[WATCH] Malta formally recognises Libyan transitional council

Maltese government formally recognises the Benghazi-based transitional council as the legitimate government of the Libyan people.

The announcement comes as 32 other countries have already recognised the council as the country's legitimate government. In July, the UK followed similar moves by France and the US in recognising the council as the country's "sole governmental authority."

Up to now, Malta had merely recognized it as the sole legitimate negotiator of the future of Libya, had not granted the council full diplomatic recognition, despite pressure to do so.

Speaking at the end of an extraordinary cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that the Maltese government and people are to stand by the people of Libya in their quest for freedom and democracy.

He also expressed hopes of a quick peaceful solution to the ongoing turmoil in the North African country.

“Malta will continue to play its role as a hub for humanitarian aid into Libya while also committing itself towards assisting the international community in evacuating expats from the troubled areas,” Gonzi said.

During the press conference, the Prime Minister also said that the Maltese government is currently working closely with the EU, as there is a high probability that large numbers of expats will have to be evacuated from Tripoli in the coming days.

Is it true that our PM just came to Malta to make this announcement? Is it true that he will resume with his 'interrupted' holiday back in Prague now? Was this announcement such a big deal that it could not be maid by his deputy or at least wait for his return from the holidays? Just asking! Because if it is true that he went back with to his holidays, many, many other questions come to mind. For example, who is forking out the mundane expenses that all this first class traveling incurs? Is the PM considered as indispensable? Is his deputy not fit to step in and resume with the running of the country in 'El Capo's' absence? What are the political implications for Malta and us Maltese of such an announcement? The NTC has been recognised as Libya's legitimate government by 32 other countries before us. We did not exactly invent the wheel here, did we? This government is lacking a lot of basic political tactics when it come to good governance. But surely it does not lack from deceitful PR and cheap propoganda tactics.
Meta ha isir Cabinet Meeting biex ma tibqax issir diskriminazzjoni kontra dawk li ma jaqblux maghkom ? Jew jekk tkun Nażżjonalist biss ghandek id-drittijiet kollha tajbin jew hzina? Ir-rispett lejn il-Minoranza mhux fuq id-divorzju biss imma dejjem u fuq kollox