Moviment Graffitti critical of ‘long overdue’ construction industry regulations
Moviment Graffitti has voiced several concerns about Malta's proposed Construction Industry Licensing Regulations in its public consultation submission with the BCA

Malta's proposed Construction Industry Licensing Regulations have been criticised by activist group Moviment Graffitti, who argue that the regulations fall short of their stated aims.
The group made the statement in a public consultation with the Building & Construction Authority, where they called for the regulations to be revised to ensure a safer and more regulated industry.
“The licensing of contractors is long overdue. Only a few months ago, Jean Paul Sofia, like Miriam Pace three years ago, was killed in a construction incident,” a spokesperson for Moviment Graffitti said. “These deaths were preventable had there been serious regulation of the construction industry.”
In their submission, Moviment Graffitti highlighted the need for clarity and transparency in the way breaches of the Regulations and license conditions would be handled by the BCA.
The group also pointed out the lack of transparency and the right to be informed, which they say are crucially missing from the Regulations.
It also criticized the government's handling of the licensing committee, which is to be appointed by the Minister, with wide eligibility criteria and perpetual terms of re-appointment.
Moviment Graffitti emphasised the importance of revising the Regulations prior to their coming into force and called for the immediate publication of National Building and Construction Codes, as well as the tangible enforcement of existing laws to eliminate the unsafe and illegal practices in the industry.
“The Regulations presented, not only come tragically late, but are also far too timid in their approach,” the spokesperson said. “Our communities deserve better.”