84% support EU’s actions in support of Ukraine
The vast majority of Maltese support the actions taken by the European Union against Russia and the package of 'financial, military and humanitarian' support for Ukraine.

The vast majority of Maltese support the actions taken by the European Union against Russia and the package of “financial, military and humanitarian” support for Ukraine.
In the Eurobarometer survey Malta registers the ninth highest level of support among the 27 member states for the actions taken by the EU in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
At 84% the level of agreement with the EU’s actions against Russia is 11 points higher than that in the European Union as a whole.
The survey shows that the highest levels of support for Ukraine is felt in Scandinavia where 96% of Finns and Swedes, two countries which are in the process of joining NATO support the actions taken by the EU against Russia.
Support for the EU’s actions is lowest in Greece (46%), Slovakia (47%) and Cyprus (48%). Support for concrete actions against Russia and in support of Ukraine exceeds 90% in six EU countries and is higher than 70% in 18 countries.
72% of the Maltese are also satisfied with the cooperation between EU member states in addressing the consequences of the war.
The most satisfied in Europe on this aspect are the Irish (84%) while the least satisfied are the Cypriots (40%) and the Greeks (34%).
The same survey also shows that the Maltese are the most likely in Europe to think that their country has benefitted from EU membership (95%) followed by the Irish (92%). The least satisfied by EU membership are the Austrians (45%). The survey was conducted in all EU member states in October and November.