Occupy Justice unveils toilet monument commemorating Vitals-Steward judgement
The monument in Castille Square shows a toilet with the words "The Real Deal" and "Special Offer: €300,000,000" strewn around it
#occupyjustice have unveiled a toilet monument to represent “the sole contribution to the people of Malta” of Vitals Global Healthcare and Steward Healthcare, after a court found that contracts awarded to the companies were fraudulent.
In a damning court judgement that annulled the contracts awarded to the two companies, Judge Francesco Depasquale noted how Steward Healthcare only submitted evidence of works in a single bathroom.
“[Our monument] is a representation of the only investment that was made out of all the upgrades that were committed to, appropriately ironic seeing that this government is intent on flushing Malta’s healthcare, and democracy for that matter, down the proverbial toilet.”
The monument, placed in Castille Square in Valletta, shows a toilet with the words “The Real Deal” and “Special Offer: €300,000,000” strewn around it.
It is placed on a brown box with the faces of former prime minister Joseph Muscat, former finance minister Edward Scicluna, Health Minister Chris Fearne and Prime Minister Robert Abela.
The pressure group said that the monument should also serve as a reminder of “the institutional response to the crimes committed by the same government during the last eight years, and counting, since this stinking and corrupt deal was first investigated and reported on by Daphne Caruana Galizia in March 2015”.