Fearne expresses regret hospitals concession remained in Konrad Mizzi’s hands
Health Minister calls concession agreement ‘a big challenge’, expresses satisfaction with court ruling

Chris Fearne called the Steward hospitals contract one of the “big challenges” he has had to face in the time he has been health minister.
During an urgent parliamentary debate on the concession agreement that was annulled by the court last Friday, Fearne expressed regret that the contractual aspect of the deal remained in Konrad Mizzi’s hands even when he was made health minister.
“Those who know me know that I have long been expressing concern on this agreement in private and I also testified as much in the court case that Adrian Delia instituted… It was a big challenge for me because even after I became health minister, the concession remained in the hands of someone else,” Fearne said.
The reference was to Konrad Mizzi, who remained responsible for the contractual arrangements between government and Steward after 2017 despite Fearne being health minister.
Mizzi was singled out by the judge who struck down the contract, especially for the side agreement signed in August 2019 by which the government obliged itself to pay Steward €100 million if the deal was terminated by the courts.
In his ruling, the judge said all side agreements formed an integral part of the original contract and so were struck down as well.
“I am happy that on Friday the institutions worked well,” Fearne said, praising Delia for the court victory.
He said government was prepared to move in and ensure the hospitals continue to function well once the court case is definitely closed.
In a jibe directed towards the Opposition, Fearne told them not to waste their time trying to drive a wedge between Labour MPs. “We are united in the good times, and united when we face challenges,” he said.