Ipokriti star actor Victor Grech dies aged 96
Actor Victor Grech has passed away aged 96 • Born in 1926, his stage debut happened in 1945 with the Star of the Sea company

Veteran actor Victor Grech, best known for his role as Sander in the 1990s telenovela Ipokriti, died at the age of 96.
Born on 8 September 1926, Grech had his stage debut in 1945 with the Star of the Sea company managed by Dun Ġorg Zammit.
He originally appeared in the first teleserial, Baħar Wieħed, in 1976, playing the role of ‘Ġiġi l-Maġistrat'.
Despite this being his first significant role on television, he had previously featured in Il-Madonna Żingara.

In all, he had 35 acting parts on television, amongst them Kristu Fl-Iżbarra, Hekk Jidhirlek Mela Hekk Hu, Pilatus u Dejjem Tiegħek.
He was also sought for radio plays which used to be broadcast live on Rediffusion from the Knightshall, today the Malta Conference Centre.
Victor was also involved in foreign films produced in Malta, the first of which was The Malta Story in 1952. Pulp, Vendetta for the Saint, The Maltese Falcon, and Remington Steele were later films or television programmes he also took part in.
At a young age, he received his education at Stella Maris College in Gżira.
During World War II, he held an office job with the Royal Air Force.
After the war, he remained with the RAF where he eventually held the position of Civilian Administrative Officer. Later on, Grech joined the Maltese civil service.
He married actor and presenter Mary Grech in 1961, and together they had two children, Josef u Christianne.