Minister hails ‘important shift’ in Libyan relations for oil exploration

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech has welcomed an “important shift” in relations between Malta and the national transitional council of Libya, over plans to launch joint oil exploration efforts between the two sides.

Fenech also revealed that Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi had “never gave any sign of wanting to consider” any joint exploration in the zones in the Mediterranean Sea disputed by the two countries.

He was taking on RTK radio 103FM.

In February 2011, exactly a week before uprisings in Benghazi led to a civil conflict in Libya, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi had met Gaddafi over talks for technical delegations to resolve issues between the two sides relating to oil exploration on the continental shelf.

In March 2008, Libya issued a formal letter warning Heritage Oil Company Ltd – which had been contracted by Malta three months earlier to undertake oil exploration in the region – to desist from any activity in an area that the Great Libyan Arab Socialist Jamahiriya considered part of its territory.

Malta also claims part of the same continental shelf as its own – in particular, an 8,000 square metre stretch designated as ‘Area 7’ – but the Foreign Ministry stopped short of formally protesting when the Libyan government issued a concession to Sirte Oil Company Ltd to carry out oil exploration in the area.

A concession map published by Libya’s National Oil Corporation in 2007 clearly indicates that the area ceded to Sirte Oil Co. under this agreement covers the same territory for which Malta had granted a concession to Heritage Oil.

The Resources Ministry has issued an international call for applications for oil exploration licences in areas south and west of Malta. The government is offering exploration licences and exploration and production licences in Area 1, Area 4, Area 5 and Area 6. The offer closes in December.

Mediterranean Oil & Gas and Heritage Oil currently holds an oil exploration licences in Maltese waters.

daniel...I'm sorry to disappoint you but PN will win again. And this is not surprising at all. It is an undeniable fact that Malta always made giant strides when PN was at the helm. One has only to compare Malta in 1987 with Malta today. One would be forgiven for not recognising that Malta today is the same country of 1987. The way PN administers the country - in a relaxed manner - is the main reason for the creation of the congenial political, economic and social climate that is vital for progress. On the other hand, Labour administration have always been heavy handed: indeed in the 1970s and 80s Labour governed with an iron fist. We all know the result - stagnation of the economy, high unemployment,lack of essential services, chaos, fear, uncertainty due to freezing of wages, reduction in salaries, people working on 4 day week, pioneer corps with people working under military discipline and paid a minimum wage etc etc. Although there was a great improvement in the way of governance during the Sant administration, as Labour's violent elements had been eradicated., the economy still ground to a halt, unemployment went up, uncertainty was all pervasive Labour has not learnt its lesson; the dinosaurs that had been marginalised by Sant have returned to the fold and are leading the pack. The visit to Gaddafi by JM was most likely not his own idea. The young recruits are unfortunately a pathetic lot. So much so that even the drawing up of the party's manifesto has been entrusted to one of the old boys. Changes in name, motif, a metamorphosis from party to movement and bla bla about being liberal, progressive, inclusive, encompassing gays, lesbians, heteros, religious denominations are only a veneer. Fact remains that the party is still harbouring several erstwhile members of Mintoff's cabinet - who Alfred Sant had got rid off. This speaks volumes.
Briffy this government does not need to dig his own grave, it has been dug already and the tomb stone has this inscription, gonzi the statesman who never was.
Oh comeon, Gaddafi surely have 'kwalitajiet tajbin u inqas tajbin' like anybody else.
With all due respect Mr Vella but I doubt that it was the PL who called the Libyans "tal habbaziz" am I right? . The truth is that we had a bossy and powerful neighbor who for decades had bullied the Mediterranean countries with an iron fist. No one could do anything against him except the proud Libyan people. We've seen politicians kissing his hand and others kneeling at his feet few days before the Arabian Spring started. One mustn't forget that even the politicians inside the NTC used to be Gaddafi's lapdogs.
daniel.... zgur ma tigix minn dak li qaghad mal-ljun fil-gagga. Inti Rabti? Ma tafx li kull bniedem irid jipporga kif ukoll jiekol? Imma l-entratura u l-exit huma differenti?
You pn lackeys can ignore it but you can't hide it, gonzi was the last head of state to lick Gaddafi's ass.
David Lexicon...It was 1978 not 1983. Secondly it's not surpprising that the Gonzi government will cash n on the current events in Libya; the government would not only be a bloody fool if it didn't but highly irresponsible and worthless. Then it would only be digging its own grave.
Do GonziPN will be elected on the next General Election on the premise on finding oil? I hope not. They will give it a shot. @Antoine Vella: Your argument is flawed - in 1983 Gaddafi sent his navy to kick our asses for interfering with his oil explorations. Gaddafi was a friend and foe at the same time. GonziPN will do anything to take advantage on any international and national situations to benefit their agenda. I think the Maltese electorate has learned their lesson that with GonziPN in Government, Malta is doomed and 'burning'.
@ John Bonello....Kif tista' timmagina li dawn il-karattri jiehdu pjacir bl-avvenimenti li ghaddejjin bhal issa? Dawn tahseb li jinterreshom il-gid tal-pajjiz? Dawn jiehdu pjacir biss meta l-qghad jitla, meta l-public transport service jiltaqa' ma' xi diffikulta', meta Malta tmur hazin, meta n-nies tgemgem. Dawn haga wahda tinterreshom - li jkunu fil-gvern huma. Imma ser jerga' jarralhom, ghax il- Maltin qatt ma raw daqshekk gid, u l-qerda ta' sehibhom Gaddafi ser ggib aktar gid ghal Maltin, aktar opportunitajiet, aktar xoghol aktar business mal-Libja l-gdida. L-antik jistghu jinsewh, l-investimenti tal-Maltin fil-Libja li saru mal-henchmen ta' Gaddafi jistghu jedhulu bye bye. Jekk jinstab iz-zejt u x'aktarx li jinstab, Malta taqta' l-frott bejn hamsa u ghaxar snin ohra. Il-frott immedjat hu l-opportunitajiet enormi ta' xoghol u joint ventures mal-Libja l-gdida. Xoghol fil-kostruzzjoni, tibjid, mastrudaxxi, aluminium works, electricians u plumbers, xoghol fl-industrija taz-zejt, bejgh ta' medicini, xoghol fil-catering meta jibdew jiifthu r-restaurants u t-turisti jergghu jibdew mmorru Tripli. L-ekonomija Maltija li mistennija tikber b'2.7% dis-sena u 2.2% is-sena d-diehla ghandha tiehu spinta u jekk nahdmu bil-ghaqal kif dejjem ghamlu l-Maltin u nuzufruwixxu l-opportunitajiet hemm chance li l-unemployment f'Malta li diga' qieghed baxx hafna jispicca fix-xejn. Dal-gid kollu jhalli toghma hazina fil-hluq ta' dawk it-talin li kienu qed jistennew li Gaddafi jibqa' fil-poter. Wiehed ma jridx jinsa' kif Malta kienet qabel l-1987 u kif kollox u kulhadd ha r-ruh wara l-waqa tas-socjalismu. Illum l-anqas taghrafha 'l Malta ta dawk iz-zmenijiet.Il-passi li ghamlet Malta wara l-waqa' tas-socjalismu huma giganteski, u dan kompla jizdied wara li Malta dahlet fl-EU li s-socjalisti dejjem kienu kontra, li KMB kien jghid li s-siciljani ser jiehdu x-xoghol tal-Maltin u ser iggubilna l-AIDS u salt banalitajiet ohra. Il-Maltin li jixtiequ l-gid lil pajjizhom fl-imkien mad-dinja civilizzata ferhu mal-waqa' tat- tirann ta' Tripli.
Would this "important shift" have been possible if we had a Labour government? . The new people who are running the show in Libya are well aware of the MLP ties with the hated Gaddafi and I doubt they would be well-inclined towards Malta if we were to elect a Labour government, especially with the present trend within the PL of glorifying Mintoff, Gaddafi's notorious sidekick.
Tonio Fenech the only promising event i can't wait to participate in, is seeing the back of you on the opposition bench.Better still if you retire so we don't have to look at your stupid smile any more.
Dak inkwiet ghax bhal issa ser issiru prayer meetings sabiex forsi gaddafi jerga jkun fil-poter. il-pl ghandu ghaliex jinkwieta ghal hafna fatturi fosthom problema ta' cash minghand l-isponsor. Hudu pacenzja ftit issa zmien li il-pn jgawdi mil-Libja.
Insew kemm ferhu ir-Regime Nazzjonalisti meta qalu li ma hemmx Zejt? J'Alla ihenn ghalina u insibu iz-zejt ghaliex il-progress u id-dinjita li tlifna f'dawn l-ahhar 25 sena taht ir-Regime Nazzjonalista bid-Dittaturi Fenech Adami u Gonzi.
Kif qatt ma tiehdu pjacir bil-gid li dan il pajjiz jista jkollu. Dawk kolla li qed jghidu li qed jisemma iz-zejt ghax waslet l-elezjoni infakkarkhom li ir-rivoluzjoni ma nahsibx li bdija Gonzi apposta sabiex tkun vicin l-elezzjoni u il-kummenti fuq iz-zejt mhux il-Maltin bdewhom imma il-mexxeja tal-NTC. GHal gid ta Malta ghidu li pass fid-direzzjoni t-tajba u jekk jirnexi kulhadd il-poplu kollhu se jgawdi. U kif ghadna ma rajniex xi artiklu fuq li Gonzi gie mistieden sabiex jippartecipa fil-laqgha tal-mexxeja il-gimgha d-diehla gewwa Franza???...dan mhux ukoll pass importanti ghal Malta min xi news items ohrajn li qed jidhru?
Briffy is in grave danger of becoming a laughing joke as much as the infamous Joe Zammit,who preached"the victory is ours' for endless months in the that other newspaper during the divorce issue.He has been eating lemons in oblivion ever since.You will suffer the same fate soon,if you don't watch it Briffy. As for Libya be happy that Gaddaffi who did nothing but help Malta throughout many years in more ways than one has been stabbed in the back,not least by the Maltese,when all they had to do is stay quiet and keep to the Constitution,which solemly declares neutrality. The 'Nurse of the Mediterranean' has turned out to be a whore in the pursuit of lucre from oil rich Libya,which this war is all about anyway.
Briffy is in grave danger of becoming a laughing joke as much as the infamous Joe Zammit,who preached"the victory is ours' for endless months in the that other newspaper during the divorce issue.He has been eating lemons in oblivion ever since.You will suffer the same fate soon,if you don't watch it Briffy. As for Libya be happy that Gaddaffi who did nothing but help Malta throughout many years in more ways than one has been stabbed in the back,not least by the Maltese,when all they had to do is stay quiet and keep to the Constitution,which solemly declares neutrality. The 'Nurse of the Mediterranean' has turned out to be a whore in the pursuit of lucre from oil rich Libya,which this war is all about anyway.
@ briffy@maltanet Are you the Public Relations Officer of the Prime Minister? Looks like an election is in the air, and you are starting to deceive the people with the usual bullshit! But this time it could be a different surprise, let's just wait a little bit more and see.
50-60 years and Malta still does not have oil. Is there oil. If so, why hasn't it been brought up. This is old now.
Apart from oil exploration, the benefits of which, if oil is struck, will not be reaped before another decade; the immediate benefit to Malta is the participation of the Maltese in the rebuilding of Libya. Construction works and theirancillary works; painting and pointing, plastering, tile laying, aluminium works. woodworking and carpentery works, plumbing and electricy installations etc All these trades can be tackled by the Maltese. Then there are other fields; education, health, policing and maintenance of law and order. Works on rigs off-shore and in the desert in the oil industry. The opportunities for the Maltese who want to make money are endless, The Libyans have a soft spot for the Maltese. The NTC have already said that all those who helped them in any way to get rid of the tyrant will be awarded substantial contracts. Equally, entrepreneurs interested in investing in tourist projects, building of hospitals, clinics, road works, engineering works. Libya is a very rich country and the Libyans are used to foreigners working in their midst. There are very few skilled workers and there is a dearth of trained staff in diverse trades. So foreigners would have to fill in the gap until such time as the Libyan train their own people. They also need pilots and cabin crew.. The opportunities for the Maltese are endless. The post -Gaddafi era should result in a shot in the arm of Malta's economy. the economy is doing well and a growth forecast of 2.7% is projected for the current year and 2.2% for 2012.. Unemployment here is very low; in fact there are only 6 500 job seekers If the Maltese cash in on the immediate situation in Libya, Malta's economy should grow by more like 6% this year and the coming year. And we could also see unemployment being completely wiped out.
Alex Grech
one question for those who are enthusiastic about joint exploration... WOULD YOU SHARE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY YOURS?!
Jekk insibu z-zejt ikun jaqblilna li jkollna gvern tal-Labour, ghax dan zgur li jgib lil Malta u l-Maltin kundizzjonijet ferm ahjar minn Gonzistan.
Luke Camilleri
Niftakar il-Kummiedji ta' Eddie u ta' Giovanna fin 1996 meta kienu jghidu illi Zejt ma hemmx qabel l'elezjoni ...imbghad kief rebah l-elezzjoni immur u jkompli jhaffer f'xi Bir tal-Madonna ta' Pinu u waqt it-thaffir il-Beata Maghmula Giovanna tohrog tghid li kien mertu tan-Nazjonalisti jekk jinstab iz-zejt! Imma ghal maghmul ma hemmx kunsill...gha il-Bir bhal wicchom spicca BLA ZEJT!
The next pie in the sky could win them another 5 years of raping this country. Who cares if THEY find oil - its all for THEIR sons and THEIR future - i have seen enough to know this. In the meantime, if they could not do business with a crazy isolated person as Ghaddafi - the chances will be even less with a democratic government. If you think Libya would not take back what is theirs once their problems are over - then you must be leaving in LALA land. In the meantime, let us take massive risks for the prospect of some criminals in government to get richer.
Hawn Malta it-tfitxija ghaz-zejt u d-data ta l-elezzjoni jimxu id f'id.
Risqa l-elezzjoni! Rega tfacca t-tiftix ghaz-zejt.