Malta joins EU states in suing Hungary over LGBTIQ+ law
Malta will be joining the European Commission's case against Hungary over a law prohibiting LGBTIQ+ content from being show to children at school

Malta has announced its decision to intervene in the case opened by the European Commission over a Hungarian law which discriminates against queer people.
The case is currently before the Court of Justice of the European Union, and Malta will be joining other member states of the European Union in supporting the European Commission's position.
The law introduced in Hungary prohibits LGBTIQ+ content, including sex education and media content, from being shown to children at school. It is part of a broader ‘anti-pedophilia’ act, which aimed at imposing harsher penalties against child abuse.
The European Commission argued that the provisions of this law violate various fundamental human rights, including human dignity, freedom of expression and information, and the right to respect for private life.
According to the Parliamentary Secretary for Equality, Malta decided to join the case in light of Malta's IDAHOT declaration in 2021, which reiterated its support for legal steps taken by European institutions in their commitment to protect human rights.
"Malta has some of the most progressive and inclusive laws and policies, which protect the rights of LGBTIQ+ individuals and serve as an example and inspiration for other countries to follow, so that no one is left behind. This progress will be celebrated in September as Malta hosts Europride, providing an opportunity to reiterate our commitment to achieving greater equality," said Parliamentary Secretary Rebecca Buttigieg.