Over 4,000 return forms not sent by VAT department – PL

The Labour Party hits out at government after the VAT Department fails to issue over 4,000 VAT return forms which had to be returned back to the Department by May 2011.

The Opposition spokesman on the economy Karmenu Vella said that VAT forms of over 4,000 persons for the period between January 2011 and March 2011 – and which had to be returned back to the Department by May 2011 – have not yet been sent out by the VAT Department.

“The real reason behind this can only be attributed to the Gonzi government’s inefficiency as usually these forms are issued through a computerised process,” Vella said.

“Even worse, the same department issued assessments and tax statements to the taxpayers, informing them that they would be subject to penalties if they do not send their VAT return in time,” he added.

According to Vella, individuals who contacted the Department to protest where faced with “arrogance” and told that it was the businesses’ responsibility and not government’s to deliver the forms.

“This attitude is putting undue pressure on taxpayers when in reality the fault is not theirs,” he said.

Vella also recalled that currently the Department has a substantial amount of calls for VAT refunds which are costing government some 9% interest annually.

“Government is not paying these refunds due to lack of money,” Vella claimed, adding that this is happening even though the Auditor General has repeatedly highlighted several shortcomings in the Department leadership and operations.

@REFNER...nahseb li m'intiex tghix f'Malta. Kulhadd jibza jonfoq lira qed tghid, mela kif in-numru tal-karozzi kif dejjem jizdied? Issa lahhqu 308 000 Dawn min qed jixtrihom, people from Mars (mhux ic-cikkulata li konna mmorru Sqallija biex nixtruha fiz-zmien il-gvern socjalista) imma mil-pjaneta Mars. Qum mir-raqda li ghandek u ibda uza mohhok, u thallix min ibellghalek ic-cucati.
Just Ray....taxes are collected to meet public expenditure as you probably realize, not 'for the commodity of the government' which in English doesn't mean a thing. Without the collection of taxes, public sector employees will not get their salary, pensioners won't get their pensions, health services will not be 'free', there won't be children's allowances, state schools will not be free, capital projects will not be undertaken etc etc. I don't think this is rocket science. It's elementary! VAT is a just tax; the more one consumes the more one pays. If I can afford to buy a luxury car costing say Eur40 000 why shouldn't I pay more VAT than a fellow who buys a modest car costing Eur15 000? If I can afford to spend Eur100 on a meal why shouldn't I pay more VAT than somebody who spends Eur10 on a pizza? Hope you get the point.
@ briffy@maltanet . Quote 'Id=dipartiment mhux obbligat li jibaghtlek il-formuli d-dar, din maghmula ghal-kumdita' tac-cittadin' . What you forgot to mention is that the VAT is made for the comodity of the Government and not vice-versa! . But as usual briffy, you know all not like il-gabilotti fuq iz-zuntier tal-knisja fl-irhula. Kulhadd jaf li dawn imsieken bla skola u allura x'tistenna minnhom (u minnhekk?) . The truth is that the VAT is the most unjust tax that the world has ever seen and you seem to like. Do not worry, if you reply to my comment I got lots to add. . Ray
Msieken dawn il-businessmen ma mlewx il-formula ghax ma rcevwhiex bil-posta. Allura hazbu li m'ghandhomx jibaghtu r-return u jhalsu l-VAT? Kieku ma rcevewx xi cheque tal-pensjoni jew tac-children's allowance jew xi rebate fuq il-kont tad-dawl kieku wkoll kienu jhallu kollox ghaddej mar-rih? Ta' subaghhom f'halqhom dawn in-nies, ta' min jithassarhom. L-aghar mbaghad li ssib xi politikant fl-oppozizjoni li irid itihom ragun. Oqghodu mesknuhom halli jivvotawlkhom! Dan mhux ezempju tajjeb. Hadd m'ghandu jaqbez ghal min jipprova ma jhallasx it-taxxi dovuti. U dawn il-businessmen ippretendew li jtuhom il-kafe u pastizz meta marru il-VAT department? Anzi ma stennewx li jibghatulhom taxi d-dar?
Bhas-soltu kummenti fuq din il-website dejjem kontra il-gvern ghax hemm il-PN fil-gvern. Ara kieku kien hemm il-gvern tal-Labour, kieku l-anqas kienu jifthu halqhom. Kulhadd jaf iparla fil-vojt bhal ma jaghmlu il-gabilotti fuq iz-zuntier tal-knisja fl-irhula. Kulhadd jaf li dawn imsieken bla skola u allura x'tistenna minnhom? Li kieku dawn il-kummentaturi kellhom sitt habbiet sens u ma kienux moghmija b'mibeghda kontra il-PN u b'herqa liema bhalha biex il-Labour ikun fil-gvern wara kwart ta' seklu fl-oppozizjoni, kieku kienu isaqsu lil-minn jifhem qabel ma johorgu bis-soltu banalati. Il-ligi tal-VAT u tal-IT tghidlek li huwa c-cittadin li ghandu jara li returns isiru fiz-zmien rikjets mill-ligi. Id=dipartiment mhux obbligat li jibaghtlek il-formuli d-dar, din maghmula ghal-kumdita' tac-cittadin. Mela jekk wiehed ma jircevix il-formula, mhux skuzat li ma jibghadx ir-return fiz-smien stipulat mill-ligi. Apparti dan, li naturalment il-businessmen kollha jafuh; allura jekk dawn soltu jibaghtu r-return kull quarter, ghaliex ma hassewx li ghandhom jigbru l-formula bhas-soltu jekk ma rcevewhiex bil-posta? Zgur ma hasbux li l-VAT ma ghandhomx jibqghu jhallsuha? Kieku per ezempju ma rcievewx ic-cekk tal-pensjoni jew tac-children's allowance, nahseb li ma kienux ihalluha ghadejja u ma jmorrux id-dipartiment biex jaraw x'gara. Kif Karmenu Vella din ma semmihiex? Dan ghax bhal- politikanti kollha jrid jiehu Brownie points, u jekk isemmiha kien iwaqqa' l-argument tieghu.?
Din bhall ta ARMS , Dawl u ilma ! ewwel ircivejnijhom sentejn tard , issa irridu il-flus u qed jinkwitaw hafna nies li dawn mhux tort taghhom zgur, tort ta l-izbali u l-inefficjenzi li jezziztu f'dan il-pajjiz ! u Alla jbierek hadt mhu responsabli , dejjem int responsabli , int li trid iddahhal idejk fil-but u mil-bicca paga tohrog l-euros ! X'ma jmurx lura il-pajjiz..dawn kollha imnaqsin dawn il-flus mil-kummerc, in-nies qed tibza tonfoq lira , Prosit Dr Gonzi....gibtna nitkellmu wehidna u prosit tal-paga li tajt lilhek inifsek ! mela kien haqqek ...fuq din tal-pagi ser titlef 10,000 vot mark my words...din ma jahfirilek hadt !
What has Mr T Fenech, minister responsible for VAT Department, to say about this latest gross inefficiency?
Let's hope the day will soon come to see an overhaul of this department, riddled with corruption, mismanagement and inefficiency.
Nixtiq inkun naf ta' xiex huma responsabli l-Amministrazzjoni tal-VAT Department ? Huma responsabli biss biex jiehdu l-eluf f'bonuses ? Ara dawnk qatt ma jinsewhom ghaliex wara dak it-tahwid kollu dawn qatt ma naqsu li jiehduh. Nispera li jekk jinbidel il-Gvern issir investigazzjoni serja u kullhadd jithallas ta dak li haqqu, mhux il-haddiem iz-zghir biss jaqla go daru. Ghaliex id-dipartimenti tal-Gvern jitfaw ir-risponsabilita fuq ic-cittadin? mela x'qed jaghmlu hemm, issahu is-siggijiet? Jekk kien jafu li l-magna kella il-hsara, l-ammisistrazzjoni wahhlet fic-cittadin? Hadd ma hemm jiccekja dak li sejjer jinbaght? Fjask iehor fit-dipartiment tal-VAT biex jigbru aktar TAXXI minn fuq dar ic-cittadin halli ikollhom biex jiehdu il-bonuses. Hon Tonio Fenech, hlief fjaski ma ghandekx