Marsa race course chairman 'withdraws' resignation, denies fall-out with Clyde Puli

UPDATED | Marsa Race Course Chairman Matthew Brincat has withdrawn his resignation, one week after throwing in the towel to Parliamentary Secretary Clyde Puli.

A senior government spokesman confirmed with MaltaToday that Matthew Brincat had "withdrawn" his resignation. The news was confirmed in a note Brincat posted on the Marsa Race Course website, stating that he was withdrawing his resignation after being "encouraged to do so by many, and receiving support from horse racing enthusiasts and parliamentary secretary Clyde Puli."

In his note, Matthew Brincat denied that the resignation was tied to reports that government meet “various potential investors” prior to issuing a call for expression of interest for the development of the Marsa Sports Village.

An admission of such meetings that were held, came from the office of parliamentary secretary Clyde Puli, in replies to a number of questions forwarded by MaltaToday,  that enquired about the unannounced resignation of Matthew Brincat from his post as Chairman of the Marsa Race Course.

Brincat cited “personal reasons” for his decision to throw in the towel, but sources confirmed that the resignation was tendered in protest at the way things were conducted by the parliamentary secretariat leading to the call for expression of interest.

He declined to comment about his resignation, but MaltaToday is informed that Clyde Puli was engaged in talks with the race course chairman in a bid to convince him to reconsider and stay on, and avoid the embarrassment of facing a political fall-out after the White Rocks Sports Village fiasco.

Puli has been spotted regularly last week having tea and talking to a number of horse racing enthusiasts at the Marsa race course in an apparent bid to convince them of his intentions for the equestrian sport.

But doubts have been raised over the call for the expression of interest, as it transpires that representatives from a prominent developer have met up with officials from Clyde Puli’s secretariat about the project.

When asked about the meetings, a spokesman for Puli’s office admitted that “the vision for the Marsa Sports Village has attracted interest from various quarters including various potential private investors who requested meetings to obtain a better understanding of Government’s vision for the Marsa sports facilities, announced back in 2009.”

The spokesman said that “in all these meetings, the vision was explained, while it was made amply clear that the details of the project still had to be compiled following the conclusion of the consultation process with the relevant sports organisations. It was also explained that the eventual developer will only be chosen by a public tender process.”

The meetings raised eyebrows within many circles, after it transpired that the prominent developer whom the parliamentary secretariat held talks over the project, has a special interest in the whole area, including the development of a hotel and other commercial interests.

 “The call for expression of interest launched last week marks the continuation of the administrative process towards implementing Government’s vision to create state-of-the-art sports facilities in Marsa,” Puli’s spokesman said.

In an email sent to MaltaToday, it was explained by the parliamentary secretariat that the vision for the Marsa Sports Village has been available in the public domain since 2009, and is one of the corner stone initiatives taken by the Parliamentary Secretariat for Youth and Sports.

He added that since government launched the idea about the project, two consultation processes have taken place with interested stakeholders.

“MEPA carried out a public consultation process prior to approving amendments to the Local Plan presented by the Parliamentary Secretariat based on the Master Plan for the Sports Village.”

Another consultation process was carried out by the Parliamentary Secretariat with a number of sports associations, sports clubs and, representatives of various sports disciplines, individual athletes and members of sports organisations.

This consultation process had a dual aim: to provide information on the vision and concept for the Marsa Sports Village and to compile a list of specific requirements for the project based on the wishes of the sports organisations themselves.

According to the parliamentary secretariat, the “call for expression of interest is the result of this consultation process.”

In Malta people have nothing better to do than to criticise others. I have know Dr Brincat to be very honest and hardworking and under his Chairmanship, this complex took a great turn forward. All I say to Dr Brincat is that like was written "When they saw his success they realised their own failure". So keep it up and let these ill wishers choke in their own venom.
Luke Camilleri
Iebsa hemm bara hux? Ghal xi nies il-qaddisin irridu jkun biex issibu mpjieg bil-perkacci! Inghatax iz-zieda wkoll talli biddel il-hsieb? Jien kieku kont nitfa reklam f'gazzetta halli zgur ikolli ghazla min fejn naghzel l-ahjar ghl job bhal dan..u mhux immur fuq il-blue eyed boys only!
Ragel ihor bla sinsla, tista tajdina xofrilek puli?
Meta tirrizenja minn xi kariga u specjalment meta tkun dik ta' CHAIRMAN tkun ghax ikollok raguni validissima u rriversibbli specjalment meta tirrizenja minn kariga fi'hdan il-GVERN tal-gurnata...ghaldaqstant kull skuza li fl-ahhar tal-mina tkun rajt XI xaqq ta' dawl mhux ser ibiddel l-opinjoni pubblika tkunx thobb iz-zwiemel jew le. Rari tisma rizenji bl-irtirata bhal dawn!!!! Issa fl-opinjoni tieghi progett kbir bhal dan li beda fuq sieq zoppa nahseb li ser jigrilu bhal progetti ohra li jew ma telqux jew karkru s-snin bhal progett tac-Cirkewwa. U biex ser jghamlu triq Garibaldi, Bieb il-Belt u progetti ohra ser idumu x-xhur ahseb u ara l-Malta Sports Village li jinkludi ferm aktar dixxiplini sprotivi minn dak taz-zwiemel li ic-Chairman tant ihobb.....insomma iz-zmien itina parir dejjem u dejjem.
Darba kien hemm Prim Ministru li ta rizenja tieghu u minghajr ma l-President qra rega hatru Prim Ministru wara akkuza serja mill qorti kostituzzjonali. F'dan il pajjiz kollox jista jigri. VERA TAD DAHQ
The author of this article states that the resignation came “minutes after Clyde Puli launched a call for expression of interest for the creation of Marsa Sports Village last week”. In a statement issued by the chairman he denies this too. In fact he states that he tended his resignation 3 days before the launch and his resignation was not related to the project!
Seems that you got it pretty wrong this time The chairman is back on board.
@daniel & Haha: Maybe we ought to stop looking to god to do what needs to be done and do it ourselves
gonzi and co. dream big , do little and destroy everything.God in your great mercy spare us from another few months of this ultra incompetent government.
Nawgura li dan il progett ma jisfaxxax. F'Malta ghandna bzonn aktar facilitajiet sportivi, biex nghinu inkabbru l-mentalita sportiva fiz-zaghzagh taghna.
GONEZI misħut u mhux se jkollu mument ta' serħan għaliex l-elezzjoni seraqha u min jisraq m jgawdix dak li jkun seraq. Alla qed iħallsu u jrid iħallsu ħafna iktar.
After his miserable run on the Qormi council Clyde as an elected MP until recently kept a low profile but it looks like gonziPN is infected by some kind of virus that makes ministers do stupid things or mismanage their jobs. After the White Rocks debacle now he has the Marsa problem why can't these guys get it right first time.
tal habba gozz, imma dak li jghid li jmexxi l-gvern kif ma jisthix, ghax anke meta jkun wahdu (mhux se nghid fejn) ukoll ghandu jisthi mill poplu.
Hija l- anqas wahda li hi wahda ma igibu qatt sewwa? Pozi u PR ta l-ewwel sustanza :xejn!. Faqqartuna