Pro-life coalition demands consultation on abortion bill
Int Tista’ Ssalvani says it is still to hear back from the Prime Minister after their December request for an urgent meeting

The pro-life coalition Int Tista’ Ssalvani said it was being left out of the abortion bill consultation and that the government was only listening to the pro-choice lobby.
In a press release on Saturday, the coalition said that the government was actively ignoring it, 80 experts and over 25,000 petitioners that were against the bill.
It said that Health Minister Chris Fearne announced that the government will be holding meetings on the abortion bill with a “wide array” of stakeholders till next week or the following.
“The PM has also been quoted as saying that government will meet with everyone to understand the main concerns and fears presented by the amendment and to understand any concerns about how it can be abused,” the coalition wrote.
READ ALSO: Government meeting critics of abortion Bill
“The Coalition and the Group of 80 Experts urge the government to genuinely consult while sticking to its promises not to introduce abortion.”
It said that it is yet to receive a reply from the Prime Minister, following the letter they wrote to him last December, requesting an urgent meeting.
The Chairperson of the coalition, Miriam Sciberras said that the “everyone” the Prime Minister made reference to should also include them. “We, therefore, expect an invitation from Government to be consulted,” Sciberras said.
She said it was unfortunate that Fearne chose to portray the “genuine and rational” concerns of the pro-life Maltese as “hype and frenzy” simply because they don’t take him blindly at his word and recognise that the current proposal opens the door to abuse.
“The Coalition and the Group of experts are committed to present proposals that ensure the protection of mothers in life-threatening situations whilst ensuring that the lives of unborn babies are protected from the risk of termination for any unjustified reason covered by the term ‘health’, as this would simply be abortion on demand.”
The statement was endorsed by Former President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca & Edgar Preca, the Augustinian Youths, Azzjoni Kattolika, Caritas Malta, Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Catholic Voices Malta, Church Schools Association (CSA), Christian Life Community (CLC) Malta, Dar Merhba Bik, Eucharistic Youth Movement Malta, Fondazzjoni Sebħ, Forum tal-Ghaqdiet u Movimenti Kattolici tal-Lajci, Gozo Aid for the Visually Impaired, Gozo Association for the Deaf, Great Oak Malta Association, Kamra ta’ L-Ispizjara ta’ Malta, Knisja Evangelika Battista, Kummissjoni Gustizzja u Paci, Legion of Mary, Malta Catholic Youth Network, Malta House of Prayer, Malta Unborn Child Platform, Maltese Jesuit Community, MFOPD, Mission Fund, Moviment ta’ Cana, Muscular Dystrophy Group Malta, National Council for Women, National Parents Society of Persons with Disability (NPSPD), New Humanity Movement, Malta (Focolare Movement, Malta), Pietre Vive, Salesians of Don Bosco , Secretariat for Catholic Education, Segretarjat Assistenza Socjali (AKM), Socjeta M.U.S.E.U.M Nisa, Socjeta M.U.S.E.U.M Rġiel, Sovereign Order of Malta, St Jeanne Antide Foundation, The Evangelical Alliance of Malta, Trinity Evangelical Church, Youths for Christ, Żgħażagħ Azzjoni Kattolika (ŻAK).