Families remain without eco-reduction as ARMS dodges questions

ARMS Ltd adamantly refuses to answer whether it will refund families which are not receiving deductions on electricity bills due to eco-reductions they are owed.

Illum reports how putting questions to ARMS Ltd in several instances, Enemalta’s billing ‘arm’ chose to ignore the queries.

Illum’s questions were prompted by how a number of families complained that despite how ARMS Ltd’s online portal details that the compensation is based on how many units are consumed each year, in truth the eco-reduction is based on six-month estimates.

According to the report, ARMS determines a given household’s consumption in the first six months, and determines whether it qualifies for the eco-reduction refund for the entire year based on those six months alone.

In effect, the report says, ARMS Ltd is assuming the household’s consumption for the remaining six months of that year will remain constant, even if it may not be the case.

Read more in Illum’s digital edition

How can they possibly estimate consumer usage - they cant even get it right now over two months never mind 6 months - and they really expect consumers just to pay up...the number of maltese nationals who are complaining to [email protected] about their treatment by ARMs Ltd is absolutely amazing surprising and to be honest shocking that this monster can treat people this way.....Further since when do ARMs ever pay compensation to anyone? Write your answers on a postcard?????ARMs are a farce and a national joke as well as a disgrace to the country, and its people.
No real surprise there - no answer to questions - no answer when mailed - no answer when emailed - no answer when phoned - the only answers you get are either standard replies or meaningless acknowledgements that no-one at arms can find later as they've lost all correspondence over 5-12 months..to cover their backs and claim (rob) people blind of their hard earned cash. And this is a supposed professional outfit 0 they ought to ready the EU directive on energy supplies http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2009:211:0055:0093:EN:PDF but not just read it - actually apply it. but we know the answer to that dont we!!!!!!!