Cabinet to meet and officially recognise TNC as Libya's interim government

UPDATE 4 | Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi returned to Malta last night, cutting short a private holiday in Prague to convene a Cabinet meeting this morning and formally recognise the Transitional Council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people.

Maltese prime minister Lawrence Gonzi on Libyan rebels" triumph in Tripoli (mp3)

Additional reporting by Nestor Laiviera.

Gonzi, who yesterday was on the phone with the TNC leader Mahmoud Jibril, expressed Malta’s full support towards the Libyan people’s quest for democracy, and lauded the Libyan people’s fight for freedom.

Jibril – who expressed his wish to visit Malta – has thanked the Maltese people for all their support.

Gonzi also added that Malta’s Government Contingency Centre (GCC) has been in operation since Monday morning, to ensure that Malta “can react swiftly to ongoing developments as they happen.”

Gonzi said that the Cabinet meeting with analyse the situation and safeguard the interests of Maltese workers and Maltese investments in Libya.

He said ministers will also look towards building an economic, cultural, and political relationship with the Libyan people and its new government.

"In the developments that unfolded in the past 24 hours, the Libyan people voiced their desire for a change in administration and wanted to shift towards democracy.

“In the scenes we have seen early this morning and over the rest of the day, we saw a Libyan people happy to have had the chance to taste the values of freedom, of freedom of expression, and fundamental rights,” he said.

This has been the position that the Maltese government took from the start, Gonzi said.

“We condemned the violence taking place against the Libyan people by Gaddafi. Soon after, we said that Gaddafi’s regime had lost its legitimacy as a Libyan government due to that violence.”

Gonzi said that soon after that, the Maltese government had also said that it were not ready to keep discussing with Gaddafi and recognised the transitional council as a Libyan people’s sole interlocutor.

He said that when speaking to Jibril earlier on Monday, he welcomed the developments in the Libyan capital, and augured that the council is able to conclude the issue as soon as possible in Tripoli and the rest of Libya “so as to bring an end to the violence and ensure economic stability.”

This, he said, is not only in the interest of the Libyan people, but also of “phenomenal” interest to the Maltese people and country.

He said that he once again extended a hand of cooperation to Jibril “in anything we can provide so that the change can be speeded up and carried out as calmly as possible.

A senior government spokesman said that a task-force operating from Castille is working relentlessly to ensure the safety of a number of Maltese nationals who remain in Tripoli, while also coordinating any requests for assistance of other EU nationals in the Libyan capital.

Last June, Prime Minister Gonzi had informed Jibril that the Maltese government considered the Transitional National Council as the sole legitimate interlocutor of the Libyan people.

Last March, Libya’s rebel council had made formal contact with the Maltese government through a note verbale sent via a representative within the Arab League, committing itself to “honour and respect all international and regional agreements signed by the former Libyan government.”

The first comment the western contries made was that they hoped that the rebel forces would not to indulge in a frenzy of retribution. Only time will tell and God willing this never happens, but knowing the arab mentality of eye for an eye it would be a difficult. By all means let those who committed attrocities be charged, judged and punished accordingly in a fair way like western democracies do, after all this was the rebells' aim , wasn't it. The best thing that happened is, now all those Libyans who fled to Malta can go back to their beloved home and help in the rebuilding their country.
Naqbel ma matrix u rrid inzid li min kellu jsir sinjur sar u issa mal-bidla l-ewwel ma jibdew jimlew il-but id-dittaturi godda u ta madwarhom. Akbar ma hu l-kejk ikbar il-glied. Aktar ma hemm zejt aktar nahla idur ghal ghasel!!
Naqbel ma matrix u rrid inzid li min kellu jsisr sinjur sar u issa mal-bidla l-ewwel ma jibdewjimlew il-but id-dittaturi godda u ta madAkbar ma hu l-kejk ikbar il-glied.
Now the Libyan people can sigh with relief seeing that gonzi have spoken. What a comedian.
Zack Depasquale
Wara dak li rajna dal-ghodu, fejn deher iben il-Mexxej Libjan Gaddafi jigi intervistat min gurnalist tal-BBC, jidher li kif jghidu l-Inglizi, dan il-kunsill gdid irid jittiehed with a pinch of salt u min jaf kemm hawn nies li jixtiequ li dak il-hafna kliem li qalu l-bierah ma qalluhx. Jidher li Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici kif ukoll John Dalli kellhom ragun, Imma la Karmenu halli nattakawh. Jien wisq nibza li gewwa il-Libya ser jitnehha dittatur biex jilhaq iehor. Irid infakkar li hafna min-nies li jiffurmaw dan il-kunsill gdid tat-tmexxija fil-Libya kienu jiffurmaw parti ghal zmien twil mir-regim ta'Gaddafi. B'dan kollu ma rridx xihadd jahseb li jien qbilt jew naqbel mat-tmexxija ta'Gaddafi li ghal snin shah zamm id-dinja taht theddid kontinwu anzi nahseb id-dinja hadet pacenzja izzejjed b'dan id-dittatur u kulhadd, il-pajjizi kollha minghajr distinzjoni aggevola il-dan id-dittatur minhabba kummerc. Nispera li dak li qieghed jiggieled ghalih il-poplu komuni Libjan jitgawda mill-istess poplu Libjan kollu.Fejn dan il-poplu jibda jgawdi mill-gid kollu tal-pajjiz kif ukoll li jaghzel min imexxih ghaz-zmien li gej.
@John Bonello The article is about Lawrence Gonzi and not KMB, I am in no way saying that what KMB said makes any sense, on the contrary it does not. But neither does this move from our prime minister make any sense either. What we did back in February was our obligation and nothing more, we and any other country around the world are obliged to help all those in distress. Our prime minister has the habit of thinking that he and Malta are indispensable for the Mediterranean, the fact is that we aren't.
I love it when maltese get carried away unlike their gozitan brothers and sisters. They - maltese think that they were instrumental in the war in libya. The fact is that Malta had zero, like DR Zero (KMB ) influence on the conflinct in Libya. What Malta ended up doing is loose a lot of business and it will take a long time before that investment is receovered. WEll, it's like they say, you live by the sword and you die by the sword. Only in those times, when I see conflict on the border that I like to form part of the EU. Malta without our EU partners can be in danger. Let us not get caught in the Liyban conflict. Gaddafi was bad and let's hope that whoever is now in power will let democracy rule. Although I too with a lot of other people don't believe that democracy will reigh. Also, I find it pathetic that Liybans in Malta alllow their little maltese-liyban children to be used at such a young age to particpate in such nonsense as hosting a flag. What don't the big boys do it. And I also hoipe that the Lliybans realize that they are here are as guest.
Is-soltu kommenti banali minn dawk li jhalltu l-hass mal-bass jew kif kien jghid Mintoff ma jafux fejn hu halqhom u fejn hu sormhom
You are all so focused on demonsing Lawrence Gonzi that you omitted what KMB ( the PL member for life, ex primemister and ex leader of the PL) said this morning ...KMB: Gaddafi has no choice but to fight till the end PL dissociates itself from former leader's comments....maybe he will be one of the chosen lawyers to defend him if he is caught:!!
Daqt jghidilna illi kien strumentali hu biex jaqa ghaddafi...Gonz erga mur Prague ghal holiday...isma minni.
Tejatrini. Propaganda ghal elezzjoni u xejn aktar. Mela nesa meta kien bilqeda fuq tron hdejn Gaddafi?