'Malta House' shut amid fears of Piccadilly rioting
Malta's High Commission in London has shut its doors an hour earlier, as fears grow of spreading riots in downtown London.
The High Commission staff closed the doors to 'Malta House' at 4pm local time, as some 18,000 police officers have been deployed around central London to take control over the city, in the wake of three nights of rioting.
A young man has succumbed to his injuries during last night's fighting.
Meanwhile, the Foreign Office has issued a mobile help line (+44) 07836 503 990 for any Maltese national seeking assistance from High Commission staff in London.

Kif iwerwrihom il-kummenti tieghi lil-;lejburisti

Ma tafx x'se taqbad tghid Tonin. Ghedtlek jien ghala l-bombi waqfu malli tela' l-PN fil-gvern. Semplici hafna problema. Qabel ma kellniex pulizija. Illum ghandna.

Hekk kif tfakkarhom fil bombi li kienu jisplodu u li waqfu meta fil gvern teghla l-PN l-apologisti taghhom .....BOOM.... litteralment jisplodu.

U zgur li taht regim laburista kienu jisplodu l-bombi! Jekk il-kriminali kellhom il-protezzjoni ta' l-awtoritajiet! Ara l-qattiel ta' Ray Caruana "inqabad", imma tal-povra Karen Grech qatt ma nqabad. Gvern laburista kellna.

You're right on one thing Toninu: when Labour thugs used to pillage and loot, we would never see them clash with the police.
Of course not. The police never tried to stop them and sometimes actually helped them. Thugs in boiler suits and thugs in uniform: same thing.

@ Antoine Vella
Jekk ma ghandekx xi tghid fuq il grajjiet li qed jigru u li qed nikkumentaw fuqhom fl-Ingilterra ikun ahjar jekk ma tikteb xejn milli taqa ghaz-zufjett. Meta u fejn qatt rajna dak it-tkissir serq hruq u glied mal pulizija f'Malta? Ara irid ikollok imaginazzjoni fertili biex tqabbel dak li semmejt int ma dak li qed jigri fl-Ingilterra bhallissa. Tat x'insejt isemmi habib,il bombi li kienu jisplodu ta kull gimgha taht gvern laburista u li waqfu hesrem mal bidla fil gvern.

That's why human torch is not feeling home sick!

Human Torch, why are you complaining? You seem to be in your element.

In 2011 Malta is in Toilet...literally drowning in the GonziPN's shit!!

In 201Malta is in Toilet...literally drowning in the GonziPN's shit!!

In the 70's and 80's Malta was burning. Literally burning.

Toninu, you might hate to be reminded but the last time we saw such widespread rioting, pillaging and arson in Malta was in the eighties, when Labour supporters were allowed to do as they pleased.

WEll, welcome to the real world...........that is what happens in multi curtural socieites. Didn't this and much worse happen in France few years back as well as in the UK itself a while back. I AM sure malta is not far behind. The only thing that keeps them from roiting here in malta is fear of being denied asllyum or refugees status.

@ Antoine Vella
Anke mil inkwiet li hemm f'Londra trid titfa botti politici? X'hemm hazin fil workers' aristocracy? Jaqaw int xi baruni jew il-kugin tar-regina? Hallina habib.
@ Tony
Int Hackney u Croydon qed isemmi? Mela insejt li l-Ingilterra kellha l-akbar imperu fid-dinja u kienu jikkmandaw lil KULLHADD inkluz lilna il Maltin u jekk tiftah halqek kontra taghhom go pajjizek jarrestawk? Id-dinja qed tinbidel naqblu u ma naqblux mal forma li qed tiehu.

tony naqbel miegħek 100%.
Iva, ħfana minnhom suwed kienu.
Morru fuq il-gazzetti Ingliżi u tara kif ħafna minnhom suwed.
U Malta dak li qed nistennew li jibda jkollna la qed inħalluhom hawn.

Raymond Falzon •
martin borg
You can't read ? I said they are MOSTLY black. Ara fiex gejna issa ghax ISWED TGHIDLU ISWED tkun Racists u halluna ! Dawn in nies belaw londra Kollha, Int qad mort Hackney jew Croydon ? IS SUWED iharrsu lejk b'ikrah ghax int abjad hu allahares titkellem. Hu haba nies bhalkom li Malta hekk irridu nispiccaw ukoll.

I don't if the rioters and looters are black or white but they sure remind me of the workers' aristocracy.

What a racist comment. What is happening in London is thr work of yobsho managed to drag along disgruntled and the unemployed into the fray.
TRouble makers have no colour they hail from all the strata of society and you'll be amazed hgow some of them have high flying jobs and causing trouble is a way to get high.
So stop your stupid assertions regarding colours.

Raymond Falzon •
jekk huma suwed mhux suwed irrid nghidilhom ? Hu int qed thallat il hass mal bass ! X'' ghandu x'jaqsam dak tal eritrea mela Londra miet ?

@ Tony
Thallatx il hass mal gass. Li hemm zgur fl-Londra huma gruppi ta anarkisti bojod u suwed li hadu l-okazzjoni biex jkissru u jisirqu kull ma jigi ghal idejhom. Ma nafx jekk sibtx xi ftit tal hin biex tikteb fuq dak ' l-iswed' mil- Eritrea li tilef hajtu biex salva zewg 'bojod' Francizi f'Ghajn Tuffieha. Mhux ahjar ma niggudikawx u nahdmu ghal ghaqda f'dinja li qed tinbidel.

Raymond Falzon •
Why is that no paper is mentioning the fact that these people are mostly Black ?
This is what will happen to Malta when the immigrants take over !