Duo fined €150 for starting a bonfire in Park tal-Majjistral
Revealing the details on Facebook, Heritage Parks Federation Ranger Unit said two individuals were caught lighting a bonfire at the Park near very dry vegetation

Two persons have been fined €150 for starting a fire in Park tal-Majjistral.
“Building a fire pit and starting a fire in an area with dry esparto grass within Park tal-Majjistral has consequences,” Heritage Parks Federation Ranger Unit said on Facebook.
Majjistral Park Site Regulations are displayed at every entrance to the Park. Open fire is strictly prohibited in the whole area.
Revealing details into the incident, the Unit explained how it spotted the duo lighting a bonfire at the Park near very dry vegetation.
“Wind was picking up and it could have ended badly.”
The Unit reported the incident to Police and cautioned both to leave the site spotless by cleaning also the fire pit.
"A fire spreads in seconds, and it spreads even faster on slopes with dry vegetation." Even if you tried, you wouldn't have time to take it out."