Cabinet asset declarations: Refalo’s €159,000 income and Ellul’s cabin cruiser part-ownership
Many of the declarations offered few surprises by way of continuation from previous years’ declarations, except for those from the new crop of ministers in the Abela Cabinet

Government ministers tabled in the House their declarations of assets, some of them backdated to the 30 March 2022 deadline.
Many of the declarations offered few surprises by way of continuation from previous years’ declarations, except for those from the new crop of ministers in the Abela Cabinet.
Prime Minister Robert Abela, who is paid €65,000 for his role as head of government, declared an unspecified amount of rental income which he said had been declared in his tax forms. He also holds over €374,000 in bank savings.
Property-rich minister Anton Refalo, the Gozitan minister for agriculture, declared an impressive €159,745 in income in 2021 – which suggests close to €100,000 in additional income over and above his ministerial salary. He also has €408,000 in outstanding bank loans. He submitted his property ownership list, which includes almost two dozen properties.
Similarly, Gozo minister Clint Camilleri had positive earnings in 2021 from other activities: €20,000 in property rentals, a €4,700 income from a share in a property sale, and even €2,000 from feed-in tariffs. Camilleri also displayed a positive savings record with €187,000 in bank savings.
Energy and environment minister Miriam Dalli’s declaration shows an impressive €423,000 in bank savings.
Finance minister Clyde Caruana banks exclusively with Church-owned bank APS, with €185,000 in savings, and a home loan of €313,000.
Parliamentary secretary Andy Ellul introduced a novelty declaration: part-ownership of a cabin cruiser. Few ministers declare similar ownerships other than immovable property.
New justice minister Jonathan Attard, who entered government after years as a lawyer with several consultancies and government company secretarial roles, amassed €363,000 in savings and has just over €580,000 in home loans.
Elderly care secretary Jo-Etienne Abela, a medical consultant, gave no details of his 2021 salary or credit situation.