PN says Muscat offering poor economic advice

Party issues statement saying Opposition leader's vision of Cypriot economic model would be catastrophic.

The Nationalist Party has dubbed Opposition leader Joseph Muscat “a poor economic advisor” for keeping his economic policies under wraps as to how he intends creating jobs.

The PN said Muscat’s recent advice to emulate the Cypriot economic model would push the economy towards the “edge of disaster” and be catastrophic for thousands of workers, SMEs and their families.

The PN said Muscat had staunchly advocated Labour’s partnership model when it opposed EU membership, and that Malta now had one of the lowest rates of unemployment in Europe.

“He opposed Malta’s eurozone membership and again time proved him wrong when it is a well known fact that the euro has positively exposed Malta to a market of millions of consumers and businesses,” the PN said.

“Despite Muscat’s wrong economic advice, the country is managing well when considering that other European economies are in a mess with thousands of workers on the dole and other European governments trying to salvage their precarious situation through sever austerity measures.”

Is Joseph Muscat also responsible for the current national debt?
The PN must also understand that we have a national depth of over five billion euros thanks to their short sightedness and to their amateurish ways in how to run the country. It has now become typical of PN to try to deviate the heath from them to LP.
Luke Camilleri
Kieku il-PN jara hotobtu jaqa' u jmut zopptu! Kif jghid Gonzi - Min qieghed jithaq b'Min? . Ghal fejn il-PN qabel ma jmur jinheba jara x'halili Gvernijiet Ghaqlin Laburisti qabel ma hadu l_poter huma ...u x'sejrin ihallu warajhom....imbaghad jghidulna x'inhu SOUND ECONOMIC ADVICE - bhal ma jaghti Gonzi lillu u il-tieghu - €500 zieda fil gimgha!
Incredible! After loading us with the biggest mountain of debt in history; after having over-spent with one deficit after an other during the last 25 years; after leaving the self-employed the economic operators and the employees in dire straits:GonziPnhas not had enough of the mess he put us in?
Jon Sciberras
A liar calling the other a liar. Who do you believe Robin ?
Where is the news value? This is only a very pathetic opinion of the regime in government on the leader of its opponents, based only on assumptions.