Bernard Grech quizzed by PN heavyweights over ‘weak leadership’
Nationalist party heavy weights tell Bernard Grech they need ‘sound and determined leadership’

A parliamentary group meeting of the Nationalist Party in Pietà saw party heavyweights and shadow ministers openly question Bernard Grech’s diminished presence as a leader.
The air inside the PN just a year off the 2024 European and local council elections is yet again that of resignation, as the party seems to be inactive on various fronts, save for the unity it has garnered on opposition to Labour’s amendments to the Criminal Code on Malta’s abortion ban.
On Tuesday last week, Bernard Grech’s request to his leading MPs and shadow ministers to present him with working plans for the issues they will be following up in 2023, was met with questions from the parliamentary group about his role in shaping the political agenda.
Voices such as those of Beppe Fenech Adami, the new heavyweight Joe Giglio, and newcomer Darren Carabott, asked Grech that it was not enough for them to have a plan of action. “He was told, ‘we need sound and determined leadership’,” one PN source told MaltaToday about the meeting.
“They asked what Grech was doing to make his leadership feel more present.”
Another MP confirmed the details of the parliamentary group meeting, saying MPs believe Grech has been under-performing more than usual, particularly when it comes to articulating PN vision. “Carabott and Giglio made it a point to address the issue,” the MP said. “The meeting was meant to discuss the plan of action for each of the PN’s new spokespersons and their portfolios. Grech asked whether all MPs could present him with a report on the deliverables of each sector.”
Two other MPs canvassed by this newspaper on the meeting said there was no talk about challenging Grech’s leadership. “The feeling certainly is not about revolt, but about sensitising Grech about his diminishing role in the political arena... even MPs know that there is no time for blood-letting inside the PN, but Grech is being told that unless he makes his presence felt, he must know when to make way for a new leader.”
Another MP ruled out the prospect of repeating the coup that took down Adrian Delia and installed Grech in a leadership election. “We can’t afford any division – but many MPs want to convince Grech he should make way for a serene leadership race.”
Aides that were by the side of Bernard Grech in a bid to bolster his leadership – Alessandro Farrugia, Ray Bezzina, Simon Vella Gregory, Jeremy Gingell and former election strategist Chris Peregin – have left the PN leader bereft of political minds to assist him in responding to a crisis. “When Fenech Adami was on Andrew Azzopardi on 103FM and the broadcaster brought up the issue that heavyweights Mario De Marco, Chris Said and Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici had been left without a portfolio... lo and behold, a reshuffle takes place and Grech responds by giving them a role.”
Former deputy leader Mario Marco is now responsible for tourism, Mifsud Bonnici is the spokesperson for constitutional reform and former Gozo heavyweight Chris Said was made responsible for social dialogue and quality of life.
“He is alone and, apparently, inspires no one to work for him,” one MP, a former supporter of Grech’s election, said. “He no longer commands that same respect he had upon election.”
At the same parliamentary meeting, it appears that former party leader Adrian Delia was involved in a minor discussion over comments made by MP Claudette Buttigieg, referring to a radio interview in which she declared having “no regrets” in opposing Delia’s continued party leadership in 2020. Buttigieg shared a conciliatory remark with Delia over her comments in a bid to avert any misunderstanding.