
Vince, you should behave and be credible with your members and with yourself! too many u turns. MALTA TODAY KEEP IT UP. EXPOSE Corruption. IT Stinks and reeks!
Leo tifel sew u mhux hamallu dak ghax Bormliz. Ara Vince ftit imqareb, l-ewwe qall li Gonzi PN se jtella 4 siggijiet ghal EU, imbghad il kaz IKRAH ta Sandro, issa flus fuq iz zibel X'jippretendi Vince u Pawlu inxommu l-koruzzjoni u ma nitkelmux. Vince jaf sewwa ixomm iz zibel kumpanija bhal dik tahleb biss.