Anthony Debono appointed CTO director
The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) announced the appointment of Ambassador Anthony De Bono as Director responsible for Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, North Africa and the Middle East of the newly incepted organisation CTO Ventures (CTO-V).
The CTO (V) will develop, expand and enhance the organisation’s existing operations to facilitate transactional business opportunities in the Member countries and beyond.
The newly appointed Board of Directors which includes top notch personalities across the globe will focus on both the member countries’ needs and operations and will have an open minded strategy based on market requirements wrapped in the most innovative telecommunications solutions whilst maintaining the most efficient, sustainable and affordable propositons.
The CTO Ventures envisions a fully converged future supporting technology neutrality and will help to support provisioning of full services including Data, Fibre and mobile communications.
In his comments to the Press, Ambassador De Bono emphasised that the CTO Ventures should be determining in devising a future that provides opportunities through excellence to continuously change, develop and innovate towards a networked society.
De Bono stated that his appointment manifests the high level that Malta has secured through its professed policies of providing ICT excellence to both its National and the International communities.
The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation is ranking very high in the Information Communications Technologies global landscape after having established itself as the flag bearer for ICT’s, notably within the context of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings (CHOGM) which Conference Malta hosted in 2005. So much so that the CTO (V) will be taking a leading role at the forthcoming CHOGM scheduled this November in Perth Australia.
A former CEO of Telemalta Corporation the then State Telecommunications provider, Anthony De Bono is also Chairman Emeritus of the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation (CTO) and a perpetual Ambassador of the organisation
He served for more than 15 years as Malta’s Special Envoy to the United Nations’ Specialised Agency the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and was Malta’s candidate to contest the post of ITU Secretary General. For 12 years De Bono served as Vice Chairman of the ITU’s Advisory Board
He was also the President of the European Commission for Postal and Communications (CEPT)
In December 2010 Anthony De Bono presented His Credentials to King Abullah ll of Jordan as Malta’s Ambassdor to Jordan.