Government asks Ornis for more data to open autumn trapping season

The Office of the Prime Minister has set the dates for the autumn hunting season as recommended by the Ornis Committee for 1 September up until 31 January 2012.

Hunting can take place from two hours before sunrise up until two hours after sunset from Monday to Saturday, and up until 1pm on Sunday and public feasts.

Birds of prey cannot be hunted in the two weeks between 15 September and 30 September after 3pm.

Hunting at sea will only take place between 1 October and 31 January 2012.

The Ornis Committee has recommended derogating from the Birds Directive on the trapping of turtle dove, quail, plovers and song trush.

The OPM, which is responsible for the environment, said more information and assessment will have to be furnished by Ornis to consider the autumn trapping season.

@Mr. A Vella Is the shortening of the afternoon curfew from 01.SEP ( of last year ) to the 15.SEP ( of this coming season ) also a gaffe. Raptors start coming over in numbers from the 1st week of Sep ( and, at least, up to the first week of Oct for the record ) and yet this period has been shortened. Does it make sense to you at all? It is basically an admittance of what is going on in Malta and yet the lack of will to draw consequence has always been a hallmark of this governance.
For the record, the press release of the OPM does not state that birds of prey cannot be hunted for two weeks. This is a gaffe by Maltatoday's anonymous reporter who cannot even copy and paste a short press release without making a mess of it.
' Birds of prey cannot be hunted in the two weeks between 15 September and 30 September after 3pm.' In fact birds of prey cannot be hunted at all but in a scarce moment of honesty the OPM has admitted what everyone in Malta knew long ago. And what about the afternoons from 01.- 14. Sep, is it a free for all? What a farce
Mela l-Gvern ghandu bzonn izjed studju u dettalji biex ikun jista ara hux se jiftah l-istagun ghall-insib tal-gamiema, summien, pluviera u melvizz. Qed jitlob lil Onis jaghmel dan l-istudju u wara jghaddilu d-dettalji. Ara jiena delettant ta' l-insib biss, mis-senter nibza kien ilni 40 sena nonsob u issa ma nistax iktar ingawdi d-delizzju tieghi. Issa jiena ma tlabt l-ghajnuna ta' hadd biex jghamilli izjed studju u jghidli kif irrid nivvota fl-elezzjoni li jmiss. Jiena kont wiehed minn dawk il-hafna li dan il-gvern dahaq bina, jiena emmint lill Dr. Fenech Adami meta qalilna u tana garanizja bil-miktub li ser inkomplu nonzbu anzi kien ser jigi ghall-ahjar. Proset sur Gvern kemm inti ta' kelma. Issa jiena la dhaqt bija hlift li fl-elezzjoni li gejja ma nergax nafdak, mhux ser inkun izjed bahnan u mbecilli li nemmen dak li tista tghidilna jew tittamana. Il-vot tieghi u tal-familja tieghi (nghoddu 17) b'kollox minn vot ghal partit li dejjem habbejt il-Partit Nazzjonalista issa kontra qalbi ser nghdduhom lil Partit tal-Labour. U jiena nheggeg lil min hu bhali jew kien bhali li belgha l-lixka ta' Dr. Fenech Adami biex jaghmel bhali u jibdel il-partit ghax hemm biss forsi ghad hemm xi tama li nergghu nibdew ingawdu d-delizzju taghna. Kuragg hbieb u mexxu dan il-messagg lil shabkom kolllha.
Really bad research ! I was a reader in the past but now I don't think I can trust the published content ! Is this a hunters newspaper ?
George Zammit
For pete's sake can't you lot even get the simplest of facts right? ALL birds of prey are strictly protected ALL YEAR ROUND. How easy is that? I mean, it's not as though this newspaper blushes to report each and every illegal hunting incident, now is it? On the contrary Maltatoday seems to delight in churning out as many press releases, statements, CABS and Birdlife drivel as possible. You ought to know this. This was either deliberate (unacceptable) or not deliberate (equally unacceptable). The media should not misinform or deceive, and reporters should get the facts right.
Birds of prey are never being hunted and therefore kindly arrange this sentence 'Birds of prey cannot be hunted in the two weeks between 15 September and 30 September after 3pm.' People say we Maltese kill everything and with comments like this you really want to give them some doubt that there is a type of open season for Birds of Prey