Arnold Cassola loses 11 broadcasting appeals against One, Net
The Broadcasting Authority has decided against Arnold Cassola in 11 appeals made by the independent election candidate against One, Net for failing to report on his statements

Independent election candidate Arnold Cassola has lost 11 appeals submitted to the Broadcasting Authority (BA) after party media stations failed to report on his press statements.
Cassola’s appeals were filed against ONE News and MediaLink for failing to report on several press statements issued throughout March.
In its decisions, the BA repeatedly ruled that newsrooms have a right to exercise editorial discretion over what is reported and what is omitted after evaluating the news value of a press statement.
The authority also pointed out that Cassola is not considered an election candidate in the eyes of the law because there is no election being carried out.
This suggests that candidates are only entitled to airtime during an election period, specifically after an election writ is submitted to the President.
Reacting to the decisions, Cassola accused the BA of killing minority political voices. “Indeed, this decision is only valid for third voices in the country, but not for PN and PL candidates, who can continue being publicised on the media any day of the year.”
“While people like me and other third voices have only 33 days every five years to be heard, the Broadcasting Authority is allowing PN and PL candidates, like Peter Agius, Clint Flores, Steve Ellul and others to be reported day in day out on the media. For the 'special ones' from PN and PL the 33 days in five years rule does not count.”