Inflation is bugbear, but Maltese rate highly their personal finances

A staggering 91% of the Maltese say their personal financial situation is 'good' according to a Eurobarometer survey that ranks the island’s respondents

A staggering 91% of the Maltese say their personal financial situation is “good” according to a Eurobarometer survey that ranks the island’s respondents, the Danes, Dutch and Luxembourgers as the most likely in Europe to express a positive judgement on their personal financial situation

The high rate is in severe contrast with the 69% EU average.

And while the Maltese who say their situation is “very good” declined from 38% to 31%, the “rather good” cohort climbed from 48% to 60%, while those who say it is “bad” or “rather bad” fell from 13% to just 9%. This suggests a slight dampening in spirits as respondents are more likely to consider their financial situation as “rather good” instead of “very good”.

The same assessment is made of the state of the Maltese economy: the very-goods fell from 37% to 28%, while the rather-goods increased from 42% to 47%.

Overall, the Maltese (75%) are the third most likely in Europe after Luxembourgers (86%) and Danes (79%) to consider the state of their national economy positively.

In the meantime, at 63% trust in the national government in Malta has remained the same as it was in June, the second highest in the EU after Luxembourg (71%).

In the EU as a whole, only 32% said they trust their nationality’s government.

Moreover, two-thirds of the Maltese consider inflation and rising prices as one of their two greatest personal concerns, an increase of 11 points over June 2022.